The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
The 90th Annual Meeting of the Raritan State Bancorp, Inc. was held at 12:30 p.m Saturday, March 13, 2010, at the St. Patrick Community Center at which time 168 stockholders and guests were served dinner by the members of the Raritan Baptist Church.
Following the dinner, Arthur F. Kane welcomed the stockholders and guests and introduced the employees from Raritan, Abingdon, and Bushnell in addition to the new stockholders of the bank.
Arthur F. Kane, President, presided over the meeting with Joe McCleary acting as secretary, Bill Allaman, Cheryl Hopwood, and Connie Torrance served as judges. Angela Pollock, CFO/Cashier, reported on the financial condition of the bank at close of business on December 31, 2009, and Arthur F. Kane reported on the earnings of the bank.
Robert B. Schlelch, CEO, welcomed the stockholders and thanked so many for attending.
He thanked the staff and Board of Directors for the teamwork and tenure that made the year run smoothly. He talked about the success of internet banking and the number of customers that are using this free service. Jan Van Arsdale, Chairman of the Board, thanked the stockholders for their loyalty.
Art Kane announced that this was the 14th year we have sponsored the CBAI essay contest and that local prize money has been awarded each year. Kane also stated that the bank will again be sponsoring the American Cancer Society Relay for Life event in Henderson, Knox, and Warren counties. Also discussed was the Bank's 90th Anniversary which will be celebrated this year.
The meeting ended with the drawing of door prizes, which included crystal pieces, travel mugs, and many floral centerpieces.
Art Kane, Bill Simonson, Mike Neff were relected to three year terms as directors. They serve wtih Jan Van Arsdale, Steve Wisslead, Joe Krupps and Mark Erickson.