The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Registrar for Daniel McMillan Chapter, N.S.D.A.R.1920
Stronghurst Graphic, June 3, 1920
THE CENSUS-1920: A telegram received from Congressman Graham brought the intelligence that the 1920 census announced the total population of Henderson County as 9,770, an increase of just 46 over the number reported in 1910, or a gain of .5 of one per cent.
The population of the county in 1890 was 9,876 and during the following decade it jumped to 10,826, which were the official figures for 1900, an increase of 9.7 per cent. During the decade from 1900 to 1910 there was a decrease in population to 9,724, or 10.3 per cent:
***OBITUARY***MRS. CHARLES E. PETERSON: Louise Nelson was born in Moriunda Parish in the Province of Kalmar in Sweden Oct. 16, 1842 and passed away at her home in Stronghurst May 20, 1920, aged 76 years, 7 months and 2 days. She came to America in 1849 and was united in marriage with Charles E. Peterson April 4, 1871. To this union were born eight children, five daughter and three sons. Two sons, Frank and Henry, preceded their mother to the Great Beyond in their infancy.
Mrs. Peterson is survived by the husband and six children, namely, Mrs. Erick Peterson, Mrs. Chas. Peterson and Albert Peterson of Stronghurst; Mrs Charles. Glad of Carman; Mrs. A.L. Minor of Burnside, Ill. And Mrs. Ella Walker of Ft. Collins, Colo. Twenty-eight grandchildren and one great-grandchild; one stepson, Chas. Peterson of Burlington, Ia. and four sisters also survive her. The sisters are Mrs. Caroline Larson of Moline, Ill., Mrs. Christine Trod??? of Chicago and two sisters living in Sweden.
A short time after their marriage, Mr. and Mrs. Peterson moved to a farm near Lockridge, Ia. residing there for 17 years. They then removed to Burlington, Ia. staying there for 8 years. In 1891 they came to Illinois, living in the vicinity of Stronghurst for a number of years and then moving into the village which has been their home for the past 10 years.
Mrs. Peterson had been a patient sufferer for several years, quietly waiting for her Master' call.
She was always had a kind and pleasant word for those who chanced to come her way. Her favorite Hymns which she often sang were "There is a Happy Land" and "Jesus, Lover of My Soul." She was a member of the Stronghurst Lutheran church at the time of her death, having been confirmed in the Lutheran faith when but a young girl. Funeral services were conducted at the church and interment in the village cemetery.
PLAYGROUND SEASON OPENED: (Today, we take parks for granted and that children will spend free time of their choosing there, but in 1920 a playground concept was a new, radical innovation that necessitated the employment of a director so that children would receive its full benefit.)
Through the efforts of the public play ground committee arrangements have been completed whereby the children of this community may again receive the benefit during the summer vacation season of healthful sport and recreation during certain hours of each day under the supervision of a competent instructor. This year the play ground will be under the supervision of Miss Marjorie Sharpe of Edgerton, Ohio. Miss Sharpe arrived here during the past week and has already taken up her work.
Parents are requested to have their children at the play ground at the scheduled hours and not at other hours during the day. The children must show absolute obedience to the play ground instructor or be barred from the area. The play ground apparatus is not to be used after 10 o'clock in the evening.
Anyone disregarding this restriction will be subject to a fine. The public is strictly forbidden to use the play ground apparatus on the Sabbath.
The daily schedule will be as follows: 8:30 to 9:30 a.m-instruction in tennis; 9:30-11:30 am-games, play and stories for children under 10 years; 2:00 to 5:30 pm-games, plays and stories for children over 10 years and 7:00 to 8:30-Basketball, volleyball and tennis for high school girls and boys.
1895 GRAPHIC: Graduation exercises of the Stronghurst High School were held during the week. The Salutatorian was Miss Mae Hunter; the Misses Ethel Carothers, Lulu Kessler and Flo Taylor each delivered an oration and a class prophecy in verse composed by Miss Carothers was read; these four constituted the graduating class. The Alumni of the high school gave a banquet in the K.P. Hall.
Curt Davidson sold his new brick building during the week to Walt Simonson, who was preparing to open a butcher shop. The Thomas Cooper residence was badly shattered by a bolt of lightning.
The two young children of Mr. and Mrs. John Lant of Olena were severely injured while playing at school. They were running toward each other and stuck their heads together with such force as to cut deep gashes exposing the skull bones.
Harvey, the younger of the two suffered much from shock and loss of blood. I.H. Carothers, a former Henderson County boy, and Miss Mary McMullen of Burlington, Ia. were married at the home of the lady's parents there on May 28th. Miss Clara A. Milliken, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Milliken of the country southeast of Stronghurst, passed away at their home on May 26th.
NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS: Opening day at Willow Beach, Dallas City's popular resort, was celebrated last Saturday with an afternoon and evening program of music, readings, recitations, short address and a two act comedy. Dana L. Rockel of Dallas City and Miss Alta Simpkins of Rutland, Ill. were married at Burlington, Ia. May 26th.
The receivers of the Rock Island Southern Inter-urban road have petitioned the state public utilities commission for the privilege of dismantling and abandoning the Alexis stub. The citizens are resisting the application and a hearing to decide the fate of the stub road will be held at Chicago June 7th.
Peoria's big $100,000 Coliseum was destroyed by fire. The merchants of New Windsor, Ill have announced that they will conduct all their business on a cash basis.
Fred Mead, an oiler employed by the Burlington at Galesburg, shot and killed his wife at the home of a neighbor with whom she had been staying since a disagreement with her husband. After the shooting, Mead returned to his own home and committed suicide by turning the weapon against himself
A BIG EVENT-DECORATION DAY: Exercises in honor of our fallen war heroes were held at the Lyric Theatre Sunday afternoon with the service in charge of Rev. V. A. Crumbaker, pastor of the M. E. Church and former engaged in the Y.M.C.A. work with the American Expeditionary Forces in France with the rank of Lieutenant. The stage was tastefully decorated with spring blossoms and the National colors. The program was as previously published with the musical part including the chorus, duets and solos adding much to the impressiveness of the occasion. The address of Rev. Naboth Osborne of Burlington, Iowa, was an eloquent and a patriotic discourse.
Afterward, the audience took up the line of march to the cemetery led by Lieut. Crumbaker in uniform and a martial band composed of Wm. Spiker and son Ernie as drummer, Clarence Apt as fifer and Jed Maxey as bugler. Veterans of the Civil War, numbering three and a rather limited number of the veterans of the recent war followed. After these came 20 young girls dressed in white and wearing the National colors and about an equal number of boys. These were followed by citizens in autos and on foot.
Arriving at the cemetery the graves of each fallen hero were decorated with a beautiful wreath after which a program of readings, songs and a pretty ribbon drill by the children under the direction of Miss Morgan was carried out. Comrade H. M. Allison then read the roster and taps were sounded by the bugler.
Many graves in addition to those of the soldier dead were decorated with beautiful floral wreaths and designs and the appearance of the cemetery spoke well for the community's interest in caring for the resting place of the dead.
BURIED IN RARITAN: Mr. and Mrs. Russell Brokaw went to Burlington to meet Mrs. Brokaw's mother, Mrs. Carrie Calhoun, who accompanied the remains of her husband Will Calhoun there from Sheridan, Wyo. Mr. Calhoun died at a Sheridan hospital from blood poisoning resulting from decayed teeth. His remains were taken from Burlington to Raritan and kept at the P. H. Voorhees home until Saturday afternoon when funeral services were held. The remains were interred in the Raritan Cemetery.
The deceased was 47 years of age and was born near Raritan. His wife was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Voorhees. Mr. Calhoun was engaged in business in Burlington until a few years ago when he and his family went to Wyoming.
LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Monday was observed as a legal holiday by most of the business firms and the post office. Quite a number of the villagers enjoyed the day picnicking and fishing at Lake Fort. Douglass Prescott and Nat Curry are said to have been amongst the most successful anglers, each securing a fine string of fish. While ascending a stairway at her home last Sunday, Mrs. Mae Morgan tripped and fell backwards down the flight of stairs striking her head and was rendered unconscious for some time. Happily, however, no serious effects followed and she soon recovered from the shock of the accident. Dr. and Mrs. Harter arrived safely from California where they spent the winter. They report having had a very delightful time in the land of sunshine and flowers and an enjoyable return trip by way of the Canadian Pacific R.R. covering a period of two weeks. A recent issue of the Los Angeles, Calif. Times contains a picture of Miss Mae Lovitt, daughter of Mr. P. T. Lovitt of this place. Accompanying the picture was an article telling of Miss Lovitt's recent appearance in a dramatic recital at the Gamut Club theatre there and of her growing success in the dramatic profession. E. R. Grandey left for Chicago to look over the fall and winter stock of merchandise; he was accompanied by his daughter, Mildred and Miss Mildred Salter.
Rev. Samuel McKeown, who was forced to give up his work at the Ganaway Mission at Liberia, Africa and return to the States on account of ill health taking up a pastorate in Nebraska; he is now in Burlington hospital where he has submitted to a second serious operation for gall stone. Although temporarily relieved, he is still in a very critical condition. Mrs. McKeown and baby daughter are at the home of Mr. McKeown's parents here. Miss Naomi Anderson has accepted a position in the Grandey store for the summer. Miss Naomi Lukens closed her term of teaching at Gladstone and with her mother moved to their new home here in the property on Main St. recently vacated by J. W. Anderson.
A picnic party composed of Miss Winifred Drew of Peoria, Clydean Simpson, Dorothy McMillan, Mildred Grandey, John Stine, Fort Hicks, Joseph Dixson and Jack Regan drove to the woods near the Media Bridge Friday afternoon and enjoyed a picnic supper and a moonlight drive home. Earl Huppert returned from Chicago where he went some time ago to take a railroad job. He says that with the present partial tie-up in freight traffic, the railroads are not able to furnish work for all of their men. Harold Miner, the young son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Howard Miner, underwent an operation at St. Luke's hospital in Chicago for a chronic infection of one of his limbs. The operation was successful and Harold was able to return home. John Salter's team of bays, which have always been considered perfectly safe and reliable, took fright while he was cleaning up the alley back of his home and the way the tin cans were strewn down the street was a sight. Luckily, the team was stopped before any serious damage was done.
Frank E. Wood, son of Mrs. Ida Wood of Stronghurst and who is now in the auto tire repair business in Richland, Ia. was married on May 28th to Miss Gladys Grupe, Burlington, Ia. The wedding took place in the parsonage of Grace M. E. Church in Burlington. The couple was attended by Mrs. Hugh Sines of Burlington and George Goodrich of Richland, Ia
OLENA OBSERVATIONS: Rev. Rollen of Abingdon spoke to a very small congregation in the village Sabbath afternoon in the interest of the Anti-Saloon League. Most of the farmers are through planting corn and a few have begun cultivating. A young son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Detrick. A young daughter is also reported in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Irving Burrell. Quite a number from a distance visited the Olena Cemetery and placed flowers on the graves of their departed loved ones. Mrs. Lura Lant and daughter and Miss Grace Marshall left for a week's visit with relatives in Red Oak, Emerson, Carson and Oakland, Ia., and will probably visit in Omaha, Nebr. Mr. Huff of Stronghurst has been employed to teach the Olena school. On account of the scarcity of teachers, H. S. Lant has decided to again join the teaching forces and has accepted the principal ship of the Oquawka Public School. Mrs. Albert Hult and son Harold as well as two children of Mr. and Mrs. Fran Pierson have the measles. John Sterling disposed of his Ford car a short time ago to Floyd Burrell and has purchased another with all modern improvements. Mrs. Commodore Evans says she is expecting to locate in Olena in the near future.
MEDIA MEANDERINGS: The first fish peddler this season was in town. Quite a number from here motored to Biggsville to see the senior class play. The funeral of Mr. Wm. Hickman's mother was held in the Methodist church and burial was in Point Pleasant Township. A daughter, Mary Esther, was born to Mr. and Mrs. John S Baldridge of Des Moines, Iowa. The mother is the former Miss Esther Richey of this place. Mrs. W. C. Winders passed away at her home on Tuesday morning after two or three week's illness with neuritis. Funeral services were held at the Methodist Church and burial was in the Stronghurst Cemetery. Miss Metza Cash finished her school term at the academy and left for Colorado where she has summer employment in an office.