The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Registrar for Daniel McMillan Chapter, N.S.D.A.R.1920
Stronghurst Graphic, July 15, 1920
CLUB WILL EDIT AND PUBLISH PAPER: Beginning with next week's issue and continuing for three and possible four weeks, the Graphic will be edited and managed by the Stronghurst Women's Community Club. This innovation has been decided upon in order that the editor may be enabled to take an auto vacation with his family to visit scenes of earlier days in New Jersey and other Eastern states. This will give the women's organization, which has been an important factor in promoting the things which make for high and better standards of living in the community, an opportunity to demonstrate the concept of what a real community newspaper should be. . ..
THEY TAKE TO THE AIR! A Curtis bi-plane from Galesburg visited Stronghurst last Saturday afternoon and a number of citizens availed themselves the opportunity of viewing the village and surrounding country from the clouds at the price of $10 for a 15 minute trip. Miss Mary Dixson had the distinction of being the first Stronghurst lady to take a trip in an airship and she thinks the experience one well worth the risk involved. Mrs. H.L. Marshall was another who passed through the thrilling experience.
In addition, the following gentlemen navigated the ether above the village: Geo. Dixson, Dr. H.L. Marshall, Roy Park, Guy Sanderson and Oscar Swedlund. The Sanderson pasture east of town was made use of as an aviation field and was a place of interest for a large crowd of people during the flights. The pilot of the bi-plane was a young lieutenant, whose home is in Boston, Mass.
TENNIS TOURNAMENT-SCHOOL AND TOWN: A tennis tournament for boys and girls, either in the grades or in high school will be played on the school ground courts. Anyone is eligible who knows the rules of the game and is in either high school or the grades. Choose your partner and report to Miss Sharp, the playground director before noon on July 23rd. The town tournament will be played immediately following the school one. Winner of the two tournaments will then play each other with winners receiving a prize.
WHAT A PARTY! A party for the little Light Bearers' Society of the M.E. Church was given at the home of their superintendent, Mrs. Regan. Twenty-five youngsters with fourteen mothers were present. Seven young ladies entertained the children on the lawn while the mothers listened to a nice program.
The children then hustled around to find a package apiece containing a generous amount of animal cookies, after which they were served with ice cream cones and stick candy. The mothers on the porch were served with strawberry ice, ice tea and wafers. As a souvenir each child received a toy balloon. Mr. Regan arrived to take some group pictures, after which the guests departed, each declaring they had a delightful time. Mrs. Regan was assisted by three members of the W.F.M.S.
WARNING TO BICYCLISTS: Section 53 of Ordinance No.2 of the village of Stronghurst reads: "No person shall on any sidewalk in said village, engage in the use of any roller skates, or other skates, bicycle or any similar device." The ordinance further reads that "any act of omission for bidden by this ordinance shall be deemed a misdemeanor" and shall subject the offender to a penalty of not less than three dollars or more than two hundred dollars."
On account of the numerous complaints which are coming in regarding the use of bicycles on the sidewalks of the village, I have decided that following the publication of this notice, I will see that the above ordinance is strictly enforced.-James Rezner, Village Marshal (Is this ordinance still in effect?)
TO BE A CANDIDATE: Everett L. Werts of Oquawka has announced that he will be a candidate on the democratic ticket at the fall primaries for the nomination for the state legislature from this district. Mr. Werts has been the minority representative from the district for several terms. He will be opposed in the primary by W.C. Maucker of Rock Island, whom he defeated in the last election.
1895 GRAPHIC: The marriage of Claude Vaughn of Lomax to Miss Rosa Gibb of Biggsville occurred at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Gibb on July 9th. It was 102 in the shade on the afternoon of July 16th. Walt Spiker had just opened a barber shop in the Powell building in Stronghurst. John Block, who was sent to Joliet from this county for highway robbery, died in prison. Mrs. W. H. Penny began the erection of a handsome residence on East Main St.
Mrs. J. S. Campbell died at her home on July 15th at 71 years of age. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Davis were beginning the erection of a new residence near Decorra and their son Elmer and family were preparing to move back from Oakland, Iowa into the old home place. A heavy rain on July 17th caused a cave in of the sidewalk in front of the Harter-Beardsley block on which a new business building was being built.(Quill block today) ÊIt resulted in ruining the basement walls of the new structure. Mrs. James Rezner died at her home on July 12th after a two weeks illness from peritonitis.
WINNERS ANNOUNCED: On Saturday evening the children who were engaged in the U. S. Garden Army contest were the guests of the committee in charge of the contest at the Community Club rooms. Some 30 happy children assembled and under the direction of Miss Marguerite Wheeling, the evening was pleasantly spent. The "Story Hour" was introduced by Miss Wheeling reading "The Best Way," depicting child nature after which a round table conference on gardening was lead by Mrs. C.M. Harter, each child telling what they had in their gardens and their experiences in garden work
Mrs. W.C. Ivins explained the manner in which the decisions were arrived at in the contest and Mrs. Asa Worthington presented the checks to the winners as follows: Miss Ruth Wassom, 1st prize-$1.50; Howard and Edith Sutliff, 2nd prize-$.100; Hugh Yaley, Agnes and Gladys Mudd, 3rd prize-50 cents each. Light refreshments were served after more games and music the party dispersed. At the request of the children, it has been decided to take up Friday evenings during the remainder of July for the "Story Hour" and all children of the community are invited to attend which will be held at the community rooms at eight o'clock under the direction of Miss Marguerite Wheeling.
LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: FASHION NOTE-Gray as a color for suitings is rapidly replacing tan in favor in Paris. From the yardage point of view, however, wools in tan color, both in mixtures, in plain and in striped or plaid effects, are still big sellers. Washing machines, both electric and engine power are available at Dixson's.
The northern portion of Henderson and Warren counties and the south end of Mercer county were visited by a destructive hail storm with the damage to corn and oats being estimated at many thousands of dollars. W. T. Marshall of Red Oak, Iowa and his sister, Mrs. A. W. Coppage of Emerson, Iowa visited their many relatives and friends and are presently guests at the home of Miss Emma and Richard Marshall. Mrs. L. G. DeGroot of the vicinity of Augusta, Ill is held in the jail at Quincy on the charge of smothering her infant babe and then having it placed in a water tank on the farm in order to create the impression that the child drowned. Byron Peasley, who is an official in the mechanical department of the Cotton Belt R.R. with headquarters at Tyler, Tex. greeted old friends while a guest at the C.E. Peasley home.
Two weeks ago a notice of a purse containing a sum of money awaited an owner at the Graphic office was published. Since then four parties who had lost purses have answered the ad, but failed to establish proof of ownership so the purse is still here and we will gladly turn it over to the real owner.
The Iowa state food department has been going after the drivers of ice wagons in Burlington who have been short weighting their customers. One driver has been arrested and fined and others have been warned that the practice of taking ice coupons from customers' books for more pounds of ice than they deliver must be stopped. Druis Kern and wife have purchased the Westfall residence on the west side. Born, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Kern of the east country on July 4th. The Earl G. Grodinier Co. is playing a week's engagement at Blandinsville beginning July 12th. Gust Swanson and Charles Swanson were at Monmouth arranging for the reception of the new Lutheran minister, Rev. Nels Olson. R. K. Stewart of Galesburg visited his mother, Mrs. George Stewart and his brother, Dave. He returned home with his mother who will make her home with him for a time. Mr. Abrams has been here packing up the Live Wire Co's stock of electrical goods preparatory to removing them to Macomb; the business here has been discontinued. The citizens of Oquawka are agitating the question of all day electric service and have opened negotiations with Don E. Lee of the Henderson County Public Service Co. looking to furnishing of current by that company.
Ray Turner, the Raritan young man who accidentally shot Clyde Chick some time ago and who was held in the jail in Oquawka on the charge of carrying concealed weapons, have been adjudged insane and sent to the Watertown insane hospital. A good illustration of why farmers object to hunters on their premises is furnished by the experience of M. B. Welch of Blandinsville, who recently found a valuable young cow dead in his pasture with a bullet hole in her side and who a short time before found a fat hog dead, both the work of trespassers.
The work of putting in the cement gutters with which both sides of the section of Broadway passing through the business portion of the village are to be provided, was begun, the work being started on the east side of the street at the State Bank corner from which a gutter is being laid to extend northward.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Salter are the proud parents of twin babies, a boy and a girl, weighting 6 and 7 lbs., born to them on July 10th at Mrs. Salter's mother home at Basco, Ill. A car load of extra fine Herefords, show stuff, from the Vaughn, Davis and Dodds herds in this vicinity will leave for the Diablo Stock Farms in California in the care of Frank Murphy, who is becoming a veteran in chaperoning shipments of fine cattle from this point. These cattle were purchased by Mr. Petersen, the manager of the ranch, who spent several days here recently. The consignment consists of 24 head of cows and heifers and one bull, the latter being the magnificent two year old Disturber Anxiety from the H. N. Vaughn herd.
The Ladies Missionary Society of the U. P. Church of Media will give a pie and ice cream social on the Academy lawn Friday evening. A moving picture featuring either Mary Pickford or Douglas Fairbanks will be shown. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Decker returned home from Seaton where Mr. Decker had been helping to care for her mother, Mrs. McIntyre who had suffered a paralytic stroke and passed away. Some twenty member of the local MW.A. camp went to Dallas City and witnessed the adoption of a large class of candidates into the camp there.
GLAD-STONE GLEANINGS: Mr. Lewis moved from the W. M. James house into Mrs. Frank Johnson's house in the east part of town. Mr. Ralph Miller of the Gladstone Garage, who was in Burlington, took a trip through the clouds with Mr. Dow, pilot of the Nafaiger aeroplane, out to this village and dropped a package off from the garage. This was the first package received here via the air route. Mr. Miller said he enjoyed the trip immensely. After circling town several times they returned to Burlington. Margaret Porter was a guest at the Dr. and Mrs. McKitterick home in Burling-ton. Dale Galbraith went to West Point to play ball with a team from Burlington. Clyde Sandy, the 12 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. James Sandy, was struck by an automobile about nine o'clock Sunday evening. His leg was broken above the knee The car was driven by Miss Ruth Forward, who was in no way to blame for the accident. Clyde and some other boys were playing in the street and while Miss Forward was turning her car around, running backward, the fender struck the lad and knocked him down. Dr. Ditto of this place and Dr. Riley of Oquawka were called to attend the lad and after a brief examination they decided to have the patient sent to the Burlington Hospital. He was taken there in Marcellus Galbraith's big car. An X-ray photo of the injured limb was taken at the hospital after which the limb was set. The injured lad is reported as now getting along nicely. Mrs. Mary O'Dristol from Alton, Ill is spending some time with her sister, Mrs. James Kelly.
MEDIA MEANDER-INGS: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hutchinson and two children of Akron, Ohio are visiting the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Campbell; they were accompanied here by Zelma and Clifford Campbell who had been visiting there for some-time. The many friends of Mrs. Jane Steele were pleased to hear that she was able to return home from the Monmouth Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Barney White have gone to house keeping in one of Mr. John Pogue's houses.
OLENA OBSERVATIONS: Corn in this neighborhood received its finishing touches, (plowed for the last time); rye, wheat and oats are being harvested and soon the threshing machines will be abroad in the land. Leo Detrick, while riding a blind horse which stumbled and fell with him, was so unfortunate as to get one bones in his ankle broken. Miss Audrey Marsden is home from the Burlington Hospital recovering from an operation for appendicitis. One day last week Glen McKeown and Miss Cora Zang of this neighborhood were driven to Burlington where they were united in marriage following a brief courtship. Although Glen purchased a fine treat of cigars for the "serenaders," they treated him rather roughly. A Mr. East, who has been staying at the Leslie Lyons home, took quite sick and is not yet able to resume work. Leslie Lyons is recovering slowly from a recent operation in the Burlington Hospital; his wife is very busy dividing her time with running the farm and visiting her husband in the hospital. Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Lant secured a cottage in Oquawka for occupancy during the coming school year. The Henderson County Journal reports that two of Olena school pupils were able to make the final exam and received their diplomas-Joseph Avery and Raymond Prier. While we congratulate these two youths, we wonder what is the matter with the girl pupils. Mr. and Mrs. Os Reynolds were recent guests of her mother, Mrs. Evans of Hopper neighborhood. Poles are being placed for the new electric line which will run from the Gladstone stone quarry to Stronghurst. Well drillers are trying to locate water at the Leslie Lyons home. (Poor Mrs. Lyons-she has a sick boarder, a husband in the hospital, is trying to run the farm and now the well drillers are at her house trying to locate water; she was one busy woman!)
CARMAN CONCERNS: Mr. and Mrs. Parker of Marshalltown, Iowa are guests at the U.L. Marsden home. Mrs. Anna Morris was called to Burlington to help care for a little grandson at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Millie Hand. Mrs. Hannah Kirby is staying at the farm helping her daughter, Mrs. Crane Dixon, through the busy season. The threshing machines are to begin work here the first of the next week if the weather in favorable.