The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Hear Sebastian Is Still A Board Member
by Dessa Rodeffer, Quill Publisher-Owner
The Gladstone Board learned at Monday night's monthly meeting, that Byron Sebastian's June resignation was not effective, due to a new state law that was implemented last year.
Gladstone Attorney Andy Youngquist, said that an elective person's resignation is not affective unless it is handwritten, signed by the person resigning, and notarized.
It's been a state law since January 1, 2008,
Board member Rex McKinney questioned Youngquist about earlier board members who resigned asking if they owed Tom back-pay money.
"First of all, anyone who resigned before January 1, 2008 doesn't matter," said Youngquist. No one seemed to be aware of anyone else who had resigned before that date.
Youngquist said Sebastian has been told about the fact that his resignation was not effective and that he is still legally a board member.
Sebastian has not been present for the third month in a row, since the new board took office in May, and board members discussed their feelings on not attending meetings and still drawing pay.
They felt something should be drawn up for next month's meeting to vote on that would allow the board not to pay elected board members if they miss more than two consecutive meetings unless there is a special circumstance. They will try to draw something up for next month's board meeting.
Lisa Lafary, who came from the Gladstone Homecoming committee, said the dates of August 6-7-8 have been set for the annual Gladstone Homecoming and requested financial help for one of the bands and that the water and toilets be prepared for use by the village.
The same carnival as last year will be coming, and wrist bands and t-shirts are available in advance, Lisa said.
Besides nightly carnival rides, there will be plenty of good food provided by the Methodist Church with breakfast each morning starting at 6:00 a.m. and evening meals beginning nightly at 5 p.m. of Sandy Mashes on Thursday, Catfish and Carp, Friday, and Fried chicken on Saturday.
President Dave Stewart said they would block off the street for the nightly entertainment. Thursday night the church is providing Two of Heart with the help of the Homecoming Committee, Thursday night the committee will provide Wendy Fountain and Blind Date, and Saturday night is Curt Woolridge paid for by the Village.
Lisa said they will be trying one more year with a 5 p.m. parade in hopes it will be better attended this year, and there has been talk by Buck Link of a softball tournament on Saturday as well.
They are working on a Prince & Princess pageant, pie baking contest, pie throwing contest and hope to have a money scramble and are open to ideas, Lisa said.
Matt Gray showed paperwork of what he said was a duplication of billing by the former Clerk on what the Happy Rock Car Wash owed for water hook-up totaling $380 saying he was charged two times for use of a back-hoe and for tubing and questioned the billing of a compressor of Byron Sebastian's. The board voted to credit his account for the $380.
The board also asked for the owner, Peter R's paperwork that showed he was the only one who paid for water hookup in the last ten years.
Matt Gray also voiced his (and Don's) issue with a semi that was parked for more than a week and said that the county police said they need an ordinance before they can do anything about it. The semi made it hard for Don to get in and out.
The board discussed several options and Rex said there was an ordinance in place that shows there shall be no parking for more than 72 hours.
The Swift semi was out of Phoenix, AZ with someone saying there was a Swift terminal in the Quad Cities. Matt wanted the board to put something in place that allowed no parking at all.
After discussion on how to do this, Parsons decided to motion for no parking of trucks on the east side of the road that goes from the Sebastian addition. After more discussion it was said they should wait and put it on next month's agenda in August to inform the public.
Youngquist discussed last year's expenses saying the numbers were up 2.5%, so he showed an increase in this year's budget. The board voted to accept the Budget & Appropriation Ordinance #151.
In other business,