The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Bass Fishing New at Illini West High

February 13, 2009

Bass Fishing is the newest activity to be added to the Illini West High School student activity offerings.

Harold Northrup, Jim Unruh, Dale Schamberger and Darrin Olin were approved as volunteers to guide these young men and women to success at their first tournament.

The board also approved purchasing new track and cross country uniforms.

Bryan Rodeffer was approved as a volunteer assistant track coach.

Andrea Weirather was approved as a volunteer assistant dance team sponsor.

The board received a preliminary 2009-2010 school calendar with the calendar being approved in March.

The board received an update that the newly purchased security cameras are being installed and very soon will be up and functioning.

Cameras are being placed at key areas inside and outside the building to provide for added student security.

The board accepted the gracious donation of 5 new face shields and 5 new welding helmets to the IW Industrial Arts Department from Monica and Brandon Crim.

The board established high school graduation as being on May 24th at 2:00 p.m.