The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1920 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Registrar for Daniel McMillan Chapter, N.S.D.A.R.1920

Stronghurst Graphic, Aug 5, 1920 

OBITUARY: MRS. JOHN DOYLE: Lelah May Moore, daughter of Alice Bradshaw and Joseph Moore, was born in Stronghurst Jan. 13, 1892 and died at the St. Mary's Hospital in Galesburg, Ill., Aug. 1, 1920 (28 years and 6 months of age.) She was married to John Doyle Sept. 20, 1908 and moved onto a farm in the Stronghurst community where they have resided until the end came. She leaves her husband and little son, Max, 2 years old to mourn her death, also her mother, Mrs. James Rezner and one brother, Albert Moore, and the step father, James Rezner and step brother and sister, Marshall and Lenora and the half sisters and brother, Audrey, Isel and Dewain. The father and one brother passed away several years ago.

The funeral service was conducted at the M. E. Church with interment in the local cemetery. Five cousins of the deceased, Cleo and Dale Stine, Roy and Estal Mudd and Hollis Links acted as poll bearers.

VIEW OF LOCAL FARMS: In driving through the country a marked improvement is noted in the condition of the corn crop in the past few weeks. Oats in the shock has the appearance of a heavy yield. Wheat threshing has begun. Robt. Clarke reports a yield of 42 1/2 bus. per acre from 25 acres. The land on which this what was produced had been treated to two tons per acre of limestone last year, the results from which were very satisfactory for the length of time since it was applied. Wm. Mullen of near Kirkwood had a yield of 41 bu., J. Y. Whiteman had 100 acres on the drainage district which yielded 30 bu., Mrs. Hulda strand had a yield of 25 bu. and Dan Strand has 29 bu. per acre.

L. A. Worthington began the season's work with a new threshing outfit consisting of a Red River Valley Separator and Aultman-Taylor engine. E. G. Lewis had 26 acres of first crop clover which yielded 4 bu. per acres. The quality of hay is fine and it is going up in good condition. F. A. Annegers farm is one of the most perfectly kept places in this section of the country and Mr. Annegers is never too busy to show visitors around. The good conditions of a number of farms in Henderson County was noted and we believe the aid of a county advisor has had much to do with the improvement of farm homes and crops. At Edgar Rankin's home a fine flock of blooded Rhode Island Red chickens is an attractive sight.

BEWARE OF SUGAR SWINDLERS: Reports are coming in from a number of towns in this part of the country to the effect that agents are canvassing and telling the housewife that he has access to a big supply of Cuban sugar and can get all she wants for 10 cents a pound. The housewife pays a small amount of the order, $2 on a hundred pounds with the balance to be paid on delivery. They day of delivers comes but the sugar never does.

MEDIA MEANDERINGS: Miss Jean Mekemson of the Lewis Seed Co. left on a two weeks vacation which she will spend with relatives and friends in Galesburg, Biggsville and Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Wilson are getting ready to move to Citna, Florida, where they have purchased a farm. Large numbers from town have been going to the woods and returning with buckets full of delicious blackberries. Mrs. S. A. Pendarvis is having her residence remodeled, having a new basement, furnace and kitchen and bathroom built. Grandma Bacon, who received injuries while car riding a few weeks ago, remains quite poorly. As she is nearly 96 years old, her friends are uneasy about her slow recovery. The ice cream social held on the Academy lawn Friday evening by the community was a great success both financially and socially. Quite a few people from Stronghurst, Biggsville and Oquawka were in attendance.

LEWIS SEED CO. ENTERTAINS: On Thursday afternoon 50 farmers from Warren and Henderson Counties visited the seed plots of the E. G. Lewis Seed Co. at Media. One of the chief attractions was the different varieties of soy beans. The various corn breeding plots attracted much attention and much information was gained by the visitors on these matters which are very important to the farmer who wishes to keep in touch with up-to-date products.

After being entertained at the seed house, the party drove to the drainage district where J. Y. Whiteman showed them the work that was being done there. As the crops are exceptionally good there, this made a very interest trip.

1895 GRAPHIC: E. B. Campbell had decided to build a new brick building between Jones & Turner's grocery and the new bank building. Kirk and Johansen have taken a five year lease on the building. Isaac McQuown lost his life in a battle with an infuriated bull. He was one of the oldest residents of Henderson County. James Rounds had just opened a restaurant and boarding house in the King building on Mary Street. Will Allison and mother left for a trip to Niagara Falls. Prof. Ivins and family returned from Colorado. Prof. Slater attended commencement exercises at Bushnell. He went across the country on his bicycle. He made the return run of 30 miles in 3 hours and 6 minutes. Several new ordinances of interest were added to the city laws at that time with Peter Groome, Sr. as town mayor and L. A. Wilson clerk. "Squire Morgan was holding court on Mondays in his office on Broadway. The program at the Harvest Home picnic was as follows: M.I. Robinson-address of welcome; Response by Rev. Halbert and Chickering of Raritan and Rev. Wilson of Media. Recitations were given by Misses Mamie Ford, Maud Allison, Cliff Rankin, Ella Harter, Mary Barnes, Jennie Pierce and Mr. J. W. Gordon

LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: The E. G. Lewis Seed Co. reported that the first wheat on which the company had option had arrived. The company furnished seed to a number of farmers last spring with the agreement that an equal amount of wheat was to be returned and the company was to have an option on the entire crop at ten cents above market price. Mr. and Mrs. Fraker, son Arthur and daughters, Mabel and Doris from Kalamazoo, Mich. who had been visiting relatives at Niota, Ill. were motoring back to their home last week and when nearing Stronghurst. Mrs. Fraker became very ill and was taken to the home of Miss Jennie Galbraith. She is being cared for there until she is able to resume her journey. Grandma McLain has been under the doctor's care at the home of her granddaughter, Mrs. C. M. Bell. The city of Quincy has levied a one mill health tax which creates a health fund of approximately $18,000 which will be available when the board of health under the new system enters upon its duties in 1921.

Word was received of the death of Merrill Fergus of Bussy, Iowa. His wife will be remembered as Miss Bernice Tucker, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Tucker. Mrs. Frank Lauber is visiting town this week. Dorothy Davis is spending the week at the Dr. Henderson home and attending the Chautauqua. T.C. Knutstrom went to Flint, Mich. to drive home a Dodge touring car. Miss Susie Voorhees is nursing a broken arm as the result of an accident while cranking the car. Dr. Marshall was called and set the broken member. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hartquist, Mr. Oscar Johnson and Misses Stella Hartquist and Doris Ogburn of Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, spent a few days at the Wm. Hartquist home.

On the Brooks road west of town, Will Marshall and Dewain Rezner had a head-on collision which wrecked both cars but fortunately no one was injured. The dust at this place is very bad making deriving quite dangerous. (Even today this hill is dangerous; go slow!) Mr. and Mrs. C. R. A. Marshall, Stella, Lois and Henry of Olena and Mr. and Mrs. David Stratton and family of Coloma composed an auto party to Newton, Kansas. A week will be spent with relatives before returning home.

The Chautauqua is bringing good crowds from out of town to hear the programs. (Culture arrived in Stronghurst.) A number of visitors are seen from the following areas: Maple Grove-Ed Chandler, Mr. Wm. Powell and family, Elmer Davis and family, Mr. Fred Fitz, Geo. Seigworth, Alvah Anderson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Hardy and Mr. and Mrs. Hildebran; from Raritan-Cornel Schenck and Lulola, Mrs. Kate Hunt, Elmer Livermore and Wm. Thompson and family; from Biggsville-Harry Rankin and family, Edgar Rankin, Frank Graham, Mrs. J.S. Milligan and Mr. Tom Stewart and family; from Gladstone-Mr. and Mrs. Eb Lant and Frank Porter and sister; from Media-Clarence Richey's family, Edgar Lewis and family, Mrs. Cavins, Guy Garnet and Dr. S. P. Kyle and wife.

BIGGSVILLE BRIEFS: Chas. Kilgore has been doing carpenter work at the home of Tom Glenn, who is to have a new garage put up. Mrs. Verna Barnett, Misses Madaline White and Ruby Russell were at Oquawka last week taking the examination for certificates to teach school this fall. Prof. Clifford Link has handed in his resignation as principal of the public school and has accepted a position in one of the banks at Monmouth. Rumor has it that Perile Dixson will leave for parts of Wyoming where he has accepted a position as section boss on the railroad. Tom Zimmerman has recently purchased a Ford car from Ed Stotts. Mrs. Chas. Rhoades has been suffering with a carbuncle on her face. The Farmers Threshing Club north of town are somewhat at a loss as to know how they will get their threshing done as they are not able to secure coal. Commissioner Wm. Campbell has been having some strong requests for new bridges to be placed two miles west of town. Another one is being put in one half mile northeast of the Sloan place.

Arrangements for the Homecoming Picnic are nearing completion. August 19& 20th are the fixed dates and canvassers have finished their soliciting for funds; they received more money than ever before and one of the best speakers in the state is to be the big feature of the program. Stock shippers of this place are having s serious time in securing cars to ship their fatted stock; Wm. Campbell sent one car on Monday and Sam Duncan two while Bert Liby was unfortunate not to get a car for his hogs. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Menchoff are now riding in a new Velie recently purchased from Kelly & Pearson of Monmouth. Miss Madaline White has been engaged to teach the Cedar Oak School northwest of town. N.Q. Welch in the west part of town is having his house raised preparatory to digging a new basement and installing a furnace. John and Roy Weir are doing the cement work and S. K. White of Monmouth is raising the house. Attorneys O'Harra of Carthage and Moffett of Oquawka were in town settling the business of John White and his wife, Mable White, who now expect to live apart.

GLADSTONE GLEANINGS: Willard Graham of Chicago returned home after visiting relatives here. Prof. Hugh Alton of Fountain Green is very ill at the home of his sister, Mrs. W. W. Murtland; his sister, Mrs. Orin Bark of La Harpe is helping care for him. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Fox are very proud of a young son left at their home Monday by the stork. Mr. and Mrs. Linn Galbraith are very proud of a young daughter born July 22nd.

CARMAN CONCERNS: Mrs. Ruth Marsden and Max have returned from a visit with her aunt, Mrs. Mattie Kemp at West Branch, Iowa. Mrs. Lura Allen and children, who have been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Graham, returned home to Waterloo, Iowa. The children in Carman school should be at the school house Friday in order to see about making changes in school books.

LOMAX LINGERINGS: Mrs. John Walker of Pontoosuc spent the last week with her sister, Mrs. John Daugherty. Born to John Dowell and wife, July 29th, a daughter. M.A. Pickets and wife expect soon to leave for Chicago for a visit with their son Charley and family driving through in their car. Several from here attended the funeral of Mrs. Philip Farren at Dallas City. Mrs. Marion McKim is spending a few weeks at the Ogden Waterman home. The local ball team went to Bushnell Sunday and was defeated by a score of 11 to 3.