The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
The Raritan Board of Trustees met at the Raritan Opera House August 10, 2009, with trustees Blender, Knapp, Waller, Magee, Powless and Anders answering roll call.
Trustee Blender opened with prayer.
A motion made by trustee Blender, seconded by trustee Anders to approve the minutes of the last meeting. Motion carried.
Bills presented were as follows: Dallas Rural Water $708.03; Dennis Rankin $154.55; Jay Blender $625.00; Waste Management $843.20; Ron Stombaugh $703.00; PDC Laboratories $14.50; Ameren $320.29; Municipal Clerks $30.00; Gary Powless $80.00; Carlyn Anders $99.00; Phil Anders $84.00. A motion was made by trustee Waller, seconded by trustee Knapp to pay above bills. Motion carried.
A resolution for affordable decent housing for low income residents was approved by motion of trustee Magee, seconded by trustee Waller. Motion carried.
A construction permit from Jeremy Walter for an awning/leanto on his property was approved by zoning board and was accepted by the trustees by motion of trustee Waller, seconded by trustee Knapp. Motion carried.
The president said the court date for Doug Hensley will be September 11, 2009.
A motion was made by trustee Blender, seconded by trustee Magee to have the dumpsters available October 16, 17, and 18. Second choice will be October 9, 10, and 11. Motion carried.
A motion by trustee Magee, seconded by trustee Anders and unanimous approval of the board the meeting was adjourned to the next regular meeting night. Motion carried.