The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Registrar for Daniel McMillan Chapter, N.S.D.A.R.1920
Stronghurst Graphic, July 22, 2009
RED CROSS MEETING: B. G. Widney and wife, members of the county Red Cross chapter, attended a county Red Cross Meeting in Oquawka. James Gordon, county president, was in charge and Mr. Burgett of Chicago representing the State Red Cross headquarters presented the matter of holding a county nurses training class in the county. Many cities have these classes in co-operation with the Health Departments leading to the securing of a county nurse. After due consideration, it was decided to make application at once for such a class to be held eight weeks, 2 days each week being given to Stronghurst, Oquawka and Biggsville. Mrs. J. Y. Whiteman of Biggsville was appointed to attend to securing rooms and equipment needed for the work. Various reports of county groups were read. The state representative congratulated Henderson County as ranking among the best in Home Service work in the state. This work has to do with the ex-soldiers who need assistance.
1895 GRAPHIC: The Biggsville Courier, published by J. W. McKee, suspended publication as he has left for Villisca, Iowa to take a position at a hardware store. A young son blessed the home of Mr. and Mrs. Newt Hardin on July 14th.
The village of Little York was visited by a $20,000 fire on July 20th. M.T. Beardsley arrived in the village and after consulting with Dr. Harter, decided to make the new brick building he was erecting adjoining the Harter lots on the north, a two story structure. (Torn down now.) Levi C. McLain, a widower from Hancock County, advertised for a wife and found one, Mrs. Josephine Jackson of Washington, Ind. The lady and her two children were met by Mr. McLain at Stronghurst on July 23rd and the couple went to Oquawka and was duly wedded. They returned here to home which Mr. McLain had prepared for his bride and children.
HOME BUREAU COMING THIS WAY: Plans are being made to organize a Home Bureau in Henderson County during the next few months. Meetings will be held at Stronghurst, Biggsville and Oquawka in August to show the object and benefits of the plan, and it is expected the Farm Bureau drive will be put on at the same time. The cost of establishing such a program will be $3,000. $1,500 of this is paid by the state; the community in which it is formed to pay the same amount. Rules governing the management are similar to that of the Farm Bureau. Mrs. Ivabelle Stewart of Biggsville has been appointed by the state to take up the subject here. Mercer County has a flourishing organization.
AWARDED A CARNEGIE MEDAL: Miss Francis B. Holstien of Menden has been awarded a Carnegie medal for saving the life of Rev Benjamin Roper, who was bitten by a rattle snake in a Florida woods. Miss Holstien constructed a tourniquet from a piece of her petticoat, made an incision at the point of the wound and at once began to suck the poison and Dr. Rope's life was saved. Miss Holstien is very modest about her act and has only recently let it be known to her friends.
RECEPTION AT THE SWEDISH LUTHERAN CHURCH: A VERY PLEASANT OCCASION WAS THE RECEPTION TENDERED Rev. and Mrs. Nels M. Olson were welcomed at the church by members of the congregation. The pastor and his wife, having arrived in the afternoon, were given a complete surprise when upon being taken to the church found the entire congregation assembled to bid them welcome to their new home. Rev. and Mrs. Purn of Monmouth were present and Rev. Purn presided.
A short program of vocal selections and short talks made the couple heartily welcomed. Before closing his remarks, Rev. Purn presented the new pastor and his wife with the very substantial gift of $321( today that would be $3,421), a token from the congregation showing their well wishes and spirit of generosity which is characteristic of the good people in and about Stronghurst. Mrs. Olson was presented a beautiful bouquet of pink roses with fern. The Olsons expressed their thanks after which the congregation repaired to the basement where delicious refreshments were served by the young ladies of the church. The tables were beautifully decorated with bouquets of sweet peas.
Before the close of the festivities, Rev. Olson on behalf of the congregation gave a gift of $44 (today's worth-$469) to Rev. Purn in appreciation of her services as vice pastor of the local congregation during the vacancy, which was would be two years the coming September.
FAMILY REUNION-NEVIUS: Mrs. Esther L. Dumond of Far Hills, N.J. was hostess at the Hotel Custer in Galesburg to members of the Nevius family of Somerset County, N.J., who were early settlers of Raritan Township. The families of Simon Peter and John Nevius, Van Doren, Voorhees and S. V. A. Simonson were represented, some of whom had not met for many years. A four-course meal was served and pleasant reminiscences exchanged after which a theatre party was enjoyed by all. Those present were Mrs. Sarah J. Gilmore of Hennessey, Okla.; Mrs. Robt. Humphrey of Anson, Kan; Mrs. Katherine Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Steele of Abingdon; Simon Nevius of Galesburg; Mr. and Mrs. Jas. E. Amerman of Alpha, Ill.; Mrs. W.J. and Glen McElhinney and Mr. and Mrs. Asa Worthington of Stronghurst. The event also marked the 71st birthday of Mrs. Katherine Johnson.
CRASH ON HOPPER HILL: As Mr. and Mrs. B.L. Tucker were returning from Burlington, at the foot of the Hopper Hill, a car from the opposite direction driven by a representative of the Goodyear Tire Co. at a high rate of speed crowded the Tucker car into the bank at the right side of the road. The car crashed into the Tucker car with such force that it was badly wrecked and Mrs. Tucker was thrown against the bank is such a manner as to seriously injure her. Although no bones were broken, the bones of the right limb were badly bruised and other injuries sustained which are causing her considerable suffering.(Today, the Olena Road is used as a speedway. Beware! There are many blind hills!)
***OBITUARY***JAMES PEASLEY, RAIL MAN: "James Carr Peasley, former vice-president of the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad, one of the best known railroad men in the country, died July 12th at his home 20 East Goethe Street at the age of 80 years. Mr. Peasley resigned from the railroad service 18 years ago. He is said to have possessed one of the finest libraries in Chicago. He was born in Henderson County in 1840. He began his long railroad career in 1862 as station agent of the old Burlington and Missouri River Railroad at Ottumwa, Iowa. In 1881 he was made treasurer of the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad. He later filled the additional office of vice-president and then became treasurer. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Louise C. Peasley and two daughters, Mrs. Frederic A. Delano and Mrs. E. B. Burling"-Chicago Tribune
COMMUNITY CLUB NOTES: The Library Committee announced the arrival of 33 books from the Extension Library. Mrs. Decker is once more able to serve on Library Day. The Household Science Dept. has taken up the story hour with children of Friday evenings. Mrs. Harter acted as hostess to more than 50 children and assistant entertainers. Martha Davis and Ruth McMillan had charge of the music and Mrs. Ruby Crenshaw Bell gave a number of poems and stories adapted to the youth. The room was filled with bouquets which were given to Mrs. Bell in appreciation of her entertainment.
LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: The south Country Club met at the home of Mrs. Milton Lovitt. Rev. and Mrs. Olson are staying at the home of Wm. Hartquist until the parsonage is ready. Miss Nina Bell Rankin of Tarkio, Mo. is spending the summer with her cousin, Margaret McElhinney. Jas. Hicks has started building an addition to his residence.
Lloyd Chant return to Chicago and will assume the position of cashier for the Baldwin Piano Co. Wilfred Johnson, who has been cared for by his grandmother, Mrs. Katherine Johnson at the R. M. Steele home, has come to live with Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Johnson. After waiting several weeks the oil for the streets has come and is being spread upon the main thorough fares. Why wait for oil each year when a good paving will last for decades and make Stronghurst an ideal town?
Rev. Roland, who was pastor of the M. E. Church here 25 years ago and now professor in Abingdon College, addressed the congregation at the U.P. church Sabbath morning in the interests of the Anti-Saloon League. At the close of the service a liberal pledge was made to the work for which Rev. Roland expressed his hearty appreciation.
The Misses Esther Dauson of Idaho Falls, Ida.; Lenora Mates, Sublet, Wyo.; Cathleen Hew, Boston, Mass.; and Susie Albergotta, Orangeburgh, S. Carolina were visitors at the home of Mrs. Ellen Finch of the south country.
These young ladies have spent the past three years in war work at Washington, D.C. and were enroute to Seattle, Wash. where they expect to find employment. Miss Dauson is a daughter of Mary Finch Dauson of Idaho Falls and the grand daughter of Mrs. Ellen Finch. W. C. Ivins received a letter from Dr. G. K. Tillotson, a former townsman, stating that his son has graduated from Northwestern University Dental School and is now associated with him in his office at Moline, Ill.
The doctor sent a manuscript copy of a song entitled, "Democracy." It is his own composition and is dedicated to the Agricolae quartette of Stronghurst. The members of this quartette, as our readers may remember, were W. C. Ivins, J.W. McElhinney, Edwin Fort and C. E. Fort. The composition is a stirring patriotic air and is highly spoken of by those who have heard it. Biggsville has oiled streets from the M. E. Church to the cemetery and also on the country roads leading northwest. This will be paid for by private subscription as no appropriation for oiling was made by the village this year. Ralph Douglas of Biggsville, son of Dr. and Mrs. A.C. Douglas of the U.P. church, left for Cairo, Egypt, where he will be a teacher among the natives.
Lydia Cunningham has returned from a two months visit in Indiana. The coal shortage is proving very serious with threshing so near at hand and not a ton of coal in Stronghurst or any of the neighboring towns. Clifford Munson, a young man from Little York working with the C.D. Stratton bridge builders, fell several feet from the scaffold at the Dixson bridge and was seriously injured. He was taken to his home. Emmet Milliken is now sole proprietor of the Illinois Garage, having bought out Thompson & Reynolds.
Miss Dorothy Bruce celebrated her 10th birthday by entertaining ten of her friends. Miss Alice Wax was hostess; ice cream was served with Miss Dorothy cutting the cake with ten glowing candles. Miss Anna Bjork is visiting in the T. C. Knutstrom home. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Decker visited at the parental home in Aledo; George delivered some fine blooded pups to some of the Aledo homes. Mr. and Mrs. John Annegers of Lang. Sak., Can. who have been visiting Henderson County friends and relatives, will return to begin harvesting his 800 acres of wheat. W.J. McElhinney has been a sufferer from rheumatism the past week.
Mrs. Nellie Cornwall is visiting her mother, Mrs. Catherine Ross of Decorra. Attorney and Mrs. Clifton O'Harra of Carthage are enjoying ocean breezes in Southern California. Gene Peasley of Wichita, Texas is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C.E. Peasley. David Blanchard and wife and Miss Martha Brokaw have returned to their positions in Washington, D.C.; Miss Mabel Simpson will leave this week. The family of Mr. Fowler, the bridge constructor, is enjoying an outing on the banks of Honey Creek where the work of bridge construction is going on.
The shipment of Hereford cattle consigned to R. Cliff Durand, owner of the Diable Stock farm near Oakland, Cal. left Stronghurst Sunday, Frank Murphy accompanying them. This was the most valuable shipment of cattle ever sold by the Hereford Association. The handsome price of $23,000 was paid for 23 head and were owned by H.N. Vaughn, Tom Dodds and H. A. Adair. George Peasley, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Peasley, has recently located at Fort Worth, Texas. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Peasley of Tyler, Texas, have returned to their home; they will stop at Macomb to visit P. O. Peasley. Mrs. Robt. Chase and children, Miss Garnet and Gail from Burlington, Iowa are spending a few days at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Spiker. Mrs. Sue Sindle of Terre Haute is entertaining her brother, Russell Stokes of Kansas City. Mr. Stokes is 82 years old and had not seen his sister for 27 years.
Mrs. H. D. Lovitt entertained at cards complimentary to her daughter, Mrs. Lois Tulsen. Four tables of "500" were in play, the prize going to the winner of the highest score, Miss Madge Henderson. A two-course luncheon was served with favors of wisteria and sweet peas tied with lavender ribbon Editor and Mrs. Kershaw and children left on their auto trip through the Eastern states to visit the old home scenes in New Jersey. Mrs. E. W. Bell, as representative of the Community Club, will be at the editor's desk during his absence. Post office inspector, L. E. Bradshaw of Quincy, was in town going over the business of the post office and found everything in good order and the business increasing.
Another purpose of his visit was to make arrangements for a building for another term of years as the lease of the present quarter expires in December. Mrs. R. L. Thompson, widow of the late James Thompson, died at the family residence in Burlington on July 21st.
She is survived by two daughters, Miss Rose, who has been her companion since the death of her husband, and Mrs. Hattie Randall of Keosauqua, Iowa. Funeral will be July 23 at the Stronghurst U.P. Church.
GLADSTONE GLEANINGS: Dr. Boyd Ditto and Miss Hazel Ellison visited in Kansas City, the home of Mr. Harry Freed; the trip was made in Dr. Ditto's car. Robert Glenn is having his house remodeled into a convenient, modern home. Friends of Mrs. W. T. Weir will be sorry to learn that her condition of health does not improve. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Whitemyer from Pittsburg, Pa. are visiting at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Whitemyer.
COLOMA CLATTERINGS: The third Community Meeting was held at the school house Friday evening, the amusement was an "Indoor Track Meet." Guests of the evening were Miss Julia Perry of Missouri, Miss Elizabeth McFadden, Pauline and Donnalee Westlake, Misses Stella and Lois Marshall, Julius Lefler, Henry Marshall, Lloyd Lefler and Mr. Dowell. A number from the village attended the Chautauqua in Biggsville; in spite of the rain the entertainment and audience were good. Mrs. Whiteman's enjoyed a picnic in the Biggsville Park; their son Ray and wife came down from Little York for the evening. Jim Kilgore expects to leave for Pittsburg, Pa. next week; he is the delegate from the South Henderson Church to the Y.P.C.U. National convention. There are twelve delegates from the Biggsville U. P. Church going with him. Leonard Schell's oil wagon visited the oil tanks here. Raspberry pickers seem to be firm believers in the old adage, "the early bird catches the early worm." A community sing will be held at the school house July 30th. Come and get better acquainted with your neighbors and retune your voices.
LOMAX LINGERINGS: Mrs. J. W. Remick of Savannah, Ga. visited friends in Lomax and Dallas City for a few days. Mrs. Robert Scott returned from a 10 day visit with relatives in Minnesota. Mrs. Carey Neff returned from a several months stay in Denver, Colorado. Jacob Zeigler remains about the same with no improvement. Several from here attended the Sells-Floto circus at Burlington. A carload of broom corn was received by the Economy Mfg. Co. Threshing will commence in the nearby country this week. The Christian Church has been given a coat of paint which was very badly needed; another coat will be added in the near future.
CARMAN CONCERNS: Clyde Mead and family have moved to the farm till fall work is over. Robert Gillis was called to West Branch, Ia. to see his sister, Mrs. Mattie Kemp who is quite sick. Cheryl Babcook is reported some better; the doctor does not think it advisable to operate. Wm. Thayer of Chicago, formerly an old citizen of Carman being in business with J. Roberts in lumber and grain some 30 years ago, visited old friends.