The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Registrar for Daniel McMillan Chapter, N.S.D.A.R.1920
Stronghurst Graphic, May 27, 1920
GRADUATION DAY: Ten young ladies and four young men, members of the Stronghurst High School Class of 1920, bid a formal and public adieu to high school life at the Lyric theater last Friday evening and after listening to an address calculated to inspire them to lofty ideals and earnest endeavor, received from the hand of Supt. Larson the diplomas. One member of the class, Madeline Park, whose rank in the final examination entitled her to the honor of being chosen the Salutatorian, was not present, she being in California. Another member who had shared the experiences of the class was not present; Frank Ford passed to his final reward a little less than a week previously.
The program began with a piano prelude by Miss Erma Kaiser during which the class, the faculty and those who were to take part filed upon the stage. Rev. K. R. Anderson invoked the blessing following which a selection was rendered by the high school girl's quartette.
Prof. Larson introduced Miss Hazel Long as the member of the class ranking the highest thereby being selected Valedictorian. Miss Long advanced to the front of the stage and delivered the feelings of the class toward the community, the school officials, the faculty and all others who had helped to make this hour in their lives possible.
Next Prof. Larson introduced Dr. J. L. Conger of Knox College who delivered the commencement address. (Remarks about what was said in this issue.) Prof. Larson then presented the class with their diplomas. The high school chorus under the direction of Miss Larson then sang "To Thee, Oh Country!" after which the audience was dismissed with the benediction by Rev. V. A. Crumbaker.
TOP SALESMAN: C.E. Peasley, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Peasley, is a salesman for the Burroughs Adding Machine Co. and has his headquarters at Wichita Falls, Texas.
During the first three months of 1920 Mr. Peasley's sales placed him at the head of the list of the immense force of Burroughs salesmen and won him the place of President of what is known as the All Star Club.
***OBITUARY***MRS. CHRISTINE JOHNSON: Mrs. Christine Johnson, widow of the late Frank Johnson, passed away at her home in Gladstone May 21st after a lingering illness. Mrs. Johnson's maiden name was Christine Berg. She was born in Sweden in 1849 and came to the United States when she was 19 years of age, being married a few years later to Frank Johnson. She was the mother of 10 children, four of whom died in infancy. The surviving children are Mrs. Roy Newman of Monmouth, Ill.; Mrs. I. F. Forward, Mrs. Sam Stevenson, Miss Alice Johnson and Miss Lillian Johnson, all of Gladstone; Gust Berg of Lanyon, Ia., Fred Berg of Middletown, Ia. and Sam Berg, whose place of residence is not known. Funeral services were conducted at the home in Gladstone.
***WEDDING BELLS***CARTER-VOORHEES: On May 19th at the Presbyterian parsonage in Galesburg, Miss Sara Voorhees and Mr. Ivey Carter were married. The bride is the oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Voorhees of the southeast neighborhood of Stronghurst. She graduated from Stronghurst High School in 1916 and has since been a successful teacher.
Mr. Carter has been a resident of Stillwater, Minn. He was a member of the American Expeditionary Force and since being mustered out has been employed at Pleasant Hills, Mo. where the couple will make their home.
KERN-BROOK: On May 22 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dinwiddie, friends of the bride in Fort Madison, Mr. Drewis Kern and Miss Mary Brook were united in marriage. Mrs. Kern has been operator for the Stronghurst Telephone Co. for several years and Mr. Kern is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Newton Kern of this place. He was among the number of young men who were in training for the defense of our country during the war. At present he is employed by the George DixsonĘ hardware and implement firm.
BLY-TUCKER: Miss Opal Tucker, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Tucker of this place and Clarence Bly were married at the court house in Oquawka by Judge J. W. Gordon. The bride came from Williamsfield, Ill. several years ago with her parents and since has been a student in the village schools.
Mr. Bly came from Macomb a year ago and was employed by the Live Wire Supply Co. and the Western Illinois Utilities Co. as line and repair man. He now holds a similar position with the Stronghurst Telephone Co.
SHAFER-TUCKER: Clif Shafer, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Shafer of Stronghurst and Miss Ethel Tucker of Keokuk, Ia., were married at the court house in Oquawka May 22 by Judge Gordon. The bride has made her home here for some time and she and her husband will occupy the Francen property in the village. The groom is the general delivery man for the merchants of this place.
LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Mr. and Mrs. D. N. Cortleyou entertained at dinner in honor of the 31st anniversary of the marriage of Mrs. Cortleyou's father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Corzatt. Mrs. Hattie (Bowen) Bakewell of Cheyenne, Wyo. notifies friends that her husband has been promoted to the position of chief clerk of the Supt. of the U.P.P.R.
The Tri-State Racing Association has leased the mile track at Galesburg and will stage a big 100 mile auto race on May 31st. It is an open competition for a $1,000 purse and entries have already been received from some of the fastest and classiest dirt track racing talent in the U.S.
Miss Ruth Staley closed her term of school in the Fitz district with a picnic. Mrs. William Graham has been receiving treatment for her eyes at the Burlington Hospital. Mrs. W.C. Ivins left for a visit with her daughter, Mrs. Robt. Milligan at Ivesdale, Ill. Mrs. Chas. Ahlers and daughters Lena and Elsie were at Dallas City over night having dental work done. The Biggsville Community Club held a May Day festival at the home of Mrs. A. Renwick. Miss Darlene Higginson of Knoxville visited Miss Maxine Mains and other relatives and attended the commencement exercises. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wallin left for Detroit and George Widney and Chas. Decker for St. Louis, Mo.; they will bring back cars for the Sutliff and Wallin garage.
The plant for the Biggsville Rendering Works has located within seven miles of Stronghurst and will removed dead stock free of charge and pay the toll fee. Mrs. Lillian Mahnesmith returned to Stronghurst after having spent the winter at the Marion Evans home near Decorra; she was accompanied by her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Earl Mahnesmith. "John Fordyce is nursing a painful break in the bones of his left thumb.
Yesterday evening he was operating a corn planter and in throwing a lever there was a rebound that caused his hand to be caught in the machinery with the result of a bad injury. An X-ray picture was taken of his hand"-Roseville Times-Citizen
The Pioneer Lumber Co. recently was organized at Dallas City with a paid up capital stock of $500,000. The Blacks and Loomises, Dallas City's prominent capitalists, are largely interested. The company has yards at Dallas City, Burgess, Colusa, DeLong, Douglas, Gibson, Kirkwood, Lomax, Media, Smithshire, Stronghurst, West Point? and Yates City, Illinois. J. Howard Miner family enjoyed a camping out party on the bluffs above the Mississippi near Pontoosuc over night last Saturday. After an enforced absence of several weeks, Rev. K.R. Anderson was able to conduct the morning services at the U. P. church last Sabbath much to the delight of his congregation. Friends have received word of the death of Mr. Will Calhoun at a hospital in Sheridan, Wyo. Last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Hollis Cortleyou of Wellington, Kan., who have been visitors at the Bailey home west of Raritan, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs Frank Crenshaw.
Miss Erminda Clark closed her two years work as teacher in the Media school; she will go to the state Normal School for the summer term. The 1st and 2nd primary rooms of the village public school closed with a picnic at Lake Fort. Their teachers, Misses Hartquist and Thompson, with the little folks had a great time. Roy Rankin of Grey, Canada, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Rankin of this vicinity and who has been at the Mayo Bros. Hospital in Rochester, Minn., since the beginning of the year, is expected to visit with home folks. He has not received the benefit he had hoped for from the hospital treatment and is obliged to use crutches in getting about.
A number of teachers and students of the local high school motored to Crapo Park in Burlington where they enjoyed a picnic supper. Attorney W. C. Ivins has been engaged to deliver the address to the graduates of the Terre Haute High School.
DECORATON DAY PROGRAM: Decoration Day will be observed with appropriate exercises at the Lyric Theater and at the village cemetery on Sunday afternoon, May 30th. The program at the Lyric is as follows: Chorus singing "The Heavens Declare and the Star Spangled Banner;" Invocation; a solo by Mrs. Simpson-"The Americans Come;" a recitation by Robert Mathers; a duet-"Your Heart Will Call Me Home"-Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Widney; an address by Rev. Naboth Osborn; and a chorus-"The Last March."
The exercises at the cemetery will be by the children under the direction of Miss Mary Morgan and will consist of a Ribbon Drill, recitations and songs and the placing of garlands on the graves of the soldier dead.
The flower committee requests that those having flowers to spare, bring them to the Lyric Theater on Saturday afternoon and any assistance which may be rendered in the preparation of wreaths will be appreciated.
GLADSTONE GLEANINGS: In a recent home ball game between a Burlington nine and the home boys, the score was 4 to 9 in favor of Gladstone. Mrs. Mary Ransdell who was operated on at the Burlington Hospital is reported to be in a quite critical condition. At the moving picture shown at Bryan's Hall last week prizes of a gold ring to the most popular lady and a ring to the handsomest baby were offered. Miss Veda Cook received the ring and Hope Galbraith, the 6 months old baby of Mr. and Mrs. Opel Galbraith received the ring for the handsomest baby.
Commencement exercises of the Gladstone High School for 1920 will be held at the U. P. church. Graduates are as follows: Donald Galbraith, Mabel Rhoads, Doris Ahlberg, Dorothy Stevenson, Bruce Galbraith, Loren Graham and Kenneth Babcook.
A LONEY HEARTS ROMANCE: the Chicago Herald and Examiner maintains what it terms a "Lonely Hearts" department in its columns and it seems that it was through this medium that the acquaintanceship was formed which resulted recently in the uniting of the destinies of a former Stronghurst lady with those of a gentleman whose home was in Oak Park, Ill.
The Graphic published a few weeks ago the meager particulars available concerning the marriage of Mrs. Flora Salter, the lady above mentioned. In the Lonely Hearts department of the Herald-Examiner of May 22 there appeared the following account of the romance which culminated in the marriage of Mrs. Salter and Mr. Wilmot on May 1st: "On Saturday, May 1, at high noon by Rev. Charles E. McKinley, at Central Congregational Church, Galesburg, Ill., Mrs. Flora Hobart Salter of Stronghurst, Ill., and C., Clifford Wilmot of Oak Park were united in marriage. This is the ending of as pretty a romance as has ever been enacted in this magical corner.
When Mr. Wilmot and his charming bride were introduced through the medium of pen and ink, he was in Chicago and she was in Roseville, Calif. He was contemplating a visit to the land of sunshine and flowers and she was planning a trip back to her "home town." But the gallant suitor, already charmed by long distance, returned East and made the journey to the pretty little Illinois town where the lady was wooed and won, and the wedding immediately followed.
The best wishes of this corner and the Lonely Hearts club are extended to these two no longer lonely nor alone."
COMMUNITY CLUB MEETING: The regular meeting of the Stronghurst Women's Community Club will be Saturday. This meeting will be in charge of the Household Science Department and reports from the State Federation will be given.
The teachers of the community will be special guests and all club members and ladies interested in Household Science are requested to attend.
SAVE YOUR SOUL IN RARITAN: Under the direction of Rev. Fisher, pastor of the M. E., special evangelistic meetings are being held at Raritan.
On Sunday, the opening day, Miss Bessie Archer, daughter of a former pastor of the Raritan M. E. Church, spoke in the afternoon and Rev. Turner, pastor of the Sciota Baptist church in the evening. Different speakers will continue the meetings. Jas. E. Campbell, a song evangelist, has charge of the music.
***OBITUARIES***MRS. C.E. PETERSON: Mrs. C.E. Peterson passed away at her home in the east part of the village last Thursday evening. The deceased was in her 77th year and has, with her husband, been a resident of Stronghurst for several years. Funeral services were conducted at the Stronghurst Lutheran Church with interment in the village cemetery.
MRS. T. N. BAIRD: Mrs. Thomas N. Baird, who was a resident of Stronghurst for a few years following the retirement of Mr. Baird and herself from their farm near Biggsville some 20 years ago, died last Thursday, May 20th, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. W. H. Foster, Eureka, Ill.
Sarah Martha Dickson was born near Zanesville, Ohio, Jan. 3, 1836 and passed away May 20, 1920, aged 84 years, four months and seventeen days. She was united in marriage with Thomas N. Baird Oct. 14, 1852. To this union were born twelve children-six sons and six daughters. The husband, two daughters and four sons have preceded her to the Great Beyond. The surviving children are Mrs. Flora Spears and William Baird of Kewanee, Ill.; James D. and Melvin Baird of Red Oak, Ia.; Thomas W. of Spokane, Wash. and Rosa B. Foster of Eureka, Ill. She is also survived by two sisters, Mrs. Susan Stamm of Little Rock, Ark. and Mrs. Rosa Newland of Redding, Calif.
A few years after their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Baird moved to Illinois, living for many years near Biggsville. In 1901 they retired from the farm, making their home in Stronghurst. Here Mr. Baird passed away in 1910 and Mrs. Baird and daughter Jessie removed to Kewanee, Ill., where she lived until the death of the daughter.
Left alone in the home which had existed for 65 years, Mrs. Baird removed to Eureka, Ill. Three years ago to spend the evening of her life in the home of her daughter, Mrs. W. H. Foster. She gently fell asleep Thursday morning at 9 o'clock to awake in the mansion which the Master whom she so dearly loved had prepared for her. Her whole life belonged to Christ. At the time of her death she was a member of the Presbyterian Church of Eureka, Ill.
Funeral services were held at her late home in Eureka with interment made at sunset on the same day in the Biggsville Cemetery where the husband and deceased children are buried.
CLOSING SCHOOL EVENTS: In addition to the commencement exercises school closing was marked by the usual events. The class day exercises were witnessed by a large number of patrons and friends of the school and on that night, the usual color fight was engaged in. The battle was of a rather sporadic nature, more or less violent encounters of opposing bands occurring in various parts of the village up until the early hours of the following morning. The juniors were the victors.
The three-act dramas staged by the Seniors at the Lyric Theater on Thursday and Saturday nights were very good exhibitions of the dramatic arts; much credit goes to Miss Larson. Claiming the entire attention of students and faculty were the anxious moments over the question of whether they had in their final examinations shown themselves worthy of promotion. In this connection, the quality of the work done in the various grades and departments of our public and high school this year has been of an unusually high order and that the failures to making passing credits on the part of students were comparatively few.