The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

La Harpe School Board Special Meeting

The La Harpe School Board held a special meeting in the school district library Monday, April 27th for the purpose of seating new members and organizing the new board.

Board members in attendance were Dan Horton, Cindy Wear, Mark Irish, Rex Huston, Pam Campbell, Deanna Stambaugh, and Darren Spangler. Also present were Supt. Jo Campbell and Jeanne Clayton.

The board accepted the official canvass stating the re-election of members Rex Huston, Mark Irish and newly elected Darren Spangler.

These three members were administered the oath of office by President Dan Horton.

The new La Harpe school board unanimously declared Cindy Wear as Board President and Dan Horton as Vice President and reappointed bookkeeper Karen Nudd and board secretary Jeanne Clayton.

Members were appointed to the following board committees: Campbell and Huston-Curriculum/Instruction; Irish and Spangler-Facilities; Wear and Stambaugh-Policy; Campbell and Irish-Technology; Huston and Campbell-Athletic Co-op; Horton and Spangler-Transportation; and the 2009-10 Contract Negotiating Team-Horton, Stambaugh and Irish.

LCSD #347 regular board meetings were set for the third Tuesday of each month in the school library at 7:00 p.m. To view agendas, news, releases, and approved minutes please access the school district section on the La Harpe Eagles website at