The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Registrar for Daniel McMillan Chapter, N.S.D.A.R.1920
Stronghurst Graphic, May 6, 1920
STRONG-HURST SWEEPS TRIANGULAR MEETS: In the contest thus far participated in this season by the athletic and literary teams of Stronghurst High School, the results have been such as to justify a feeling pride in our local institution. In the Lombard meet held at Galesburg and participated in by 17 of the leading high schools of Western and Central Illinois, the Stronghurst team tied with Spring Valley for 4th place; this meet was won by LaGrange. At the Triangular meet held at La Harpe, Stronghurst finished an easy first in both the athletic and literary events piling up a score of 71 points in the athletic field and winning first in both the girls' and boys declamatory contest in the evening. (Long list of competitors and ranking given in this issue.)
LEWIS SEED COMPANY QUITS MON-MOUTH: The E. G. Lewis Seed Co. has announced its intention of closing the branch office in Monmouth on July 1st and of conducting its business there after from the main office and warehouse at Media. The reason given for this move is that although the company was invited to Monmouth by the Warren County Farm Bureau, there now seems to be a desire on the part of the bureau to form another seed organization and the Lewis Company does not wish to hinder the movement nor be in a position which might make it appear that they were antagonistic to it. Mr. Lewis states that the future of his company's seed business depends to a large extent upon the demand for better seeds which comes through the work of Farm Bureaus and he, therefore, desires to cooperate with, rather than put obstacles in the way of the proposed organization of a Farm Bureau Seed Association.
Mr. Lewis announces that his company is increasing its capital stock from $45,000 to $100,000 with $25,000 of the increase as preferred stock to draw 7 per cent per annum and subject to retirement on 60 days notice at $105 per share. The remaining $30,000 is to be common stock and the company hopes to place it all with farmers who are interested in seeds of the highest quality.
The fact that this rapidly growing seed company is to conduct all of its business at Media in the future should prove to be a direct benefit to that place and a source of pride to all Henderson County residents.
1895 GRAPHIC: Judge John Logan, an old resident of Lomax vicinity, died at his home on May 1st at the age of 73 years; he was county judge from 1853-1857. Jud McCormick, a newspaper man who had been connected with the Raritan Bulletin, the Little York Ensign and the Warren County Democrat, died at the home of his mother-in-law, Mrs. Wm. Maynard in Raritan on May 3rd. The methods of the Chicago department stores were being investigated by the Illinois legislature and it fell to the lot of Hon. J. O. Anderson of this county to arrest Frank H. Cooper of the firm of Siegel, Cooper and Co. during the week for refusing to answer questions put to him by the investigating committee. Mr. and Mrs. Campbell of Chariton, Ia. had just purchased Len Wilson's new residence in Stronghurst. Between 200-300 people were killed and enormous property loss inflicted by a cyclone which swept over Sioux County, Ia. On May 3.
WCTU MEETS: The local Women's Christian Temperance Union met at the Community Room and enjoyed a special program on departmental work. Mrs. W. C. Regan gave a reading entitled, "The Small Boy's Plea," a description of the indiscretion often used by the parent in the punishment of the child. The officers and superintendents of departments each explained the object of their work. The treasurer, Mrs. Chas. Davis, wore a collar composed of 10 one dollar bills which were later presented to the union. Mrs. H. M. Allison, superintendent of the department of Scientific Temperance and Narcotics, reported her committee as being particularly interested in getting the young boys to enlist in the battle against cigarettes. Mrs. John Staley, superintendent of Bible study, reported the Bible question contest just closed and was very successful. Mrs. Paul Wallin, superintendent of music, illustrated her work by little Pauline Wallin rendering a vocal solo in a very pleasant manner. Parliamentary law, of which Mrs. M. E. Beardsley is superintendent, was demonstrated by Mesdames Worley, Wallin, Wood and Widney showing the incorrect and correct forms of procedure much to the merriment of the company. Mesdames Decker, Gilliland, Burrell and Murphy were hostesses of the social hour during which time Mrs. Leila Johnson read "The Violin's story." Miss Ardis Hicks read, "Does it Pay to do Right" and Miss Alice Wax rendered a number of vocal and instrumental selections which were very much enjoyed by all. Dainty refreshments were served after which the meeting was brought to a close.
HE SHOT HER DEAD! James McKee, a retired farmer, 80 years old, shot and killed his niece, Miss Grace Grotts, and then committed suicide by turning the gun upon himself and sending a bullet through his brain last Friday afternoon. The tragedy occurred in the court house yard at Carthage, Ill, the slayer and his victim and the latter's father having just been in consultation in the court house over the question of the compromise of a suit in which McKee was striving to have a deed set aside which conveyed to his niece the ownership of the property in which he lived, in lieu of other compensation for her services as housekeeper for him for several years. McKee was judged to be mentally deranged last March at which time a conservator was appointed for him.
BIG CORN FIELD: From the Monmouth Daily Atlas: "One of the largest corn fields in this part of the state is in the drainage district west and south of here (Biggsville). The Anderson brothers are putting in 650 acres of corn on J.Y. Whiteman's place and across the road they are putting in 400 acres of corn on the Fred Dutton place. For the last two or three days they have had seven gang plows and two four-bottom tractors going. They are plowing about 50 acres per day. They have about 500 acres yet to plow."
RARITAN WOMEN JOIN THE TREND: G.O.P. women of Raritan held a meeting at the Opera House with Mrs. Ivabelle Stewart of Biggsville giving a talk on the work of the county and of women in politics. Mrs. Adkins, township chairman of Raritan, presided introduced the speaker. Afterward, the group organized a community club and expects to join the district and state Federation of Women's Clubs at once. The following executive committee was elected: President-Mrs. Edith Brokaw; Vice-President-Mrs. Merle Hixson; Second Vice-President-Mrs. J.K. Barry; Recording Secretary-Cordelia Corzatt; Corresponding Secretary-Edna Callow; Treasurer-Anna May Gearhart; and Publicity Chairman-Mrs. Emma Barnes.
LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: James Marshall closed his term of teaching in the Hopper school. Miss Ella Ahlers closed her term of school at Adair, Ill., returning to her home southeast of town. Miss Ella Barnes, returned missionary from Egypt, gave two very interesting addresses at the United Presbyterian services in the village last Sabbath. The E. G. Grodinier Co. closed a week's engagement at the Lyric with the play, "Friendly Enemies." Miss Susie Voorhees held a closing picnic for her pupils and patrons of the school district. Miss Clara Fitz and her class of boys from the M. E. Sunday school took a hike to the woods and brought back an abundance of wild flowers which were used in decorating the church for the special service held on Sunday. Mrs. O'Blivens of Kahoka, Mo. is helping at the Worley Drug store for a time Frank and Raymond Johnson have been having a siege of the scarlet fever at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johnson. Material is being hauled on the ground for the new concrete bridge within the village limits on the road passing the Jos. Dixson place south of town. Mrs. Nan Starkey and daughter, Mrs. W. F. Johnson and children, visited Harry Starkey and family at Fort Madison.
The latest reports from the prospective oil well which was being put down in Greenbush Township in Warren County is to the effect that drilling had to be abandoned on account of striking an unusual flow of water at about 500 feet. It is said, however, that drilling for oil will be started in another location. The Willing Workers of the U. P. Church entertained at the A. S. McElhinney home in the village with a large attendance. Hostesses, Mesdames Cortleyou, Smith, Sanderson, Fort and Doak and Miss Carothers, served very delightful refreshments. The month of May was ushered in with clear and bright weather, but with a temperature considerable below normal. At twilight the usual custom of hanging May baskets was observed by many of the young folks of the village and it was interesting to note the charming manner with which the very pleasing custom was carried out. The banquet given by the W.F.M.S. of the M.E. church last Friday evening to the new members and their husbands was a very successful event. A bountiful feast was served by the ladies, the menu consisting of creamed chicken, potato salad, strawberries, ice cream and cake. The table decorations were very artistic and the evening was spent in a social way.
The road leading west from town was almost devoid of traffic several days on account of the condition of the approach to the bridge near the A. R. Brooks place. Eight autos and a number of trucks had to be pulled out of the mud there on Saturday. This bridge was put in late last fall and the dirt used for filling at each end of the bridge has never settled sufficiently to make a solid roadway.
W. E. Hurd and wife are moving to their new home on Mary Street. Miss Ella McQuown has been suffering from an attack of LaGrippe. Miss Mary Voorhees of the south country spent the weekend with her friend, Miss Mary Brokaw. Miss Minnie Wood is taking treatment at Burlington for an ear affection following her recent illness (infection?).
The Harry Doty, Joseph Ross and Lee Wilson families visited at the George Chant home. Mrs. B. G. Widney and Chas. Kaiser attended a meeting and banquet of the Mystic Shriners at Galesburg.
H. N. Vaughn started on a trip to California in the interests of the Polled Hereford Association. He was accompanied by his daughter, Miss Merna and Miss Madeline Park. Will Stine is getting material on the ground for his new house. The old one is being moved to its new location and the site prepared to begin work soon. Jas. Hicks is the contractor. The total eclipse of the moon which occurred last Sunday evening was observed by many people here, the sky being comparatively free from intervening clouds, thus permitting a good view. Relatives have received word that Emmett Cooper, who is with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Perry Cooper at Crandon, Wis., had the misfortune to get a bone in his leg broken about two weeks ago while engaged in hauling logs.
Mrs. C.R. Kaiser left for a visit with relatives at Niagara Falls, N.Y. and will probably visit New York City before her return. She was accompanied by Miss Martha Davis who expected to go as far as Mason, Mich. where she will spend some time with her sister, Mrs. Otto Steffey, where she will make the acquaintance of her niece, Barbara June Steffey.
John Gilliland is back on the job as baker for the Co-operative Store after an enforced vacation of two weeks caused by illness. The local high school athletic team will go to Elmwood to participate in the Military Tract high school meet. George K. Peasley has been taking a vacation from his work as auto salesman and has been visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Peasley of Decorra. Dan Negley and family, formerly of this vicinity, who now live at Little Rock, Ark., suffered the loss of several thousand dollars worth of furniture and equipment in a fire which burned up the rooming house which they rented and were operating. One of the roomers an old gentleman of 75 years, perished in the flames and another roomer was so badly injured that he died.
W. J. Long, whose hand was amputated at the Burl-ington Hospital following the accident reported last week, has been discharged and was able to come to town. He stated that the healing of the arm is progressing rapidly and that he hopes, with the aid of devices which have been perfected, to be able eventually to make considerable use of the arm from which the hand has been severed.
***OBITUARY***MRS. NANCY MCMURRAY: Mrs. Nancy McMurray, who had been making her home with Mr. and Mrs. James Brewer in Stronghurst since last fall, passed away there following a general decline due to advanced years. Mrs. McMurray was the widow of Thos. McMurray, who died here about 12 years ago and since which time the former has been living with relatives at Kirksville, Mo. and other places.
Mrs. McMurray was born in Bourbon County, Ky., in 1831. She was the daughter of Lytle and Eliza Griffing, who left their home there in 1834 and came to Illinois locating in Quincy. Here they both died within three days of each other in 1848. On March 14, 1850 the subject of this sketch was married to Thomas Mc-Murray, who was also a native of Kentucky and who also came with his parents to Illinois, settling in Adams County.
In 1854 Mr. and Mrs. McMurray came to Hender-son County and located on Section 11, Terre Haute Township where Mr. McMurray purchased a farm of 160 acres and later added to his land possessions until be came the owner of 665 acres of fertile Henderson County soil. A few years prior to the death of Mr. McMurray, the couple gave up active management of the farm and came to Stronghurst where he died on Sept 11, 1908. Their only child, a daughter Mary E., died on Oct. 17, 1893.
Mrs. McMurray was a member of the M. E. Church where funeral services were conducted in Terre Haute with the remains interred in the Terre Haute Cemetery.
GLADSTONE GLEANINGS: Master John Mark-man, Jr. went to the Burl-ington Hospital and was operated on for appendicitis; he is doing nicely. Mr. and Mrs. D. Todd moved into Mrs. Nancy Hulet's house. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jacob moved into the Simpson house. Friday afternoon at the high school was given over to an exhibition of the art work of the scholars. The drawings and all the work were fine and reflected credit on the work done in the school this past winter. Mrs. James Galbraith died at her home in Emerson, Iowa. Clarence Cisna and Miss Eva Fryer were married at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Fryer. They were attended by Miss Iva Cisna, sister of the groom, and George Meers. The bride is a graduate of Gladstone high school and the groom is the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. John Cisna. He is a popular clerk at the J. L. Ellison store.
CARMAN CONCERNS: Troy Vaughn has been suffering with a crippled arm from being kicked by a horse; fortunately, no bones were broken. Miss Helen Babcook represents Dallas City high school in La Harpe, having won first place in declamatory at contest. The shows at the M.W.A. hall are well attended.
OLENA OBSERVATIONS: Virgil Davis and children have all been quite sick with the measles. The Bert Burrell family are measles victims too. A pre-nuptial shower was given at the home of H. S. Lant for Miss Ellen Williams, who will become the bride of Mr. Ross Lefler. A young daughter arrived at the Charles Hicks home. The Stronghurst Women's Community Club has issued free tickets to all the children of school age in this township for a free admittance to a moving picture show at the Lyric in Stronghurst Saturday afternoon. As many of the older children are planning to take the final examination on that date and quite a few of the others are on the sick list, the attendance may not be as large as anticipated. The Lee Bodkin sale netted $3,000. Mr. Waterman of Hopper has been doing a nice job of papering in the Jesse Hicks home west of Olena. Rev. Russell informs us that this charge has succeeded in buying property for a new parsonage in Biggsville, which is known as the McKinley property and will be gotten ready for occupancy in the near future.
MEDIA MEANDERINGS: The Agricultural Class of the Roseville High School and their teacher recently visited the Agronomy department of the Lewis Seed Co. Ralph Wells Co. advisor of Warren County and Assistant Grumwell visited the agronomy department of the Lewis Seed Co. as they are interested in the root rot disease work which the company is carrying on. Miss Hazel Leinbach, who recently underwent a serious operation in the Galesburg hospital, is reported getting along as well as could be expected. Mrs. Jane Steele moved her household goods to Monmouth where she will make her home. Work on the enlargement of the bank building has been progressing rapidly. Col. Fred Gray auction-eered off the groceries and dry good in Mr. N. P. Terry's store; Mr. Terry will leave for Colorado as soon as Miss Opal Wolfe takes charge of the post office. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Smith are the happy parents of a little daughter. The Community Club held quite a successful apron sale at Campbell's hotel making a neat sum. Raymond Lefler went to Hamilton to attend the wedding of his sister which will take place at the United Presbyterian Church.