The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Illini West School Board

The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Education of Illini West HSD #307 was held on Wednesday, December 9, 2009. Students of the Month for November, Caitlin Robertson and Stefan Flynn, were honored. The District Curriculum Committee has scheduled department meetings in English, Math and Science for the first week of January. Representative teachers from IWHS and the three primary schools will meet together to discuss aligning curriculum.

Volunteer coaches were approved as follows: John Wilde and Brandon Llewellyn - Wresting; Andy Gronewold - Freshmen Boys Basketball. A CIPA (Child Internet Protection Act) Hearing was set for January 13 at 7:30 PM at the District Offices. The Board approved the 2009 Certificate of Tax Levy and Certificate of Compliance with the Truth-In-Taxation Act.

Several contracts were approved including School Datebooks for the 2010-2011 Student Handbooks, Pearson for on-line PowerSchool Training, and SOCS for web site hosting. Superintendent Mike Mauzy and Principal Brad Gooding were named the FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) Officers for the District. Progress continues to be made on establishing a Foundation for IWHS to provide scholarship funds and other financial educational benefits. Members who have agreed to serve on the committee include: Sherry Beals & Joyce Crim from LaHarpe, Dan Dion and Dennis Royalty from Carthage, Steve Vorhies and Josh DeSotel from Dallas City, and Tracey Anders as the Board representative.