The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
The La Harpe City Council reported that the City Wide Clean-up Day has been set for May 7th.
The Council met for their regular meeting April 12, 2010 at 7:10 pm. at the City Hall following a public hearing with Kevin Wiehaedt from WIRC.
All Aldermen were present: Todd Irish, Brian Lovell, Marcia Stiller, Michael Bennett, Vicki Burford, Darrell Kraft, Treasurer-Marcia Neff, City Clerk-Lucretia McPeak, and Mayor-Kenneth Brown.
Also present were: Eric Moe, Mark Noonan, Athena Brooks, Jon Hall, David Francy, Jim Ford, Jeanette Ford, Willo Shutwell, Daniel Carpenter, Roger Hughes, Justin Livingston, Tim Graves, Richard Rasmussen, Wayne Humphrey, Dan Gillett, and Doug Endres.
Motions were made and carried to approve the March minutes, and to approve and accept the treasurer's report, and to pay all bills.
Eric Moe was present to announce he has prepared a permit for water treatment plant sludge disposal. This is renewable every 5 years.
There is a problem with golf carts on the roads. The state and county officials will be issuing tickets at $75.00 to anyone driving a golf cart on city streets, unless an Ordinance is passed to allow golf carts to go to and from the golf course with golf clubs on the back of the carts. There are other provisions that have to be made, such as head lights, tail lights, slow moving vehicle signs, etc. The committee will meet Wednesday, April 14th, at 6:30 p.m. at city hall to discuss such an Ordinance.
Motion was made and carried to put a concrete drop box on a property on Burlington Avenue, also, to Have a sidewalk raised in front of a business on East Main, To have the water tower cleaned and inspected on the interior, and to pass a "Resolution of Support" # 2010-B.
Garbage contracts are up for renewal.
May 9th through the 14th, is National nursing home week.
The LaHarpe Davier Health Care Center will be having an Open House Saturday, April 17th, from 11:00 am - 2:00 pm.
Mark Noonan, with TIF, was present to explain/inform the council what TIF is, and how it operates.
June 26th , the Palmer family will be hosting the Memorial Bike Ride, and they requested the support from the city, fire, and police department.
There is a problem with people riding their bicycles on the sidewalks on Main street. It is a safety issue with pedestrians as well as bicycle riders. There are signs posted, but not being obeyed.
The next scheduled regular council meeting will be April 26, 2010, at 7:00 p.m. at City Hall.
Respectfully submitted, Lucretia McPeak, city clerk.