The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Illini West Board Meeting

The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Education of Illini West HSD #307 was held on Wednesday, July 28, 2010.

In personnel matters, the resignation of Ann Logan as National Honor Society Sponsor was accepted.

Denise Harrell was employed as a para-professional for the 2010-2011 school year. The following additional extra-curricular personnel were approved for the 2010-2011 school year (a number of extra-curricular personnel were approved at the April 14, 2010 meeting):

Rusty Willey - Football - Volunteer

Jerry Butcher - Football - Volunteer

Ashton Gronewold - Football - Volunteer

Tom Unruh - Football - Volunteer

John Unruh - Football - Volunteer

Joey Dion - Football - Volunteer

Bill Rasmussen - Boys Basketball - Volunteer

Andy Gronewold - Boys Basketball - Volunteer

Sci Hickenbottom - Girls Basketball - Volunteer

Dick Keene - Girls Basketball - Volunteer

Jerry Logan - Girls Basketball - Volunteer

Todd Porter - Baseball - Head Coach

Zak Huston - Baseball - Assistant Coach

Tyler Walker - Baseball - Assistant Coach

John Hughs - Baseball - Volunteer

Wyatt Young - Baseball - Volunteer

Jeri Schuster - Softball - Head Coach

Bob Hasten - Softball - Assistant Coach

Andy Gronewold - Softball - Assistant Coach

John Artman - Boys Track - Head Coach

Don Winters - Boys Track - Assistant Coach

Jerry Butcher - Girls Track - Head Coach

Kayla Bisby - Girls Track - Assistant Coach

Todd Courtois - Golf - Volunteer

Scott McGaughey - Golf - Volunteer

Keith Hartweg - Scholastic Clay Target - Volunteer

Dale Schamberger - Bass Fishing Team - Volunteer

Harold Northup - Bass Fishing Team - Volunteer

Darrin Olin - Bass Fishing Team - Volunteer

Dillon Darbyshire - Wrestling - Head Coach

Johnathon Minnis - Wrestling - Assistant Coach

John Wilde - Wrestling - Volunteer

Shari Shupe - Class of 2013 Sponsor

Theresa Twaddle - Student Council Sponsor

M. J. Palmer - Student Council Sponsor

Theresa Twaddle - National Honor Society Sponsor

Andrea Weirather - Dance - Volunteer

The Budget Hearing for the FY2011 Budget was set for September 22, 2010 at 7:00 p.m.

A number of used student desks were approved as surplus property.