The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Raritan Village October Meeting

The trustees met in the meeting room of the Raritan Fire House, October 8, with trustees Blender, Waller, Knapp, Magee, Anders and Powless answering roll call , opening with prayer.

Minutes and bills presented as follows: Dennis Rankin $154.55; Ameren $332.81; Waste Management $843.20; Dallas Rural Water $623.74; Jay Blender $350.00; PDC $14.50; Phil Anders $284.81; REC $50.00; WIRC $250.00 were approved.

President reported that Raritan has received papers from the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity pertaining to the Community Development Assistance Program Housing Rehabilitation Grant.

Trick or Treat night was approved for Saturday, October 31, from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Delinquent water bills were discussed.

It was approved to put the flags up for Veteran's Day, November 9, and the meeting was adjourned.