The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
The La Harpe School Board of Education held a regular meeting on Tuesday, August 25, 2009 in the school district library.
Board members in attendance were President Cindy Wear, Vice Pres. Dan Horton, Mark Irish, Rex Huston, Pam Campbell, Deanna Stambaugh, and Darren Spangler. Supt. Jo Campbell, Prin. Lila McKeown, and Jeanne Clayton were also present.
Prin. McKeown commented on the successful joint teacher's institute meetings at Dallas City and the La Harpe teachers' "The Art of Teaching" workshop before the first student day in August.
La Harpe School has 256 students enrolled this year and 30 5th-8th graders are participating in the baseball programs. McKeown named 9 students who are new to the district this year.
The board accepted with regrets the letters of resignation from Krista Willdrick and Kathy Akers, hired Dede Beachy as paraprofessional as well as Bob Shutwell and Joe Burford as bus drivers, held the preliminary FY10 Budget hearing, and agreed to continue honoring Illini West sport passes at La Harpe home events.
The board increased the cook's hours by one additional hour per day, moved to hold harmless paraprofessional salaries for the school year 2010, and approved as substitute support personnel the following applicants: Shirley Anders, Shana Jackson, Donna Mershon, Jessica Rutherford, Nathan Pyle, Jeni Richardson, Connie Peterson, Kristi Ide, Sharon Berlett, Ashley Macey, and Brianne Burford.
The board approved the annual application for recognition of schools, discussed the purchase of a mower after the current one had worn out and the replacement of the Central Office air conditioner which recently failed irreparably, and also discussed further steps to take in closing the 1928 building.
The School Board adopted a resolution to recognize the accomplishments of all the faculty and staff of La Harpe Community School District #347 for the successful transition from the 1928 building into the main building during the summer of 2009:
The former weight rooms were converted into classroom spaces. The Special Ed. building (former band shack) was converted into a Preschool building including the installation of restrooms, water fountain and new septic lines. An indoor Pre-K and Kindergarten activity area was created in the Johnson Building which includes lighting from the old gymnasium.
A former custodial office was renovated into an office and meeting room for Special Ed Coop staff and a new conference room was created where additional custodial storage was moved. A Building Trades area was converted for use as cafeteria storage. The cafeteria kitchen was updated by replacing the flooring and several pieces of extremely old and inoperable equipment. The main school office and principal's office were remodeled and redecorated.
Six classrooms and several offices were moved from the old 1928 building. Many classrooms were relocated over the summer including the following: Elementary Special Ed., Preschool, First grades, Kindergarten, 4th and 5th grades, Junior High Math, and the offices of the cafeteria secretary, speech pathologist, all the itinerant staff, and custodial office and storage areas.
Many trophies and awards were moved and displayed in the gymnasium and main school lobby. Innumerable items were moved down from the upper floors of the 1928 building, and it should be noted that all these projects were completed in addition to the routine summer deep-cleaning of the school buildings.
The board is especially grateful to the main custodial staff, extra summer help, and all the individuals and groups that squeezed these projects into their busy summer schedules: the principal, technology staff, many teachers, paraprofessionals, cooks, those who helped with the electrical, heating and cooling, carpentry, plumbing, painting, and flooring projects, and so many others that worked long hours over the summer.
(Note: If any person or group has been neglected to be recognized, it has been unintentional and as we are made aware of it, we will include additional information in the next edition.)
September La Harpe School Board
The La Harpe School Board during its regular September meeting Tuesday the 15th, discussed with La Harpe District Head Custodian Don Little the various aspects of maintaining the no longer used 1928 building and other subjects related to district maintenance.
Principal McKeown reported the highlights of a successful Open House at which numerous positive comments about the buildings and renovated rooms were received.
McKeown also commented that as baseball is winding down, girls basketball is beginning with the 7th and 8th grade girls having already played their first games.
Students have participated in Bus Safety Drills, student council elections are under way, and the administration and staff are working on a new district-wide H1N1 plan and other crisis plans.
In addition to approving previous board minutes, the financial report and payment of bills, the La Harpe board discussed technology funding which may be used for upgrading the old server, outdated computers, providing additional tech. training for teaching staff, and a possible updates of the school's bell and intercom communication system, approving such updates.
The board held the FY10 budget hearing, adopted the budget and the cafeteria past due balance policy, and accepted the waste disposal bid which includes recycling from Jackson Disposal, and determined the old garage next to the Pre-K building on D Street to be of minimal value.
The board accepted with regrets the resignation from Earl Cox. The board also approved Sharon Spangler as substitute educational support staff and Renato Sturlic and Donna Nell as drivers.
Board members in attendance were Board Pres. Cindy Wear, Vice Pres. Dan Horton, Mark Irish, Rex Huston, Pam Campbell, Deanna Stambaugh, and Darren Spangler.
Also present were Supt. Jo Campbell, Prin. Lila McKeown, Jeanne Clayton and Don Little.
Regularly scheduled LCSD #347 board meetings are held the third Tuesday of each month in the school library at 7:00 p.m.
We invite you to view agendas and approved La Harpe Board of Education minutes on the La Harpe Eagles website.
Board information may be accessed from the school district section at :