The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
by Dessa Rodeffer, Quill Publisher/Owner
April 29, 2009
Let's make some noise together by calling on our representatives, senators, congressmen, governor, and President to help us in our flood recovery efforts.
June 17th it will be a year! Can you believe that? And we still are finding the Commissioners and our county dealing with flood issues and money, and clean-up.
Let's please, do as so many sandbaggers, and food and health providers did last June and give a helping hand. This time it is something we can all do in the county and that is write a letter or make a phone call. It is that simple. The letter or call can be short or it can be long, but the important thing is that it says, please help us recover from our losses.
Each member of our families can write, no matter what the age. It is something we can all do.
It would especially be a nice thank you to the commissioners and our county officials who have done so much while we go about our own business.
I hope each of you will please take this to heart and just do this. All the addresses are listed in the Henderson County Quill on page 7.
Many who are working on our behalf are getting tired. They need a boost. They need to know there are people like us out here who really care.
Don't say it probably won't make a difference or that it will fall on deaf ears. Let's have faith in our officials.
My dad said it is the squeaky wheel that gets greased. Combine that idea with a lot of sincere Americans asking for our taxpayer's dollars to be returned in our need, and our government services to follow through with what they said they would do, and we could have Henderson County whole again.
Ask our representatives to bring help and to tell I.E.M.A, F.E.M.A., the Corp of Engineers, and whoever, to forget the red tape, and to just get it done!