The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

La Harpe School May Meeting

The La Harpe School Board held a regular meeting Wednesday night, May 27 (reconvened from Tuesday, May 19th) in the school district library. Board members in attendance were President Cindy Wear, Vice President Dan Horton, Pam Campbell, and Deanna Stambaugh, Mark Irish, Rex Huston, and Darren Spangler. Also present were Supt. Jo Campbell, Principal McKeown, and Jeanne Clayton.

Principal McKeown reported that Holly McDowell was honored with an IESA Scholar Attitude Award at a luncheon in Bloomington, many track team members medaled at the state competition, and the annual Spring Concerts organized by Stephanie Mencel were well attended and much enjoyed. Each grade attended a field trip this spring and other school events included the Junior High Science Fair, Family Day, an Ameren-sponsored assembly called "Energized Guys", and a Junior High End of the Year Dance. Twenty-six gold and purple robed 8th graders graduated May 22 with board members Rex Huston, Pam Campbell, and Deanna Stambaugh handing the students their diplomas.

The board approved the amended 2008-09 calendar accounting for the 3 emergency days used, renewed authorization for district participation in federal assistance programs such as lunch and title grant programs. The Board also approved the athletic co-op agreement with Dallas City, renewed the Illinois Association of School Boards membership, and agreed to continue to offer additional optional student accident insurance from Hometown Insurance of La Harpe.

The board also approved Ryan Kitch's course reimbursement request and Brandon Gehle's summer custodial application.

The board approved transportation routes for the 2010 school year, the lease of a 30-passenger bus to replace the #9 bus set for trade-in, and amendments to the transportation agreement with IWHS #307.

Regularly scheduled LCSD #347 board meetings are held the third Tuesday of each month in the school library at 7:00 p.m.

We invite you to view agendas and approved La Harpe Board of Education minutes on the La Harpe Eagles website. Board information may be accessed in the school district section at