The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1920 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Registrar for Daniel McMillan Chapter, N.S.D.A.R.1920

Stronghurst Graphic, June 24, 1920 

WEDDING BELLS PEAL AGAIN: The J. H. Staley home in the village was the scene of a pretty noonday wedding, the contracting parties being Miss Ruth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Staley, and Mr. Vern Wood, son of Mrs. Ida Wood.  Promptly at noon, Miss Martha Davis took her place at the piano accompanist to Miss Alice Wax, who sang, "I Love You Truly." Next, was the wedding march by Lohengrin played by Miss Lucile Rankin.  As strains of the music began, the bridal party descended the stairway into the parlor taking their place under an arch of pink and white roses and ferns.  Composing the party were the bride and groom to-be; little Louise Jacobs as ring bearer; Miss Mary Staley, sister of the bride as bridesmaid and Mr. Manly Staley, brother of the bride as best man. The bride was gowned in white Georgette trimmed with white satin and carried a bouquet of roses and sweet peas.  The groom was attired in black.  Rev. V.A. Crumbaker of the M.E. church officiated taking the ring from the little ring bearer and handing it to the groom, who in turn placed it upon the finger of his bride while the solemn marriage vows were spoken. Following the ceremony, the happy couple was congratulated.  Miss Maree Larson sang "At Dawning." All were then served a delicious three course wedding feast, the color scheme of the table decorations being pink and white.  Afterwards Mr. and Mrs. Wood entered a waiting automobile and were driven to Burlington, Iowa where they expected to take a train for Detroit, The bride is one of Stronghurst's best known, esteemed young ladies.  She graduated from the high school in 1917 and has been a successful public school teacher for 2 years. 

The groom is a most excellent young man, industrious in habits, gentlemanly and courteous in demeanor.  During the war he was in government training at Peoria in the auto mechanical branch of service and since his discharge has been employed in the same line of work here.  After the honeymoon, the couple will be home at the Wood home in the west part of town. (Out of town guests listed in rest of article).

BIRTHDAY SURPRISE: Last spring Charles Charter and family moved to the Ham Evans farm north of Olena, which Mr. Charter purchased last Thursday on his 56th birthday.  His relatives decided to celebrate the occasion.  Last Sunday his sisters, Mrs. W.L. Spiker of Stronghurst, Mrs. Peter Van Alstine of Media and Mrs. James Brown of Smithshire brought their children and grandchildren, some 42 relatives, to spend the day at the Charter home.  A bountiful dinner was provided and the afternoon was agreeably spent in social intercourse with music interspersed.  Later refreshments were served.  A purse of fifteen dollars was left.  Mr. Charter moved from Illinois to Villisca, Iowa in 1833 and lived there for 27 years returning last spring. 

FARM TRIP TO URBANA: the Trip to the State Experimental Farms at Urbana was a great success, some 27 farmers and their wives from Henderson County and about 40 from Warren County composed the party under the guidance of Farm Advisors Miner and Wells.  The following people went from here: J. Howard Miner and wife; Joseph Dixson and wife; C. W. Walker; Richard Peasley; J. C. Brook and son John, R.N. Marshall and son Howard.

OBITUARY-DRUZILLA JANE LOVITT: Druzilla Jane, daughter of Daniel andKiturah(McDonald)Lovitt, was born near Dresden, Muskingum County, Ohio and died in the Osteopathic Hospital, Kirksville, Mo. June 15, 1920.  She was taken to the Kirksville hospital previous for an operation for cancer, but death came before it could be performed.

She came to Illinois with the family in 1856, settling on the prairie north of La Harpe, where she grew to womanhood.  Later the family moved to Henderson County.  For the past three years, she made her home with her sister Mrs. Sidney Albaugh and brother Jasper of La Harpe.  She was a member of the Old Bedford Christian Church.; she was a quiet and unassuming, doing good as good ought to be done.  There were twelve bothers and sisters in her family, one sister and two brothers having preceded her in death.  Those surviving are John of Johnstown, Nebr.; Mrs. Maria McDermott, Evan and Horace of this vicinity; Mrs. Mary Crabill of Carthage and Jasper, Andrew and Mrs. Sidney Albaugh of this city.-La Harpe Quill:

1895 GRAPHIC: R.W. Rankin and Miss Jennie Lant were married at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Lant near Olena on the evening of June 19th.  Prof. W. C. Ivins was re-engaged as principal of the Stronghurst schools.  The contract for the erection of a new United Presbyterian Church at Kirkwood was let.  At a directors meeting of the State Bank of Henderson County, it was unanimously decided to build their own building and a committee consisting of John Carothers, E.B Campbell, I. F. Harter, Wyatt Stanley and Wm. Brooks was appointed.  The C. C. Butler's stock of general merchandise at Biggsville was sold at sheriff's sale; the purchasers were W. H. Penny and James Butler.  The summer normal school was closed on account of lack of patronage.  According to the report of assessor A. H. Silsbee, the total value of real estate in Stronghurst Township was $239,093 and of personal property, $104,715.

LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Mrs. George Hunter and son Chauncey of Algonquin, Ill. are visiting the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Crenshaw.  Sheriff McDill was here serving invitations to a number of citizens to act as jurors at the coming session of county court.  Mrs. C. M. Bell's class of girls and Robt. McKeown's class of boys of the U.P.Sabbath School motored to Burlington for a picnic at Crapo Park Ed Stine went to Joliet to confer with officials of the State Polled Hereford Association in regard to his public sale of cattle to be held at South Grove Farm in October.  H.N. Vaughn and daughter Merna and Miss Madeline Park returned from a sojourn in California where Mr. Vaughn succeeded in placing some fine Henderson County Polled Hereford cattle on ranches in the Sacramento Valley.  Mr. Vaughn considers California a promising field for the development of Polled Hereford breeding.  Dr. and Mrs. Findley joined a picnic party composed of members of the Warren County Medical Association and their families.  The party drove to Oquawka for breakfast at the Dr. Phelps cottage and at noon partook of a catfish dinner at the Oquawka Hotel, going from there to Burlington where a picnic was enjoyed at Crapo Park.  Workmen are laying out a tennis court on the public school campus which should be a source of great pleasure to the young people. 

A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Duncan of Raritan on June 15th; Mrs. Duncan was formerly Miss Bertha VanDoren.  A. S. McElhinney is having the residence which he recently purchased from Bert Putney remodeled and modernized for the convenience of his family.  Vern Mills, who is employed at the Johnson Garage, made a trip to Iowa City to bring home his little son who had been staying with his grandparents.  Grady Fort, who taught school in Nebraska City, Neb. last year is visiting his folks.  Spend your vacation at Willow Beach and Lakeside Park, Dallas City.  Camping, swimming, fishing and rowing; cottages for rent; high diving tower; floats and slides-big celebration on July 5th.  Shore Hollingworth was called to Mattoon, Ill. by the serious illness of his brother Chancy who was operated on for appendicitis.  S.V.A. Simonson is reported seriously ill at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Ella Rankin southeast of town.  Mr. and Mrs. Trabue and son of Fort Madison, Ia. are helping to care for Frank Westfall who is quite ill at his home in the west part of town.

THE BEE WON: Harry Doty had an expensive, but on the whole, rather fortunate accident.  He and his family were driving in the southwest country when a large bumble bee flew into the car and began to make war on little Vernon Doty, stinging him.  Harry attempted to swat the bee, but in doing so, he forgot to watch what the auto was doing and it smashed into another Ford and tore off a wheel.  Fortunately, no one was injured except the boy and the bee-Dallas City Review

BIG TOP COMING TO BURLINGTON: Yankee Robinson Three Ring Wild Animal Circus, the largest wild animal circus in the world and the second largest show traveling will exhibit in Burlington, Iowa June 14th. This show has twenty lions in one act, has ten polar bears in the arena at one time, has 100 wild animals in the parade, more wild animals than most shows carry. 

Over forty cars are required to transport this mammoth enterprise.  The big show is now twice its former size and is exhibiting in all sections of the United States.

GLADSTONE GLEANINGS: Mr. Sam Stevenson has moved to Burlington where he has purchased a fine place.  Miss Iva Cisna is the new assistant in the post office.  Two airplanes enroute to Chicago landed on Fred Dutton's field west of town. Soon a large crowd gathered to see them.  Mr. and Mrs. Z. A. Poindexter and children of Galesburg spent several days at the C. R. Forward home visiting friends and relatives. 

At Children's Day exercises at the M. E. Church a fine program was presented.  The Christy four piece orchestra gave several good selections.  Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Clans, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Tribler, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Brainard and Miss Florence Schell and Dale Galbraith went on an excursion out of Burlington. In the ball game between Burlington and the home ball nine, the score was 2 to 14 in favor of Gladstone. 

CARMAN CONCERNS: Warren Pershain, who has been quite poorly since returning from overseas, has gone to Chicago to see a specialist for an operation.  The S.S. will give an ice cream social on the church lawn.  Lew Bagles received quite a shock from lightning during the storm.