The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Eighth Grade Graduation: at La Harpe

8th Grade Graduating Class Graduation

The 8th grade class of 2009 graduated from La Harpe Junior High last Friday, May 22. Twenty-six students completed the promotional ceremonies.

After the Presentation of Colors by American Legion Post 301, and the Pledge of Allegiance led by Legion member Michael Blythe, Clay Huston delivered the invocation for the ceremony.

Dr. Campbell welcomed the guests and graduates and offered sound bits of advice. The audience enjoyed the junior high choir as they performed one selection.

The President's Award for Academic Excellence is presented each year to La Harpe Junior High 8th graders. The criteria for receiving this award is to maintain at least a 3.5 out of 4.0 GPA during junior high through the third quarter of 8th grade, and to receive a recommendation from a faculty or staff member of the junior high.

The following students were awarded certificates for this award: Bradee Campbell, Rachel Clayton, Brittni Finley, Lauren Genck, Marissa Hocker, Jacob Howd, Clay Huston, Holly Jones, Megan Lord, Holly McDowell, Alex Ourth, Brandon Stambaugh, and Frances Tate.

Three students with the highest cumulative GPA average overall were presented an Academic Excellence plaque. Those students were Alex Ourth, who received top academic honors, and tying for second place were Holly McDowell and Rachel Clayton.

Holly McDowell received a special award earlier in the year and was recognized this evening for her achievement. Holly was selected for the Illinois Elementary School Association Scholar Attitude Award.

Only 30 students, two from each IESA district, were selected for this Scholar Attitude Award. Holly attended a special awards banquet earlier in the year for this honor.

This year's Masonic Award of Honor was presented to Frances Tate.The American Legion Awards were presented to Alex Ourth and Rachel Clayton.Closing Benediction was given by Rachel Clayton.