The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Regular WC CUSD #235 Board Meeting

On Wednesday, December 16, 2009 the West Central CUSD #235 Board of Education conducted their regular meeting. As a result of this meeting the following items took place.

President Brent called the meeting to order in the Elementary Cafeteria at 6:00 p.m.. All board members were present at roll call.

President Brent led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Under good news items the Board recognized Erin Bavery, Shelby Crawford, Mike Lewis and Drew Postle as this year's Illinois State Scholars. Each of the four students were introduced and received a certificate from the Board. Also noted successes:

Under recognition of audience request for presentation, the board heard from three audience members offering their support for the continued employment of Steve Arnold as the WCHS head football coach. There were no other members of the audience who wished to address the board at this time.

The board approved a motion to enter closed session to discuss matters pertaining to personnel at 6:15 p.m..

The board exited closed session at approximately 6:54. All board members were present when the meeting reconvened in open session.

A motion was made to retain Steve Arnold as head football coach at West Central High School. There was no second to that motion; therefore, the motion died.

A second motion was made to dismiss Steve Arnold as WCHS head football coach. This motion was seconded and did pass on a 6-1 roll call vote.

The board approved the consent agenda as presented. Items approved under the consent agenda included:

The board approved payment of the November bills, the November activity account reports for WCES, WCMS and WCHS, and the treasurer's report for November as presented. Following that action, the board heard a brief review of the district's financial report thru 11/30/09.

The board learned that the district is approximately 4% under budget of expenditures and approximately 10% over budget on revenue received.

The board was informed that as of Wed., Dec. 16, 2009 the State Comptroller is sitting on $412,000 of vouchered money from ISBE that is owed to the district.

The board approved the 2009 tax levy as presented. The tentative tax levy approved represents a 4.7% increase over the 2008 tax levy. The total extension amount for the "09 tax levy is $3,823,188.

The board approved a request to pilot a no zero homework project for West Central High School freshman students beginning with the 2nd semester of 2009-10 year.

The board approved a request to make the WCHS CNA class worth one full Carnegie credit unit as opposed to of a credit.

The board granted approval to WCHS softball coach John Morrison to conduct a fund raising activity. The proceeds from the fund raiser will be used to put up a permanent fence on the softball diamond on the south campus and to add additional dolemite to the field.

The board heard reports from Principal Buss, Principal Nichols and Principal Geiser. They also heard a curriculum report from Mrs. Serven, a technology report from Mrs. Frakes and a special education report from Mrs. Farniok.

Following these reports the board took a brief recess and reconvened at 7:37 with all members present except for Mr. Sams.

The board heard a lengthy presentation from Superintendent Grimm and District Curriculum Director Mrs. Serven on the ISBE's Race to the Top Grant project. Essentially the board was informed that Mr. Grimm and Mr. Geiser would be participating in a webinar sponsored by ISBE on Friday, December 18th.

If their new and substantial information shared as a result of this webinar, the board was informed that they may need to have a special board meeting early in January to further discuss the district's possible participation in the Race to the Top program.

The board heard a proposal from the WCHS Pride Committee regarding community service. The board by consensus gave their blessing for this community service project to be implemented.

The board discussed parking lot security issues on the north campus once again. As a result of the discussion, the board directed Superintendent Grimm to secure another quote for security cameras for the north campus parking lot.

There were no future agenda items identified.

The board re-entered closed session at approximately 8:56 pm to discuss matters pertaining to personnel. The board exited closed session at approximately 9:38 pm and took the following action:

The board was reminded that their next regularly scheduled meeting will be at 6 pm on Wed., January 20, 2010 in the elementary cafeteria.

There being no other business to come before the board, the meeting was adjourned at approximately 9:41 p.m..

Four West Central seniors were given certificates by the school board for their award of Illinois State Scholars. From left is Shelby Crawford, Drew Postle, Mike Lewis, and Erin Bavery.