The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Council Hears Of Bio Diesel Business

The La Harpe City Council met February 23, 2009 at 7:00 p.m. with all of the Aldermen present and several guests.

Jon Hall, David Francy, and Jim Nighting with Bio-NRG, were present to give a presentation, and report on a Bio-diesel plant possibly building in La Harpe.

They gave a slide show and informed the council, and county board members, on the advantages of renewable fuels, using soy beans.

It would cost approximately $38,000,000.00, with a 12-14 month building plan, create 22-26 new jobs with a $1,000,000.00 annual payroll, uses a "crush" method, no chemicals, and would result in multiple revenue projects.

The council and county board were very interested in the project, and would like to talk to the representatives further to discuss the city's obligations.

Motion was approved to pay Housewright's final bill of $21,541.83, bringing the total to $180,000.00 to get the building down on main street.

It was decided not to proceed with the water main project at this time, due to lack of funds, and uncertainty of the stipulations with the stimulus package.

There is a need for a new mower for the sewer plant and a new squad car for the police department.The meeting adjourned at 8:44 p.m.

Guests were: Dan Gillett, Darrell Kraft, Tim Graves, Howard Kerfoot, Willo Shutwell, Tom Wright, Jon Hall, David Francy, Jim Nighting, William Crabill,Ê Marcia Stiller, Delbert Kreps, Thomas Scheetz, Stephen Finney, and Joe Stevenson.

Respectfully submitted, Lucretia McPeak, city clerk.