The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1920 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Registrar for Daniel McMillan Chapter, N.S.D.A.R.1920

Stronghurst Graphic, April 29, 1920 

1895 GRAPHIC: While Ed Ward and George Coffin were engaged in digging a well on the J. F. Mains place in the west part of the village, a 50 lb. bucket used in hauling up the dirt became detached from the rope and fell a distance of 30 ft. striking Ward on the head. While a fatal termination of the accident of this kind would naturally be expected, the victim in this case escaped with an ugly scalp wound and a sight indenture of the skull. (Hard headed?) One night during the week an attempt was made by someone to gain entrance to the Hunter furniture store by cutting out a light in a rear window. Thurman Steffey, who slept in the store and was awakened by the noise, fired a shot from his revolver through the window. The next morning a trail of blood was found leading to the railroad and some distance east. Though evidently badly wounded, the would be burglar succeeded in avoiding capture. The Steffey brickyard is employing a dozen men to meet the unusually heavy demand for brick. Santa Fe masons are at work constructing the big arch in the fill just west of the village.

HAND SHOT OFF: Wm. Long,; who lives two miles northwest of Stronghurst, was taken to the Burlington hospital where his right hand was amputated just above the wrist. This operation was made necessary as the result of an accident which occurred earlier in the afternoon. Mr. Long and his son William had gone to the wood lot on the Wassom farm not far from their home where Mr. Long had some fence posts. They had taken with them an automatic shot gun and while Mr. Long was talking with Mr. Cleve Dobbin who had also come to the wood lot, he stood with the butt of the gun resting on the ground and his hand over the muzzle. In some manner, which seems from what we have learned, to be unaccountable, the gun was discharged, shattering and tearing Mr. Long's hand into shreds. The son, who was standing nearby, rushed to the assistance of his father and proceeded to staunch the flow of blood by binding a handkerchief tightly around the wrist above the hand.

The injured man was then placed on a load of hay which was standing nearby and brought to town where Dr. Lauver, after rendering such temporary aid as he was able to, arranged to have the sufferer rushed to the Burlington hospital by auto. Amputation of the hand was immediately decided upon by the hospital doctors and the operation was quickly performed.

Mr. Long's son states that when he picked the gun up before starting to town with his father, he found the catch which controls the mechanism at safety, which adds to the mysterious nature of the accident. As a rather large family is dependent upon Mr. Long for support, the accident is a most deplorable one and calculated to invoke the sympathy of everyone.

OIL LEASES: Farmers living south and east of Stronghurst are showing a keen interest in the proposed oil prospecting plans. Practically all of the territory within the boundaries of what is designated on the maps as the 550 Ft. elevation line of the Burlington limestone base is now under lease, the total number of acres at last report being 4,300. As soon as the matter of leases is satisfactorily arranged, a geologist will be on the ground to ascertain the proper place for putting down test wells. The machinery will be shipped and work started as soon as transportation conditions allow. Under normal conditions, this would mean not more than 30 days.

The representative of the various oil companies who have been here during the past two or threw weeks, seem to be well pleased with the prospects for striking oil in the territory now under lease.

WEDDING BELLS AT GLADSTONE: Wednesday afternoon at Gladstone the wedding of Calvin Cisna and Miss Eva Fryrer took place. The ceremony was performed at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Fryer by the Rev. Harry Russell, pastor of the Methodist church. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Cisna of Gladstone. He is a clerk in the store of J.L. Ellison and has spent most of his life around Gladstone. The bride has been attending the township high school at Biggsville up until recently being in the junior class. The young people will make their home in the William Galbraith property at Gladstone.

NOTE OF CORRECTION: In error last week was the statement that the great boar which Mr. Wm Wiegand of Biggsville recently placed at the head of his herd of Poland-Chinas was by the celebrated "Yankee," the boar which recently sold at the record price of $40,000 ($475,600 in today's values). He is, however, not a son but a full brother of this famous boar and is also a full brother of "The Giant" and "Black Orange," two other Grand Champion boars and of "Koll' Orange." He was year old the first day of March and comes from one of the greatest families of Big Type Poland-Chinas in the U.S. He was bred and raised by L.R. McClerson? of Braddyville, Ia. (This is extreme importance to local farmers who were anxious to improve their herd. For years, hogs were known as "mortgage lifters.")

LAHARPE PAPER FOLDS: The LaHarpe Times, which has been published under more or less adverse conditions during the past year or so owing to the continued illness of the editor and proprietor, Dr. I. N. Martin, decided to suspend publication last week. The LaHarpe Quill is considering taking over the unexpired subscriptions to the Times. In view of the enormously increased cost of publishing a newspaper these days, the reducing of the number of papers published in LaHarpe from three to two will no doubt be in the best interests of all concerned.

PROPERTY CHAN-GES: The Morgan building on the west side of Broadway, occupied by the Morgan barber shop and the Henderson County Farm Bureau office passed to H.N. Vaughn and Dr. R.H. Dickinson.

The building on the east side of Broadway now occupied by Dr. Dicker-son's cafe becomes the property of Tom Morgan. We understand Vaughn and Dickin-son contemplate the conversion of the Morgan building into a hotel by an addition of a second story and if satisfactory arrangements can be made, the addition of a second story to the Beardsley building adjoining, the same to be included in the hotel.

This arrangement would provide a number of rooms while the lower floor could be used for kitchen, cafe and office. The furniture and fixtures of the Farm Bureau office will be moved to a new location as soon as a suitable one is secured.

CATTLE TO HAWAII: The car load of Polled Herefords which have been held at the sale pavilion here for some weeks awaiting the raising of the stock shipping embargo was started on their long journey to the Hawaiian Islands, the car going over the Santa Fe to Galesburg, where it was transferred to the C.B. and Q. Mr. Frank Murphy accompanied the shipment and will see that the consignment reaches the shipping point on the coast and he may possibly decide to make the entire journey with the cattle.

LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Anyone wishing extra work done in the cemetery, such as filling or grading lots, etc. apply to the sexton, Sol Kessenger. Mr. J. R. Anson of the American fixture Co. of Kansas City and Mr. Paul Hyland, bank architect of Chicago, were in the village calling on the State Bank of Stronghurst in a professional capacity.

The Henderson County board of supervisors met at the court house in Oquawka and organized for the ensuing year. G. W. Howell of Carman was re-elected chairman of the board and the following committees named: AUDITING-Curry, Cooper and Swanson; ALMS HOUSE-Galbraith, Hartgrove and Cooper; FINANCE-Kern, Brook and Allaman; ROAD AND GROUNDS-Wiegand, Galbraith, Brook and Smiddy; and PRINTING-Wiegand, Smiddy, Kern and Allaman.

A young son arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mudd on April 26th. News arrived of a daughter born at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Steffey at Mason, Michigan on April 25th.Ê The remains of Charles Wheeling, which have lain in the cemetery at Decorra since his death some 15 years ago, were taken up and brought here for re-interment in the family lot in the village cemetery by Mr. Sol Kessenger, sexton. A special prayer meeting and reception was held at the M.E. church in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Springstein, who are soon to leave the village. The rains of the past week have put the waters of Henderson Creek out of its banks most of the time. The bridges on the road between here and Oquawka have been submerged and travel rendered more or less unsafe. Mr. and Mrs. Hez Butler spent last week at the farm with their son John and family.

They expect to leave this week for Fremont, Nebr. and to go later to Anthony, Kans. where they will spend the summer with relatives. Mrs. B.G. Widney, Mrs. C.E. Peasley and Mrs. A. A. Worthington are representing the Stronghurst Women's Community Club at the Women's Federated Clubs at Bushnell. The Biggsville U.P. congregation is reported to have raised $14,000 ($166,467 is today's values) at the morning service last Sabbath on its quota of $34,110 for the New World Movement.

Gilbert Simpson has been at the automobile school in Chicago taking a course in repair work and will be associated with Ed Logan in that work at the latter's place on Broadway. Dallas City citizens voted 159 to 30 in favor of floating bonds for the improvement and extension of its water system in order to provide better fire protection and a supply of water to make modern improved residence possible. A complete line of Motoring Goggles and eye protectors is at K.E. Yoakam's Jewelry and Optometry Store. A. E. Moore, contractor and builder, has purchased two corner lots in Dixson's addition to Stronghurst and started the work of building two residences there.

The houses will be constructed largely of stucco and will be for rent when completed. In view of the demand for dwellings which exist, this move would appear a good one. Clem Jarvis and family arrived here from Crandon, Wis. They will be living in the former Stevenson house now owned by Mrs. Wilcox. Mr. Jarvis says that potatoes are selling at around $1.65 per bushel in Wisconsin, which is but little more than the price they are selling at per peck here. Mrs. Elizabeth McMillan celebrated her 77th birthday and was remembered by friends during the day. She received a number of beautiful floral gifts, which, being a shut in, she highly appreciated. Her daughter, Mrs. Josie Turner of Eden, Ill., came to be present on the occasion.

Perry Stamp and family are starting on a trip through the southwest. They will make stops in Arkansas and have Tulsa, Okla. in view as there point of destination. Good wishes of friends will accompany this excellent family in their quest for a location where climatic conditions are more favorable for Mrs. Stamp's health. The U.P. and M.E. congregations held union services at the Christian church last Sabbath evening in the interest of the Inter-Church campaign.

Rev. Barnes gave an inspiring and instructive discourse and Rev. Crumbaker explained by use of a chart the part played by the 30 different protestant denominations in the great movement for raising the amount judged necessary for the general scheme of evangelization of the world. Frank Ford is reported to very ill at the home of his grandmother, Mrs. Hamburg with a complication of an attack of the influenza. The Henderson County Board of Review this year will consist of G. W. Howell of Carman, C.W. Cooper of Bald Bluff and G. T. Dixon of Rozetta. Miss Eva Ballard of Terre Haute and Mr. McKinley Porter of Lomax were married in Burlington, April 21st.

They will reside there where Mr. Porter has employment at a glass factory. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Brokaw are the proud parents of a little daughter which arrived at their home southeast of town April 26th. C. S. Schramm of Dallas City is filling the place of Mr. Smith Ayers at the lumber company's office while the latter is at Rochester, Minn. with his wife at the hospital there.

Miss Ella Barnes, missionary to Egypt, now on a furlough, will speak at the Stronghurst U.P. church next Sabbath taking the place of her father, Dr. J. A. Barnes of Monmouth, who is supplying the pulpit of Rev. K. R. Anderson while the latter is at the hospital in Omaha.

GLADSTONE GLEANINGS: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Porter were surprised Saturday evening by relatives and friends who gathered at their home to celebrate the 25th wedding anniversary of the couple.  A fine dinner was served and the time was spent in social way music and games.  Out of town guests were Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Graham and Miss Bessie Graham of Kirkwood, Ill.  The last number of the lecture course program was given at the U.P. Church to a well filled house.  Mr. Colley moved into the house which he lately bought from Fred Galbraith.  Frank Jacob moved into one of Fred Dutton's places west of town.  John Allen moved into what is known as the J. Rust place, which his son, Raymond, bought from Marcellus Galbraith.  Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sweedenburg have been called to mourn the death of their daughter, Phillis Fern, who was taken from them Monday morning after only one night's illness.  She was born Jan. 24, 1920.  Short services will be at the home after which the remains will be taken to Burlington where the funeral will be held at Burnett's parlors with interment in Aspen Grove Cemetery.  Raymond Allen, who was quite ill with the chicken pox the past two weeks, is able to be out again. 

MEDIA MEANDER-INGS: A farewell surprise was given Mrs. James Steele at her home in the east part of town.  She was presented with a nice piece of Pyrex ware as a remembrance from her many friends here.  Miss Opal White has received appointment of post mistress, she having received the highest grade in the examination in Galesburg.  Mrs. W. C. Winders is confined to her home with sickness.  Miss Hazel Leinbach who was quite ill was taken to the Galesburg hospital where she underwent an operation for appendicitis.  The Community Club will hold an apron sale at Campbell's hostel; they will serve light refreshments.

CARMAN CONCERNS: A. Rebel of Chariton, Iowa visited with his brother-in-law, Thos. Dixon and other relatives.  Paul Pendry was taken to the Burlington hospital where he was operated on for appendicitis.  The Thos. Cogswell family moved to Burlington.  Junior Mead has been having tonsillitis. The Seigworth Bros. have purchased the 160 acres of land from Mrs. Maggie Rebel, formerly owned by Henry Dixon.

LOMAX LINGER-INGS: Born to Lloyd Sparrow and wife, April 22nd, a son.  Will Scott and wife are moving from the Freeland property to Dallas City where has employment in the foundry. L.M Neff was in Galesburg attending the Lumberman's convention.  Mrs. Donna Gard is assistant operator at the central office (telephone).D. O. Dougherty came very near being seriously hurt by the fall of a side of an old building he and a gang were wrecking.  Several gangs of men are working about town on electric lines.  D.B. King is moving to the Freeland property.  Ernie Smith will move to the Smiddy property and N.H. Vaughn's are moving to their new home this week.