The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1920 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Registrar for Daniel McMillan Chapter, N.S.D.A.R.1920

Stronghurst Graphic, May 20, 1920 

BACCALAUREATE SERMON:  The graduating class of the Stronghurst High School occupied a reserved section of seats in the M.E. church last Sabbath evening and listened to some excellent words of wisdom and advice from the pastor, Rev. V. A. Crumbaker.  According to the usual custom, the junior class also attended the services in a body and occupied specially reserved seats across the main aisle from the seniors.  The evening was rather stormy and the attendance on the part of the public was not as large as is usual on such occasions. . .

WEDDING BELLS: ADAIR-DOBBS:  Chester Paul Adair and Miss Elsie M. Dobbs of Stronghurst were united in marriage last Saturday afternoon at Monmouth, the ceremony being performed at the parsonage of the 2nd U. P. Church of that city.  The couple was attended by Mr. George Bush and Miss Minnie Adair.  The bride is the youngest daughter of Mr. Jas. Dobbs and has been one of the operators at the local telephone exchange for a number of years.  The groom is the son of Mrs. Agnes Adair of Biggsville has been employed for several months by Mr. Ralph Butler as his assistant in the plumbing business. 

LIFE OF PROMISE ENDS: After a brave struggle against the ravages of typhoid fever following an attack of influenza, Frank Ford passed away at the home of his grandmother, Mrs. Emma Hamburg the evening of May 15th.  The end came peacefully and occurred just 24 hours previous to the assembling at the M. E. Church of his classmates of the high school graduating class to listen to the sermon addressed to them by Rev. Crumbaker.

Benjamin Frank Miller Ford, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ford, was born in Burlington, Ia., March 16, 1901.  His childhood days were spent in Abingdon, Ill. and for the last four years he had made his home with his grandmother, Mrs. Hamburg in Stronghurst.  He was confirmed in the Stronghurst Lutheran Church in the spring of 1916 and was a member of the senior class of the local high school and would have graduated with honor during the present week.  He leaves to morn his departure, his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ford of Carman neighborhood; two brother, Albert and Earl; one sister, Frances; his grandmother, Mrs. Emma Hamburg; three uncles and five aunts besides numerous distant relatives and many friends.  Funeral services were conducted at the Stronghurst Lutheran Church with interment in the village cemetery.

***OBITUARY***MRS. MARY SHAFER: Mary Anderson was born in Juniata County, Pa. April 19, 1833.  Here she grew to womanhood but following the death of her parents removed to Crestline, Ohio, where in December 1859 she married Robert D. Shafer.  For several years they made their home at Crestline, but owing to failing health of her husband, they journeyed west settling on a farm in the Decorra neighborhood.  After only three years residence, sudden illness overcame the husband and he was taken away.

Mrs. Shafer spent the declining years of her life at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Wm. Bainter, south of Stronghurst where she passed away peacefully on the morning of May 17th having attained the good old age of 87 years.  Her six children all live to mourn her departure: Mrs. O.A. Neff of Glidden, Iowa; Mrs. Geo. Beckett of Carrollton, Mo.; Mrs. Charles Huggins of Smithshire, Geo., Delia and Mrs. Wm. Bainter of Stronghurst.  Funeral services were conducted at the Bainter home with interment in the Terre Haute Cemetery.

***BARBARA JUNE STEFFEY*** Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Steffey of Mason, Mich. were grieved to learn that their little daughter, Barbara June had passed away.  She was born on April 25 and was only 18 days old.  Apparently in good health she gradually developed a case of erysipelas.  Mrs. Martha Davis was visiting her sister, Mrs. Steffey at this time.  Mrs. Chas. Davis and Mrs. Douglas Steffey left at once to be present at the burial.  Funeral services were conducted in the home and burial took place at the Mason cemetery.

DIED FROM OPERATION: Kerman Hainline, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Hainline, who lives near Blandinsville, died at the Macomb hospital immediately following an operation made necessary by the imperfect healing of a broken leg which injury he sustained some three months ago. 

The young man was a member of the Blandinsville high school foot ball team and had participated in several games with our local high school team.

He was a young man who stood high in the estimation of all who knew him and although but about 18 years had already become actively interested in the breeding of Hereford cattle and other fine stock having formed a partnership with his father in the live stock breeding business.

SHE KILLED HERSELF: Mrs. Wm. Galley of Burlington suicided by drinking carbolic acid at her home. The terrible deed was committed after a quarrel with her husband.  He had received an invitation to attend a social of the Trades and Labor Association and she had asked whether she might go or not, but he informed her it was a stag party. He was at the barn when she came and asked him if he still intended to go and after he replied in the affirmative, she went to the house and drank the acid.  He came to the house almost immediately and her half brother, John Marsden of Terre Haute came in at almost the same time.  Physicians were called but could not help her and she died about 11 o'clock.  Her brother-in-law, Charles Kehn, went to the home of her mother, Mrs. Maggie Marsden, who lives a few blocks away, and told her of the serious condition of her daughter.  The elderly lady was assisted upstairs by Kehn and sat down on the bed but almost immediately fell over and was caught by Kehn.  He called a physician who found that she had expired almost immediately upon hearing the sad news.  She had been suffering fro heart trouble for several years.

Mrs. Galley leaves three small children, a baby three months old, Margaret-three years, and Richard-15 months. She was born near Carman and was 31 years old.  She was twice married and had lived in Burlington ten years.

Mrs. Marsden was the widow of W.H. Marsden, who died two years ago.  Mrs. Galley was her only child, but she had six step-children who survive her. They are John Marsden of Terre Haute; Link of Carman; Thomas and Richard of Nebraska; and Mrs. L.Nees of Lincoln, Nebraska.  A double funeral was held at the Marsden home in Burling-ton.-Dallas City Review

MEMORIAL DAY TO BE OBSERVED: A meeting participated in by a number of citizens in keeping up the Memorial Day spirit was held at the First National Bank and plans were formulated for a public observance. May 30th falls on Sunday and it was decided to have Memorial services on the afternoon of that day at the Lyric Theater.  Committees on speaker, music, flowers, children's exercises and program were appointed and Rev. Crumbaker was named to preside over the ceremonies.

1895 GRAPHIC: Burglars visited Raritan on the night of May 18th and entered the stores of Spiker & Perrine, Spiker and Amerman and the post office.  They secured $55 in money and $60 worth of jewelry at the Spiker and Perrine store and a ring and watch at the post office.  The safe in the Spiker and Amerman store was blown open but no money or valuable found.  Roseville had voted in saloons and three thirst parlors had opened up for business in that village.  Damage by frost caused a rise in the price of wheat which went to 77 cents.  Memorial services were held at the U.P. church for William Marshall.  The income tax measure which was expected to raise $14,000,000 in revenue had just been declared unconstitutional by the U.S. Supreme Court. Unseasonable cool weather prevailed here making fires in home necessary.  Representatives of a big drainage company were said to be figuring on the construction of a levee along the river from Oquawka to Carman for the purpose of protecting the bottom lands from floods.

LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Two litters of red foxes have taken possession of a straw stack on the farm of Thos. Stewart near Biggsville.  An airplane said to be from Galesburg attracted considerable attention from Stronghurst citizens Wednesday afternoon by circling over the village and executing a number of thrilling maneuvers.  Eight seniors will graduate from Biggsville Township High School on May 28th.  The commencement exercises will be held at 8 o'clock with Prof. J.L. Conger of Knox College being the speaker.  The home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward LaFord, an aged couple living in Oquawka, was destroyed by fire together with most of its contents.-all their worldly possessions. Citizens of Oqua-wka are raising a substantial relief fund for them. Miss Stella Dixon of Kewanee, Ill visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Putney. O. J. Sand-erson is being treated by a specialist in Burlington for an ear infection following an attack of the flu.  Mrs. W. A. Meloan, mother of R. W. Meloan of Oquawka and of Dr. J.W. Meloan, formerly of Media and now living in Abingdon, died at the home of latter.  Her husband, who died several years ago, was a Christian minister and well known throughout this section of the state.  W. T. Weir of Oak Grove Farm met his wife and daughter Hazel, who arrived from New Mexico on the afternoon train from the west.  They spent the past winter in the Southwest in order that Mrs. Weir's health might benefit from a more favorable climate.  Mr. Weir stated that the benefit obtained has not been as great as had been hoped for.  A carload of horses was shipped from here by Tom Moore.  Mrs. Minnie Peter-son, who has been making her home with Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Grandey left for Galesburg where she will reside.  Mrs. Geo. Morgan from Beuna-vista, Colo. attended the funeral of her father, Lee W. Shaw at Dallas City and returned home. Ten cars of stock were shipped from this point on Sunday and five on Wednesday of last week.  The stuff is moving slow and at a great loss to the feeder.  Grain is higher in price than has ever been known, but there can be no cars obtained to move it. 

Rev. K. R. Anderson arrived home well along toward recovery from the effect of the operation which he recently underwent at an Omaha hospital. He was not strong enough to fill the preaching appointment at the U.P. Church last Sabbath and Dr. J. A. Barnes of Monmouth continued to act as supply.  Mrs. Lillie Mahnsmith is recovering from an appendicitis operation at the Burlington hospital.  Vern Wood returned from Iowa where he embarked in the tire repair and vulcanizing business; he has accepted a position in the Knutstrom garage. The present exorbitant price of sugar is causing the question of sorghum raising to be given considerable attention by farmers. No enlistments for over a year and many applications for discharges as well as general apathy has resulted in the disbanding of Co. G of the 10th Illinois Guards at Monmouth, leaving the city without a military organization for the first time in 40 years. Frank Mur-phy returned from California having safely delivered a car load of Hereford cattle at a ranch near Danville, Calif.  A delegation of cattlemen from the Hawaiian Island came there to look over this consignment and will probably take some home to the Pacific Islands.  Mr. H. N. Vaughn, consigner, arrived at Danville in time to see the cattle unloaded.

MEDIA MEANDERINGS: Thomas Wilson returned from Florida where he purchased a home and soon will move there.  A moving picture show was given at the Academy Friday evening.  Quite a number from here went to Raritan Saturday evening to see the home talent play there. W. P. Terry expects to leave for his new home in Colorado.

Shelly Vaughn has purchased a new Gardner touring car.  Invitations are being issued for the second annual Media Township Community High School Wever Academy commencement on May 19th at 8 p.m.  The public school closed with a picnic dinner on the school lawn. 

GLADSTONE GLEANINGS: Harold Galbraith of Gladstone and Miss Marjorie Snodgrass of Oquawka were quietly married at Ft. Madison, Iowa, Thursday, May 6th.  The ceremony was witnessed only by Mr. and Mrs. Harold Shaley of Burlington.  Mrs. Shaley is a sister of the bride.  The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Snodgrass of Rozetta and attended school here and held a position in the telephone office in Oquawka.  Mr. Galbraith is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Galbraith and was training for the U.S.A. for sometime. 

He is engaged to play in a band for sometime in Ohio after which they will be home on a farm.  Floyd Lewis, Dale Galbraith, Ralph James and Dennie Ahlburg attended the excursion from Burlington to Fort Madison Sunday. 

CARMAN CONCERNS: Lenny Dannenberg had his hand badly hurt in a corn sheller.  There has been quite an amount of unlawful fishing going on in the river near here this spring.  Miss H. Cogswell has the measles.  Mr Richard Marsden of Grisham, Nebr.; Mrs. Libbie Hazen of Wellfleet, Nebr.; Mrs. Mary Hauley of Waco, Nebr.; Mrs. Lon Neff of Dayton, Ohio have been visiting at U.L. Marsden's home.