The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
CUSD #235 Board of Education
At the Wednesday, June 17, 2009 regular meeting of the West Central CUSD #235 Board of Education the following items took place.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Board President Brent. All board members except Mr. Anderson were present at roll call.
President Brent then led the members of the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.
The board conducted a public hearing for the amended FY09 district budget. President Brent called the hearing to order and roll call was taken and all board members except for Anderson were present for the hearing.
No one from the audience or the board offered any public comment on the proposed amended FY09 budget. Board president then declared the public hearing adjourned.
Under good news items, the following items were highlighted:
Mr. Nichols congratulated Alexis Ensminger and the 8th grade boys track team on their performance at the IESA State Track meet;
Mr. Nichols congratulated Jalen Tallman, Thomas Turner, Madison Alliman, Catlyn Nichols, Ashley Stewart, Amanda Cochran and Kori Mesecher for their perfect attendance during the 2008-09 school year;
Mr. Buss congratulated Austin Shamblin, Tiffany VanDolah, Michael Zielke, Justin Fisher, Andrea Fullerton, and Curtis Nichols for their perfect attendance during the 2008-09 school year;
The board approved the agenda as presented.
Under the recognition of audience request for presentation the board heard from CSC envoy Sam Sudaker.
The board approved the consent agenda as presented. Items approved under the consent agenda included:
The board approved all bills as presented, the May activity accounts and the May treasurer's report.
The board heard a few remarks from Superintendent Grimm regarding the district's financial report.
The board approved the amended FY09 district budget as presented. The only change in the amended budget was a deposit of $100,000 of corporate personal property replacement tax money into the transportation fund instead of the education fund. All other aspects of the FY09 budget remained the same.
The board approved a quote for the district's property/casualty, liability and workman's compensation insurance package as presented.
The quote provided and approved was from Indiana Insurance. The quote that the board approved was for a total of $104,714.
Superintendent Grimm went over several contributing factors to the increase in the premium with the board. The local representative who services the district's insurance program is Mrs. Diana Doran of the Doran Insurance Services of Stronghurst.
The board approved on second reading the proposed policy on drug testing of student athletes and extra curricular participants.
Information regarding the drug testing policy will now be included on the district's web page along with being in the parent/student handbooks for each of the buildings.
Additional information will be provided to parents at the parent meetings that will be held during the 2009-10 school year.
The board approved a quote from Barngover Glass in the amount of $4313 to replace the hollow metal doors in the high school cafeteria on the north campus as presented.
The board heard reports from WCES Principal Dale Buss, WCMS Principal Jeff Nichols and WCHS Principal Phil Geiser.
The board also reviewed a document from Curriculum Director Jeanne Serven updating them on the progress that has been made implementing the recommendations included in the curriculum audits.
The board briefly discussed the Illinois Virtual School and some possible guidelines that may need to be approved in the future.
It was decided that the proposed guidelines should be presented to the board's policy sub-committee and returned to the board when they are ready for approval.
The board reviewed a county-wide truancy ordinance as proposed by Henderson County States Attorney Ray Cavanaugh.
The board reviewed the current policy that is in place for the City of Monmouth.
Following a brief discussion, the board directed Superintendent Grimm to work with States Attorney Cavanaugh on the development of a similar policy for use in Henderson County and the West Central School District.
The board briefly discussed the concept of having the services of a certified athletic trainer present in the district during some extracurricular practices and games.
The board briefly reviewed a proposed contract that had been presented to them by Great River Medical Center. The board directed Superintendent Grimm to follow up with GRMC regarding the terms of that agreement.
The board discussed a request from District Band Director Dan Potts to have an out-of-state band trip for our high school students. The proposed dates of the trip are May 6-9, 2010. The proposed destination in Gatlinburg, Tennessee.
Individually board members indicated support for the request and Superintendent Grimm was directed to have this item on the July board meeting agenda as an action item.
There were no items listed under the future agenda items section of the agenda.
The board entered closed session to discuss matters pertaining to personnel and the sale, lease or purchase of real property at approximately 8:40 p.m. The board exited closed session at 10:12 p.m.
Upon exiting closed session the following action took place:
The increase for this employee was omitted from the exempt staff salary list that the board approved on June 4, 2009.
The board was reminded that their next meeting is Wednesday, July 15, 2009. It was pointed out that this meeting will begin at 7 p.m. and be held in the elementary cafeteria.
There being no other business to come before the board, the meeting was adjourned at approximately 10:25 p.m.