The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1920 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Registrar for Daniel McMillan Chapter, N.S.D.A.R.1920

Stronghurst Graphic, June 10, 1920 

***WEDDING BELLS***At high noon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hicks in the village their daughter, Mary Elizabeth Hicks was united in marriage to Mr. Francis Lee Stewart of Carman. The home had been prettily decorated with ferns and roses and previous to the ceremony, Miss Genevieve Aplin of Galesburg sang "Because," accompanied on the piano by Miss Ruby Hicks. Immediately following this Miss Emma Wright began the wedding march, the playing of which was continued softly throughout the ceremony. Rev V. A. Crumbaker, local M.E.Church pastor, spoke the words uniting the destinies of the happy couple using the ring ceremony. Little Philip Hicks, four year old brother of the bride, acted as ring bearer carrying the golden circlet in a white rose.

The bride was attired in a beautiful costume of white faille silk and wore a corsage bouquet of white roses and white sweet peas. The ceremony was witnessed by about 25 of the immediate relatives of the bride and groom. Following the congratulations, all sat down to a four course wedding feast prepared by Mrs. Johanna Wheeling. At the conclusion of the feast, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart entered a waiting automobile and were driven to Burlington from which they depart on a honeymoon of several days.

The bride is one of Stronghurst's most attractive and accomplished young ladies. She is a graduate of the local high school and has since then been engaged in teaching. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William Stewart of Carman neighborhood and is well known as a successful and progressive young farmer.

VETERAN MAIL CARRIER QUITS: The Fort Madison Democrat says Thomas Henry Hart of Fort Madison, Iowa, who is a brother of Mrs. J. F. Murphy of this place has resigned his position at the local post office and is planning on retiring from active work after 52 years of service; he is possible the oldest rural carrier in Iowa and possibly in the United States. Mr. Hart now in his 82nd year enlisted with the Union forces in the Civil War and served for nearly five years. Upon entering the mail service in 1870, he began carrying the mail on the star route from Denmark to Burlington. In 1891 he transferred to the one from Fort Madison to Denmark on which he served for a year. He then left the postal service, but four year later in 1896 he reentered the service and again took up the route from Fort Madison to Denmark and remained carrier on that route until 1900 when he again was placed on the star route from Denmark to Burlington. When the rural free delivery service was established out of this city he was assigned to route No.1 on which he served until his resignation.

***OBITUARY***MRS. D.W. Hare: Mrs. D. W. Hare, known to many Henderson County people, died at her home in Monmouth June 7th after an extended illness from neuritis.(inflammation of the nerves) The former Laura Louise Rhodes was born in Blair County, Pa. in 1851 and united in shortly after their marriage and made the village their home for five years during which time Mr. Hare was employed in the general store of Wm. Tharp. In 1881 they moved to Monmouth which has been their home ever since. The deceased is survived by her husband, one daughter, Mrs. J.W. Young, and two brothers, Lewis Rhodes of Huntingdon, Pa. and W.B. Rhodes of Monmouth, Ill. She was a faithful and consistent member of the Presbyterian Church. Funeral services were conducted at the home with interment in the Monmouth Cemetery

1895 GRAPHIC: The new Christian Church in Smithshire was dedicated on June 9th. Miss Flo Ward of Biggsville and Otis Ervin of Stronghurst were married at the U.P. parsonage in Stronghurst by Rev. McArthur on the evening of June 12th. Lyman Taylor narrowly escaped drowning in the Mississippi River while on a picnic trip. He had sunk for the last time when he was rescued by Lute Adams. Dr. Armstrong had located in Stronghurst for the practice of dentistry. The firm of Davidson and Doty dissolved, the former taking the stock of drugs and other merchandise while the latter took exclusive charge of the cigar making business. The 160 acre farm belonging to Henderson Sloan estate and on which the stone quarry operated by Mr. Walbaumn was located sold at public auction for $3,200. More then 30 bicycles are owned by village residents. De Headen was reinstated as pumper for the Santa Fe at Stronghurst and Lomax.

COMMUNITY CLUB MEETS: The Women Community Club met at the club room and heard reports from the Chicago Convention held at the Congress Hotel. Scheduled was a visit to the Art Gallery, reports from the various districts, a trip to view the Co-operative Kitchen at Evanston and a 35th Jubilee celebration. The Stronghurst Club was given recognition by choosing one of her delegates as a member of the elective board.. The group heard repots from Eloise McMillan( a thrift recitation), Katherine Anderson (sang a conservative song), Mrs. C.E. Peasley (talk on the proper selection of foods), Mrs. J. Howard Miner(establishment of a local cooperative kitchen), Mrs. A. A. Worthington (plans for a competitive exhibition of U. S. gardens products cultivated and cared for by the children of the community and the formation of a domestic science class of young girls), Mrs. Allan Annegers (explained the girls' and boys' school at the state fair), Mrs. Chas. Marshall (talk on Farmers' Institute), Miss Marjorie Thompson (demonstration of children's work by having Everett McKeown gave a recitation), and the Misses Hartquist, Heisler, Kirby and Marshall (demonstrated the correct table service, covers being laid for a four course dinner). Light refreshments were served from a side table.

DOUBLE WEDDING: The Misses Margaret and Omega Lefler, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Luther Lefler of the Olena neighborhood were the brides in a double wedding which occurred at the parlor of the M. E. Church in Burlington on June 8th.- Miss Margaret being married to Mr. Ernest Bereford of Biggsville and Miss Omega to Mr. Barnard White of Media.

OBITUARY;-MRS. ELLEN STANLEY: Mrs. Ellen McDill Stanley, widow of Scott Stanley, who fell at the battlefield of Murphysboro during the Civil War, passed away at her home in Biggsville June 1st. Two children preceded her is death. Two nieces, the Misses Martha and Rachael McDill had been cared for in the home and also an aged brother and sister who both passed away recent. Mrs. David Gibb of the country east of Stronghurst, who was left alone at an early age, also received a mother's care at the hands of Mrs. Stanley. Thus, in passing away the deceased has left a beautiful record of loving care and benevolence towards others although her own loved ones were taken from her in the early years of her married life. Mrs. Stanley was 81 years of age at the time of her death. Funeral services were held at the home with interment in the Biggsville Cemetery.

DALLAS CITY FOUNDRY BURNS: Dallas City suffered a heavy loss when the new foundry which was recently built and which was the pride of the town, was totally destroyed by fire. The fire, which started around 8 o'clock is said to have originated from molten metal which was being run off, the flames shooting up and setting fire to the roof. The fire department was powerless to stay the spread of the flames because of the fact that there was no water supply available. The foundry was situated in the extreme western part of the city beyond the territory afforded protection by the water mains, which were soon to have been extended to the foundry. The foundry was one of the best equipped in the country for turning out brass and aluminum parts and was running day and night to supply orders which have been coming in from big manufacturing companies.

As the establishment furnished employment for something like 100 workmen, it will be seen that apart from the actual loss represented by the value of the property destroyed, the general business interests of the city will necessarily be adversely affected by the disaster. The fire loss is reported to be partly covered by insurance and we hope that the reverse which our neighboring city has met will be only temporary.

CHURCH REMODELING ABOUT COMPLETE: The repairs and improvements made to the United Presbyterian Church are about complete. Some work remains to be done in the basement but the auditorium and prayer meeting room are finished. This will allow services to be resuming the coming Sabbath June 13th. The pastor will preach on the theme, "The Church and for What It Stands." The choir will render special music for the occasion.

LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Mrs Ida Wood visited her son Frank and wife at Richland, Iowa Mrs. Lon Doak hosted the members of the South Country Club at the Doak country home. Circuit Clerk Martin and Sheriff McDill are at the Republican Convention in Chicago. J. F. McMillan and sister, Miss Hortense Harbison and Mrs. Josie Turner spent Sunday at the Raritan home of their sister, Mrs. John Simonson. Frank Rickles will be at Geo. Burrell home in Olena if you need tiling work done. The ladies of the Loyal Women's Class of the Christian Church invite the ladies of Stronghurst and vicinity to a social afternoon in the park. Kenneth Patch, 13 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. George Patch who live on a farm north of Blandinsville, was drowned while wading in a rain swollen creek. Emmet Cleveland, son of Dr. and Mrs. Cleveland of Raritan, recently returned from Arizona where he went last fall to seek relief from the effect of shell shock received during service overseas. His condition is said to be much improved. Paul Wallin and Dale Stine brought in a consignment of cars for the Sutcliff and Wallin garage from Chicago. They were accompanied by Lloyd Chant, Dewey Mudd and Frank Alberg, who availed themselves of the opportunity to visit relatives and friends. C. W. Cooper of Bald Bluff and R. N. Clark of Media Township left for Chicago where Mr. Cooper is sitting as an alternate in the big Republican national convention and where Mr. Clark will attend a meeting of the Illinois Agricultural Association as director.

LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: While using a fishing pole with line and hook attached to rout some English sparrows from a crevice at their home, Miss Jennie Galbraith had the misfortune to have a finger caught by the fish hook, the barb penetrated so deeply that it was necessary to enlist surgical aid in removing it, which was done by making a deep incision in the finger.  Lester McMillan completed his year's work at Knox College.  Mrs. H. D. Lovitt is a victim of a quite severe attack of erysipelas, but is now thought to be improving.  Truman Ricketts of Oquawka and Miss Grace Matson of Little York were married June 2nd at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. R. D. Smith in Bald Bluff Township.  George S. Thornton of Oquawka and Elsie B. Dixon of Rozetta were united in marriage June 5th at the home of the pastor of the Rozetta Baptist Church.  Several auto loads of young folks from the U. P. and M. E. Church spent Wednesday afternoon and evening at Crapo Park in Burlington where they enjoyed a picnic lunch.  L.F. McMullen, district deputy of the Modern Woodmen of America succeeded in getting 38 applications signed up and the local camp officers are arranging a big class initiation.  Ira Wood, who since his return from service in the American Expeditionary Force has been returned in military service at Camp Grant, has received his discharge and arrived home for a short visit with his mother, Mrs. Ida Wood.  With his little adopted daughter, Inez, who has made her home with Ira's mother here for the past year, he left for Chattanooga, Tenn.  Sterling Morelock of Rozetta received the decoration of the French Fourragere from the French government in recognition of his bravery in service during the late war.  Mr. Morelock took part in engagements at St. Michel and the Argonne and was severely wounded in the leg as a result of which he will probably be a cripple for life.

A 20-40 Aultman Taylor tractor has been purchased by Raritan Township for use in road work.  Miss Marguerite Wheeling was the guest of her friend, Miss Ella Boyd of Biggsville.  Col. J. W. D, Decker is helping solve the labor scarcity problem in a practical way; he went out and helped Maurice Lee plow corn.  The street flower boxes in front of the Women's Club waiting room have been filled with fine, blooming red geraniums.  The Misses Hazel Kirby, Audrey Rezner, Susie Voorhees and Emma Wright will enter the State Normal School at Macomb for the summer term.  James Newkirk of Raritan country received a bad wound when an ax with which he was cutting hedge struck a wire fence which was stapled to the hedge and it rebounded striking him on the head. 

The Biggsville telephone girls, Misses Jessie Claybaugh, Wineta Knisley and Mame Adair, entertained the Misses Salter of the Kirkwood exchange and Misses Custer and Hempstring of the Monmouth exchange. 

GLADSTONE GLEANINGS: Edward Johnson of Nebraska visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Malmberg.  Miss Bessie Weir, who has been attending school in Chicago, came home to spend her summer vacation. Miss Ruby Johnson has gone to Kewanee to take her duties in the public hospital.  James Drew died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Will Galbraith at Bowen, Ill.  He was one of the oldest residents of this part of the country and spent most of his life in this vicinity.  He was 86 years old and had been in feeble health.  The funeral will be in the M. E. Church with interment in South Henderson Cemetery.  Mrs. W. M. Wilde of Keithsburg visited in the home of her brother, Mr. David Sage.  Mrs. James Hall and daughter from Nebraska visited her sisters, Mrs. Jessie Tate and Mrs. Nancy Ellis. 

CARMAN CONCERNS: Frederick Rehling was quite badly injured while playing with hop and stave.  He fell while running; the point of the stave cut quite an incision in his throat requiring the services of a doctor to sew it up.  Chas. Marshall, County Superintendent of Roads and Bridges, and G. W. Howell, Chairman of township board, were out viewing washout of roads and bridges caused by the storms Tuesday night.  Mr. and Mrs. Wm Pendry, Sr. and Violet and Grandma Twiller called at the Bennington home in Dallas City and report Mr. Bennington is getting along nicely with his injured foot.  C. Neff of Lomax remains quite poorly with little hopes of recovery.  Considerable damage was done by overflowing creeks caused by the heavy rains.  In Lomax S.F. Tannus moved his office to the factory building.  A couple of autos collided at the foot of Crane's hill; the cars were badly damaged while the occupants were slightly hurt.

Prices of Ford cars: Runabout-$550; Touring Car-$575; Coupe-$750; Sedan-$875; Truck Chassis sold with solid tires and clincher rims-$600 and a Fordson Tractor-$600: all FO.B. Detroit.