The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
By: Shirley Linder, Quill Editor
The Village of Stronghurst board met Monday, December 7th and agreed it would be a good to have a separate account for the police department funds to give them a better overview of the finances.
On a motion by David Vancil, seconded by Mike Nelson, the board voted to set up an account just for the fine money received by the village. This account will be used for equipment and special things needed by the police department.
The board also voted to transfer $40,000 from the general fund into the Police Department Account, this being the rest of the money originally earmarked for the set up of the department. At the beginning of the fiscal year 1/12 of the annual budgeted amount will automatically be transferred to this account.
Jan Monville of the Henderson County Economic Development asked the board to proclaim the week of February 21 to February 28, 2010 as National Entrepreneur Week. The board agreed to this request.
Bob Hamilton asked the board if the legal fees against him could be dropped since the trailer has now been removed from the city limits. The board denied the request.
Tony Anderson said the lift station at Garland Lefler's has been replaced. He also asked for guidance on the street light in front of city hall, should it be a regular street light or a directional light pointing toward the building. The board directed him to have a directional light installed by the power company. The village employees will put up a pole light out in back of the building to light the side door.
The board voted to pass an ordinance to have Chief of Police Gary Smith and Tony Anderson be responsible for assessing and changing the traffic signs in town and report back to the board.
Village employees were instructed to demolish the Warth house and then notify the fire department so they can set a date for burning it. The employees are to keep track of the hours this project takes.
A discussion was held on notifying the residents when a boil order is in effect in town. The issue was tabled until next month when Mike Nelson will bring back to the board costs of a marquee for the city hall.
On a motion by Lawrence Neff, seconded by Michael Bohnenkamp the board voted to give the 6 village employees a $100 Christmas bonus this year.
On a motion by Chris Cook, seconded by Bohnenkamp, the board voted to raise the cap the village pays for employee insurance to $300, starting in January.
On a motion by Lawrence Neff, seconded by Mike Nelson, the board voted to have Lou Ann Nortrup pay the regular monthly bills before the meeting, to eliminate late fees, which is mounting to quite a little money.
Chris Cook received board approval to close the park fund account, obtained by selling bricks. Eight thousand dollars will be given to the school for the new concession stand that was built recently. The rest will be used to paint the park playground equipment.
Chief of Police Gary Smith's monthly report for November included: 155.5 hours worked; 20 traffic stops; 16 verbal warnings; 2 written warnings; and 6 uniform traffic tickets.
The next regular board meeting will be held at 7:00 p.m. on January 4, 2010 at 7:00 p.m.
Those present included: President Eric Chockley; Clerk/Treasurer Lou Ann Nortrup; Trustees, Michael Bohnenkamp, Chris Cook, Lawrence Neff, Mike Nelson and David Vancil (Angela Myers was absent); City employees, Tony Anderson and Ronnie Gittings; Chief of Police Gary Smith; Guests, Jan Monville, Bob Hamilton and Roger Cook.