The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The Wisdom Of Barnyard Bruke: "Only The rocks on earth stay forever"

Greetings to everyone in Western Illinois. Last Thursday (6-18-09) we had us a log-roller'n toad-choker of a rain late in the night-early morn'n.

Late that afternoon it rained cats "n dogs and Friday we had us a "whip-poor-will". All together by the weekend we realized it had come. "Toad strangler" with no sign of a let up.

Monday, just west of the river, got over 5 inches of rain in some areas.

There was a lot of "green snap" on corn at various parts of the county. Some varieties were more susceptible than others, especially if'n they were hit just in the right direction by the wind. Some say it was a 70 mph or more straight line wind.

One neighbor felt comfortable in that he had wind insurance. But, when he checked with his agent he found he was not covered because his broken stalks were in the 7 collar stage.

It seems corn needs to be in the 11 collar stage of growth before insurance will cover it on wind damage.

After the rains there came high humidity and much warmer weather resulting in a throat choker.

That was good for faster corn growth but, kinda hard on mankind adjust'n to so quick a change. Seems it might have affected attendance at Steamboat Days in Burlington, Iowa.

This week is predicted to be more of the brutal same weather.

During the hot weather I took me a break and went for a big glass of iced tea and an ice cream sundae. Did you realize iced tea was invented at the 1904 world's fair in St. Louis?

When hot weather ruined his tea business, Englishman Richard Blechynden served his tea over ice, which became an instant hit.

The ice cream sundae was invented to get around an Illinois law in the 1880's which prohibited the sale of ice-cream sodas on Sunday. The result was a treat served with just ice cream and syrup and named a "Sunday Soda" or "Sundae".

Another interesting thing happened back in those days. A farmers wife went to the county sheriff to report that her husband was missing.

"Can you give me a description of him?" The sheriff asked. "I shore can" she said.

"He's short, bald, fat, pigeon-toed, bow legged, and he wears false teeth".

The sheriff asked "if'n there was anything she would like to add to that?"

"He wears old clothes, even to church, and he's got a scraggly beard with chewing tobacco stains all over it."

Then she paused for a moment and with a far off contemplating look and smile on her face said, "Oh, let's just forget the whole thing!"

For those of youn's that don't like pay'n taxes and still have old crop corn to sell-now is a good time to pull the trigger on some sales. After give'n everyone a good shot at some significant profits over last winter's markets-it has now dropped over 50 cents/bushel this past week.

Keep a stiff upper lip if'n you've changed your mind on pay'n taxes.

There's a government report come'n out soon that may affect prices significantly. The question is whether the effect will be positive or negative.

This farm'n is more fun than any gambl'n joint ever thought about being. All kinds of variables can affect your luck.

Any combination of weather, government reports and actions, bugs, diseases, poor hybrid selection, insurance selections, poor timing, etc, etc, effects how the game is won or lost.

It's just to bad we can't figure out how to allow recreational gamblers to provide outside capital for farming. Why should farmers be required to have all the "fun"!

Has everyone got their first cutt'n of hay up? Some are think'n of putt'n it in silage bags after it was cut and washed on by several weeks of rain.

Green new growth is work'n its way up thru what was cut earlier. Well, they'll figure it out but them ole cows are a gonna need better quality hay than this first cutt'n will give, if'n they're gonna produce a good calf crop next spring.

For those of youn's look'n for the government to bail you out, I've got a story to share with ya.

Back in 1864 Chief White Antelope of the Cheyenne and Arapoho Indian Nation made a peace treaty with the Colorado territorial government. They even flew the American flag in their village as a sign of their dedication to the treaty.

In came riding Colonel Chivington with many soldiers. The "Blue Coats" rode at a terrible speed. Chief White Antelope bravely stated "Don't panic. There is no danger. The soldiers will not hurt you!"

Thus began the "Sand Creek Massacre of 1864." As the chief stood bravely outside his tent with his arms folded he soon realized his error. Colonel Chivington had given the order to kill all the savages.

Just shortly before the chief was slaughtered with his hands folded, standing upright proud and steadfast, he made the following statement: "All my relatives remember Only the rocks on earth stay forever".

For those of youn's that are casually watching traditions and customs being destroyed and subverted, what many of you felt were constitutional guarantees, keep in mind the treaty with Chief White Antelope.

He felt the treaty guaranteed him and his people a peaceful future. However, it was only a piece of paper and someone forgot to tell Colonel Chivington the significance of that paper.

From gun control, thru a supreme court nominee, and into socialized take over of private business's, some one forgot to tell our present government the full meaning of the constitution and the Bill of rights.

The government is racing into our private village, led by those of the likes of Colonel Chivington, who are determined to save the world from those irresponsible and savage farmers and "hick" rural people.

Food safety is one of the horses they are riding on. Control of our farming practices goes from USDA to the Food and Drug regulatory agency. Food and Drug has little to no experience in farming needs and might come up with some foolish restrictions, adding what some estimate to be $50/acre to the cost of production with no real way for the producer to recapture the costs.

Standardized electronic records will be required with reports demanded regularly. No thought given to the fact that only 1/3 of today's farmers have computers. That is the farmers problem!

Legislative change to allow EPA to regulate all waters rather than just navigatable waters is another example of the government charging into your village to tame the savages by destroying them.

Once navigatable is removed from present legislation, EPA will have the power to regulate, license, control and fine even the smallest stream of water or any body of water for that matter on your property. Even the smallest pond will come under their jurisdiction, regulation, and expensive permit regulations.

Food and water regulations will affect all of our lives. Then, we have the trillion dollar proposal to increase spending on health care with no real solution for funding it.

More taxes is the obvious answer! Transferal of wealth as promised back during the last election is the one commitment Obama seems sure to keep.

Maybe some of the trillion dollars will go for mental health care for those who are unable to make proper adjustments to the changes in government structure as are now being proposed.

I guess Chief White Antelope had the right idea as he saw Colonel Chivington riding into his village at Sand Creek and with a resigned attitude proclaimed: "Only the rocks on earth stay forever"!

But then Chief White Antelope couldn't vote on the matter and we can. Will it make any difference?

Kimberly Gibbons, of Slumberland Furniture in Burlington, Iowa wrote a good commentary in the Saturday, June 20th edition of the Hawkeye. I would recommend you look it up on the internet and read it. It is entitled "How The Church Failed Tiller".

Tiller being Dr. George Tiller, the baby killer from Wichita, Kansas. I made copies for our huge "Barnyard Bruke" family Fathers Day gathering and handed it out as "Fathers Day Required Reading". Mrs. Gibbons sent a copy to The Quill for Dessa to print.

Catch ya later

Barnyard Bruke