The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1920 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Registrar for Daniel McMillan Chapter, N.S.D.A.R.1920

Stronghurst Graphic, Jan. 22, 1920

W.T.C.U. JUBILEE: The passing of John Barleycorn was celebrated in Stronghurst last Friday by the ringing of the church bells at noon and a jubilee meeting at the M.E.Church in the evening under the auspices of the local W.C.T.U., Mrs. H.G.Widney, pres.  A song service with Miss Mary Dixson at the piano constituted the first part of the program, the selections being the National Anthem and other national airs and a jubilee song composed for the W.T.C.U.  for the occasion and sung to the tune of "Over There."Ê Miss Marjorie Thompson's little pupils also gave a character song, those taking part in it being Helen Hollingsworth, Myrtle Lazear, Myrtle Salter, Nancy Findley, Ivy Woods and Katherine Anderson.  Rev. K.R. Anderson read the scripture and offered prayer after which Rev. Crumbaker introduced Atty. W.C.Ivins as the speaker for the evening.  Mr. Ivins delivered a very able address: he talked about the forming of the country, Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, the new Illinois Constitution and finally the question of Constitutional Prohibition.  He said that the credit of making prohibition of the liquor traffic a part of the organic law of our nation belonged primarily to the noble women of the land who had worked so courageously and patiently toward this end.  He concluded by expressing the hope that they might show the same courageous and determined spirit in meeting at the ballot box the grave questions which still press for solution before a in truth a nation of the people, by the people and for the people was realized.

FARM LOAN ASSOCIATION: The regular annual meeting of the Stronghurst National Farm Loan Ass'n was held at the First National Bank for the purpose of electing officers for the coming year.  A majority was present and the following officers were re-elected: Robt. N. Clarke, Pres.; C.R.A.Marshall, V.-Pres.; B.G.Widney, Sec'y-Treas. and the loan committee of C.R.A. Marshll, G.M. McGaw, and C.B.Vaughn.  The report for the past year was read and $102,000 ($1,212,780 in today's values) in loans were reported as being completed.  A 6% dividend was paid to themselves on their stock.  They have ample money at all times to loan and the rate is 5%.

CULTURE COMES TO THE "MAGIC CITY: " The one big musical event of the winter for Stronghurst is set for the evening of Jan. 31st when the Overseas Ladies Orchestra, composed of six talented young lady musicians, each one an artist in her particular line, will appear at the Lyric Theater in the second number of the season' lyceum course.

The personnel of the company comprises Miss Amelia Carstensen, violinist, whose work in concert tours with some of the best musical organizations of the country has won her friends everywhere; Miss Helen Ferguson, one of the very few worthwhile lady cornetists in American and who also sings and plays the piano; Mrs. Estelle Hays, soprano and pianist, who studied under the best Italian and French instructors; Miss Beulah Truitt, a splendid entertainer who plays the drum and flute and who specializes in clever talk songs and two other new members. Tickets for the program are $1.50 plus war tax. (Picture of the group in this issue)

1895 Graphic: The a hook and ladder company(the fire department) was organized for the village.  The following were members: wm. Graham, Chas. Gilbert, E.W.Tinkham, T.F. Woodside, J.W.Gordon, Mr. Wright, Lyman Taylor, L. Simpson, Bert Putney, Chas. Adams, P. Groome, Jr., T.D.Steffey, Harry Putney, P.A.Lauritsen, C. Cooksie and Jno. Gilliland.  Notice of the dissolution of the firm of Kessler & Chant appeared in this issue.A.H.Struble of Raritan and Frank Woodsides of Stronghurst began the construction of a two-story carpenter shop and tank factory on Mary St.  Nelson Lewis moved from Stronghurst to Media to take charge of the lumber yard there, which had been purchased by L.M. Loomis.  A heavy thunder storm passed over in the morning of Jan.21st and on the afternoon of the same day a howling blizzard was in progress.  "Billy" Ziegler returned from Edwardsville, Ill and resumed his position as foreman in the Graphic office.

1920 Graphic:CARMAN CONCERNS: Paul Pendry was having dental work done in Dallas City.  Miss Ella Krow is attending Brown's Business College in Galesburg.  Mrs. Charlie Kirby had the misfortune to have her wrist broken, two bones being fractured and one shattered while cranking her car.  She was taken to Burlington where the X-ray was used.  Mr. Kirby has ordered a new self-starter for the car as he does not care to take anymore risks. 

GLADSTONE GLEANINGS: The Gladstone orchestra gave a box social and entertainment at Bryan's hall to a full house making $70 ($832+ today) for music.  Mrs. Robbins from Canada was here visiting at the home of Mrs. Joseph Robbins.  There will be a lecture course here with the first number being a male quartette, The Fighting Americans.  The village is to have electric lights very soon.  Mr. Shaw, who lived in the west part of town, moved his family to Bushnell.  Mr. and Mrs. David Sage moved from Oquawka into the house they recently bought from Chas. Dowell in the west part of town.  The marriage of Mr. Lucius Lox and Miss Katherine Colley, both of Gladstone, occurred Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Lox of West Burlington.  The wedding came as a surprise to their many friends.  The groom is a returned soldier who fought in the trenches in France.  His bride is the charming daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.M.Colley. 

LOMAX LINGER-INGS: S.F.Tannus remains so poorly as to need the services of a nurse. W.H.Wyatt still is in a precarious condition.  Quite a number from here attended the Charles Anderson sale in Decorra.  Mumps, that very prominent jaw affection, has a considerable lot of entertainers in this burg.  Mrs. Fred Crane of Carman, who is the census enumerator for this township, is work here this week.  Mrs. Blanch Potter, who was formerly Mrs. Blanch Swiggert of this place, with her husband and daughter, Grace, returned to their home at Marshalltown, Iowa.  The town is kept posted by a new weekly paper called the Searchlight, edited by W.T.Frye, formerly of Media, Ill.  The proposed transmission line supplied with the KeokukÊ current and being run from Dallas City, is rapidly taking new steps being now is the legal stage; after all movements, no doubt construction will commence in the near future.

OLENA OBSERVATIONS: Robert Galbreath Sundayed at the home of Wm. Hicks.  Mr. Virgil Davis and wife and two children and Mr. and Mrs. John Lant motored over into Iowa to visit the Oscar Marshall family.  H.S. Lant returned from Fullerton, Nebr. where he attended the funeral of his uncle, Isaac L. Downs, aged 78.

Is 13 an unlucky number? Let's show you.  On that evening some sneak thieves broke into the barn of Oscar White, west of the village and stole the radiator off his car and a good set of handmade harness; but in their hurry only got one of the bridles belonging to this set and kindly left the other as a mark of identification.  Mr. White, as soon as he discovered his loss, got into communication with Sheriff McDill, who also got busy, and after some searching near home went to Burlington and offered a reward.  A few days later, McDill wired Mr. White that he had his men who proved to be two husky fellows from Keithsburg, one of whom had "done time." They had Mr. White's radiator in use on their car and had given his harness a good greasing.  Besides Mr. White's property they had several lap robes and some other harness and odd horse collars.  They will have a hearing at the county seat on Jan.24th.

Tuesday, the 20th was sale day for the Messrs. C.H.Curry and S.W.Claybaugh stock and property as they have dissolved their partnership.  It is said misfortune never comes signally and the young son of Mr. August Johnson, who is in the Burlington Hospital where he was recently operated on for appendicitis, is now quarantined there for diphtheria.  Mrs. Johnson, the mother, is also reported in very poor health.  Several in the Charles Lant family are suffering from tonsillitis and bad colds.  Mr. Virgil Davis has purchased a new player piano. 

Funeral obsequies were held in many cities for the passing away of "Old John Barley Corn" and are proud to see the day when our Stars and Stripes no longer protect the nefarious business in the good old U.S.A.  The special meeting conducted in the village closed last Friday evening and Sabbath day a class of 11 or 12 were received into membership of the church, all of which with the exception of one, were members of the Sabbath School.  Truly the S.S. is the "nursery" of the church.  Quite a number in this locality are in the grip of bad colds, tonsillitis and mild cases of the flu. 

Miss Ruby Hicks of Stronghurst, who teaches school in Biggsville and was spending a few days with her grandfather at this home west of Olena, was taken quite ill and rushed to the Burlington Hospital and operated on the next morning for appendicitis. 

LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: At the Curry & Claybaugh sale a grade milch cow sold for $220 ($2,615 today).  Pete Voorhees accompanied a shipment of Hereford cattle, sold at the Hereford sale last week, to their destination at Joliet, Ill.  Rev. Weddington, who has been pastor of the Raritan Baptist Church for the past eight years, has resigned and accepted a charge at the Baptist church at Buda, Il.  W.F.Allison is home from Bates County, Mo. Mrs. Allison is visiting relatives at Sabetha, Kans. and their son, Harold is taking a short course in the state Agricultural College at Columbia.  Jess Simsonson returned from a sightseeing trip through the oil regions of Texas and Kansas.  While enroute, he visited Walter Simonson's at Anthony, Kans. and Dennis Simonson's at Halstead, Kan.  Roy of that place returned with him to visit relatives. 

An agricultural and poultry show was held in Burlington, Jan. 12-17, which was the largest thing of the kind ever held in Des Moines County.  About 1,000 birds were on exhibition and the agricultural exhibits were exceptionally good as was also the Domestic Science demonstrations.  Mr. Sterling F. Simpson of Macomb, Ill has been secured to assist Mr. W.C.Regan in his business.  Mr. Simpson is an expert embalmer with a wide experience in undertaking work. Mrs. Emily Cooksey, who makes her home with Mr. and Mrs. Wm Wright, passed the 91st birthday.  Although she has been bedfast for the greater part of time since last May, she was able to sit at the table with the family and enjoy a birthday dinner last Tuesday.  Mrs. G.Q.Fort is reported ill with pneumonia.  Miss Ellen John-son of White House, N.J. is visiting at the home of her nephew, Aaron Johnson and family north of Stronghurst. 

NEW COUNTY PAPER: Volume 1, NO.1, a new paper of four pages, six col., "The Searchlight," an all home print sheet, issued, the publishers say, from a plant which is practically new, all the way from the Lomax made broom in the front part of the office to the Lomax made furnace in the basement is owned by S.F.Tannus, who is the general manager of economy Manf'g. Co. of Lomax and a very active promoter of the "greater Lomax" movement.  The editor is Mr. Wm. T.Frye, who as editor of the Media Record several years ago and later of a Canton, Mo. weekly paper, has acquired much valuable experience in the newspaper work.  The initial number of the new paper contains a good amount of local and general news and editorial matter and its advertising columns give evidence of the fact that the merchants and business men of Lomax have determined to advance their own interests