The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
by Jenna Clayton Quill Reporter
Meet your neighbor Amy Rampley.
She was born at Memorial Hospital in Carthage and raised in the country in the little town called Basco.
She was raised by her grandparents, Willard and Darlos Rampley. Her grandfather owned a trucking business so as a young child Rampley would take lots of trips with him and saw lots of country side and traveled to many states. She graduated from Warsaw High School in 1994.
Rampley is the Attendance Secretary for Illini West High School. She has her hands full with answering phones, entering attendance, and taking care of the lunch program at the school.
She previously worked for Conn Communications.
She is involved with the Relay for Life program.
Rampley enjoys crafting and attending craft shows.
She has a very lively personality and brightens up the room with her personality and good humor.
Something that Rampley will never forget is the first experience she had flying.
She and her grandmother went to South Carolina to visit family and she said she would never get back in an airplane again because she had a terrible flight, but in order to get home she would have to get back on the airplane.
She said, "It proved to me that never wash your hands of anything because the trip home was not as bad. Since then, yes, I have flown."