The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
WC Board Approves FY10 Budget
Thursday, September 17 West Central CUSD #235 Board of Education conducted a special meeting for the purpose of a FY10 budget hearing but there were no members of the public present to comment, so the meeting was adjourned.
Later, during the Board's regular September meeting members heard a brief review of the FY10 district budget from Superintendent Grimm and the board voted to approve the FY10 district budget which calls for projected revenue of $10,846,851 and projected expenditures of $10,798,568.
The FY10 budget is a surplus budget by approximately $48,000. In this budget is approximately $835,000 of federal stimulus money and approximately $313,000 of that federal stimulus money will not be repeated next year. The rest of that total is in the form of general state aid that should continue in the future.
President Lonnie Brent called the regular meeting of WC school board to order at 7:00 p.m. with all members present except Sams and Goff.
After reciting the Pledge of Allegiance the following good news items were offered:
- The WCMS cheerleaders were recognized for honors received at summer camp. The cheerleading squad returned with 6 blue ribbons and several other honors;
- The elementary and middle school tutoring program has begun;
- WCES Curriculum Night was highlighted;
- High school students enjoyed an incentive trip to a St. Louis Cardinals baseball game September 16. The board was told that the manager of McDonalds was very complimentary of our students and their behavior;
- The golf team is doing very well;
- Comments were recently maded by Senator Sullivan regarding the influence that 34 VOICES had on securing funds for Highway 34.
The board approved an amended agenda with the following additions:
- Consider Approval of a WCHS PRIDE account in the activity fund;
- Guidelines for the Illinois Virtual School discussion
- Employment of Ruth Roll as a substitute district custodian
- Change in pay for a District Bus Driver
- Employment of a Part Time District Carpenter
- Employment of Troy Linden as a behind the wheel driver education instructor
- Employment of Jamie Richard as 6th grade girls basketball coach
- Employment of Kayty Boyd as WCMS scholastic bowl sponsor;
- Resignation of Brendan Freeman as 6th grade boys basketball coach;
Under the recognition of audience request for presentation the board heard from CSC envoy Sam Sudaker.
The board approved the consent agenda as presented including:
- Aug. 19th. Minutes
- 2009-10 Application for Recognition of Schools
- Designate Supt. Grimm as Safety Committee Designee
- Athletic Director Job Description
- District Coaches Handbook
- District Philosophy for Student Athletes
- First Reading of Proposed Policy Changes
- Policy 2:170 - Board of Education - Exhibit - Checklist for Filling Board Vacancy by Appointment;
- Policy 2:260 - Board of Education - Uniform Grievance Procedure;
- Policy 5:220 - Professional Personnel - Substitute Teachers;
- Policy 6:15 Instruction - School Accountability
- Gift to the District from the Twomey Foundation;
- Purchase of Used District Pickup Truck;
- Lease of Drivers Educ. Car;
- Add PRIDE Club Account to the WCHS Activity Account;
The board discussed several bills that had been presented for payment. Following a brief question and answer session, the board approved payment of all bills, the August activity accounts and the August 2009 treasurer's report as presented.
The board approved a new five-year lease for the school's farm with the current tenant, Darryl Lenz. There were no significant changes to the terms of the lease, but there were a few minor changes made to reflect the fact that District #235 now owns the school farm.
The board approved the $4,544 purchase of a snow plow for the district's pickup truck from Brozene Hydraulic Service of Burlington, IA.
The board reviewed fuel bids that they had solicited for a firm fuel price for FY10. Following a discussion of the two bids received, the board decided to reject all bids.
The board heard reports from Mr. Buss, Mr. Nichols and Mr. Geiser and an update from curriculum director Jeanne Serven. Mrs. Frakes provided the board with an update on the district's technology including an update of the Skyward breakfast and lunch program.
Mrs. Farniok, Special Education Director provided an update on special education students and Mr. Blender provided an update on our fall sports numbers and the first random drug testing session of student athletes and those in extra curricular activities.
The board:
- briefly discussed school board conference in Chicago which is held in November.
- reviewed a 6th day enrollment form, it is actually one student higher (1027) then the 6th day enrollment of 2008.
- discussed building security issues & steps that have been taken for the possible re-keying the buildings. Supt. Grimm said while it was the board's request to study the issue of exterior doors, perhaps it was more important to re-key interior doors so that all classroom doors can be locked from the inside in the event of an emergency lock down.
- heard Supt. Grimm's proposal for providing security cameras in the high school parking lot. The board placed the purchase and installation of cameras on hold.
- discussed the 2009 district tax levy. Agreed to proceed in the development of the tax levy as in the past.
- heard from Supt. Grimm his concern with the declining balance in the IMRF/Social Security fund and the fact that our equalized assessed valuation is going up and our general state aid is going down, and that a significant amount of revenue in the FY10 is coming from federal stimulus money and may not be replaced in FY11.
- reviewed a table of salaries of those district employees who hold a Type 75 certificate and who served in an administrative capacity in 2008-09. This document will be submitted to the Regional Superintendent and listed on the district's web page as required by a recent Public Act.
- discussed with the building principals the after school tutoring program. As a result of participation in the Regional Office of Education's 21st Century program, WC has an opportunity to offer extended tutoring to the high school and middle school students. Primarily, this will be accomplished after school, but could also be conducted before school.
- will offer tutoring from 3:30-6:00 p.m. Monday - Thursday on both campus and then use the athletic shuttle to take our tutoring students between campuses as usual, but then also go to Gladstone and Oquawka.
- approved a change in the shuttle times to accommodate the time needed to have the tutoring in place. The shuttle bus will now leave the south campus at 5:30 p.m. each evening and will leave the north campus at 5:45 p.m..
- discussed recommended guidelines for WCHS students who may wish to participate in the Illinois Virtual School. Guidelines will be brought back to the board in November for further discussion and possible approval.
- determined no need to enter closed session as had been originally planned.
- was given a brief update on the sale, lease or purchase of real property.
- Employed Megan La Londe parttime Title I associate
- Employed Albert Renken as a part time bus driver
- Employed Ruth Roll as a substitute custodian
- Approved a change in pay for district bus driver
- Employed Alan Hucke as a part time district carpenter
- Employed Troy Linden as a behind the wheel driver education instructor
- No action was taken on the position of WCHS head softball coach
- Employment of Jamie Richard as 6th grade girls basketball coach.
- Employment of Kayty Boyd as WCMS scholastic bowl sponsor.
- Resignation of Brendan Freeman as WCMS 6th grade boys basketball coach
- Resignation of Nathan Kotleba as WCMS scholastic bowl sponsor.
The meeting adjourned at 10:12 p.m. The next meeting is Wednesday, October 21, at 7:00 p.m. in the West Central Elementary cafeteria.