The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
The Biggsville Village Board met in regular session with Brian Sterett, Village President presiding and the following present: Trustees -Jennifer Hopkins, Renee Sprock, Bob Onion, Gloria Minard; Clerk Cindy Rhinehart; Treasurer Gloria Jones; Visitor Larry Fry. Trustee Brian Cochran was absent.
At 7:00 p.m., Brian Sterett, Village President opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance. Clerk, Cindy Rhinehart, took roll. Trustees approved the February minutes, bills and Gloria Jones' Treasurer report to the following:
Jeff Lant, Gloria Jones, Cindy Rhinehart, Brian Sterett, Nancy Sterett, Gibb's Station, AmerenIP, Cessford Construction, Test, and Susie Goff
Old Business
Larry Fry reported that REC Recycling is now Larry's Recycling and he will pick up once a month for $150 per month, but will pick up more often if needed.
Renee Sprock made a motion for Larry's Recycling owned and operated by Larry Fry to pick up the recycling for the Village at a cost of $150 per month with the stipulations that Mr. Fry show the village a valid license for Garbage/Recycling pickup for Henderson County and proof of insurance. Gloria Minard seconded the motion and all present approved the motion.
A facelift was discussed for the Community Building. It was discussed to paint the walls, scrub and wax the floor and possibly put up some type of dividers in the corner to be able to protect and conceal items such as extra tables, chairs and items that are owned by the American Legion.
Larry Fry volunteered to help with the cleaning and waxing of the floors if the village would pay for the supplies such as comet, mops, dish soap, pads for the scrubber and the rental of the scrubber and get more volunteers to help mop.
Larry informed the board that a floor scrubber could be rented for $33 per day.
New Business
Brian Sterett reported that the Highway 34 Coalition and JULIE were asking for donations or member contributions.
Gloria Jones will be retiring as the Village Treasurer as of April 30, 2010.
Parks & Recreation
No Report
No Report
Public Relations
No Report except the Christmas Lights needs to come down until the next Holiday Season.
No Report.
Sewer & Lagoon
No Report except the gate to the lagoon is supposed to be closed and locked at all times, this could be a liability issue for insurance.
No Report.
Chuck Cole is looking into building a new home in Worthy Acres Drive.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:08 PM to the March 2010 meeting.
Cindy Rhinehart,
Village Clerk