The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
by: Shirley Linder, Editor
Tony Anderson reported to the Stronghurst Village Board Monday night the water tower repairs have been completed. However, a boil order still remains in effect until samples can be tested for safety.
He said the tower has been down for 20 days, with a boil order in effect for 17 days. During that period of time the village was without water for only 4 hours.
Anderson also requested purchasing a main cutter tool for cutting the hydrants so such a large hole does not need to be dug to get the old hydrants cut and out. The board approved a purchase of one for a 6" main at a cost of $800 and one for an 8" main at the cost of $1200.
Judy Roessler and Jennifer Baxter asked the board's permission to hold a 1 mile walk and 5K (3-mile) Walk/Run on Labor Day, Monday, September 7th. The event will be sponsored by the Stronghurst Booster Club with proceeds going to the Henderson County Fair Board.
On a motion by Angela Myers, seconded by Lawrence Neff the approval was given.
Roxana Richey told the board she is having a problem with water in her basement due to the house next door being built higher than her house. Since there is no village ordinance to cover this matter the members of the board could not help her.
David Knutstrom came to the board for clarification of rebuilding on a property if the present structure is torn down. He has recently purchased a property and eventually might like to tear down the house and rebuild. He was told he could rebuild if the structure is the same size in the exact same location.
A discussion was held on obtaining police protection for the village. A committee will study the proposal and bring back some figures and recommendations to the August board meeting.
On a motion by David Vancil, seconded by Mike Bohnenkamp the board entered executive session at 8:12 p.m. for the purpose of discussing employee insurance.
On a motion by Lawrence Neff, seconded by Angela Myers the board returned to open session.
No decisions were made on insurance.
Present were: President, Eric Chockley; Trustees, Lawrence Neff, Mike Nelson, Angela Myers, Mike Bohnenkamp, Chris Cook and David Vancil; Clerk, Lori Russell; Treasurer, Lou Ann Nortrup; Employee, Tony Anderson; Guests, Judy Roessler, Jennifer Baxter, David Knutstrom, Roxana Richey.
The next regular meeting will be held at 7:00 p.m. Monday, August 3, 2009.