The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1920 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Registrar for Daniel McMillan Chapter, N.S.D.A.R.1920

Stronghurst Graphic Feb.5, 1920 

DEER HUNTER FINED: C.G. McPherrin, district game warden, evidently believes that the game laws of the state of Illinois were made to be enforced.  Here is a story from the Monmouth Review proving that point: "Charlie McPherren, district game warden, came home recently from a tour of this section of the state and upon arrival heard about the Mercer County deer hunt in which a resident of the country north of here captured a deer which had been roving over the farm lands all fall.  Charlie concluded that there was no law in Illinois allowing the capture or killing of deer and immediately hitched up his Lizzie and went after the mighty Hunter.

Locating the man at his home, he had him arrested and taken into Mercer County court, but the state's attorney refused to prosecute the case for the game warden even though the defendant admitted he had run the deer down and that his dog had pulled the animal down.  The warden then took a change of venue and carried his case to another court where the deer hunter was given a fine, after which the defendant went home "cussin" all the game laws and game wardens in the state, according to Charlie.

The animal was confiscated by Mr. McPherren, who brought it to a veterinary here to see if the wounds inflicted by the dog can be cured.  If so, the little animal will be sent to one of the state' game preserves to spend the remainder of its life, while people who are itching to go deer hunting will remember that this not Wisconsin and that venison is not lawful meat when killed in this section of Illinois. (Times do change!)

WEDDING BELLS-CARTWRIGHT & WHITEMAN: On Jan. 31st at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H.O. Whiteman of Burlington, Ia, Miss Ruth Elizabeth Whiteman was united in marriage to Mr. Herman E. Cartwright of Lomax Ill.  The bride spent the early part of her life with her parents on their farm north of Stronghurst, later removing to Burlington.  She is a graduate of Monmouth College and the Normal Training Course at the Illinois State Normal.  She has been a very successful teacher in the schools of Henderson County.  The groom is a prosperous young farmer of the Lomax community; the couple will establish their home on his farm near Lomax.

1895 GRAPHIC: A new wagon and complete outfit for the recently organized hook and ladder company arrived in Stronghurst (precursor of today's fire department).  County Supt. S.E.Mace had purchased the resident of N.W.Adams in Stronghurst and was preparing to move here.  W.F.Hall, father of Mrs. John Staley, was severely injured by being kicked by a horse while he was at Sugar Tree Grove.  A.E.Jones wrote from across the Atlantic that he was enjoying himself hugely among the surroundings of his boyhood days.  Geo. Chant arrived to join his brother Joe in the tinning and hardware business.  Interviewed by the editor, Mr. J.R.Justice, the well known horse buyer, expressed the opinion that the day of the small horse had about passed and that the raising of the large draft type horses was destined to become very profitable; price will depend on supply. (The farm tractor and the big auto truck had not been developed at this time.)

REACHES 90TH MILESTONE: On Feb.9th Mr. S.V.A.Simonson will have attained his 90th birthday.  Born at Lamington, N.J. he grew to manhood there and on Feb.23, 1854 was married to Anna Elizabeth Wortman of Millstone, N.J.  Being born the son of a farmer, he was not content with the narrow bounds of his native state, but had a desire to go West to the new unsettled lands so in May 1854 he with his wife came to Canton, Ill. where a brother, the late D.N.Simonson, was engaged in the mercantile business.  From there they journeyed across the prairies to what is now the Raritan Township, choosing a site on the banks of Honey Creek, two and three quarter miles northwest of the present village of Raritan.  There were a few families, the Rodmans, McDermotts and McCartneys on the north and a settlement just south where Josiah Brokaw and N. Groendyke, also New Jersey people, had built a small house and were preparing to break the prairie.

Here a house was erected and land broken to be sold later to a brother, Garret Simonson, S.V.A.improving the tract adjoining it on the east.  Here the family of nine children were born and grew up, all who are farmers and farmers' wives with the exception of one daughter, who died in her youth.

Later a large company composed mostly of relatives and friends from Somerset County, N.J. came and settled on the banks of Honey Creek for a distance of three or four miles, the main reason for keeping close to this stream being that they might be sure of water for their stock and household purposes.  They also found the slightly rolling and well drained uplands admirably adapted for cultivation.  A huge elm tree which was growing on the bank of the stream and which marked the ford of an old Indian trail may still be seen standing in its majesty today.  Deer Oquawka was the post office and Burlington the trading point, all grain being hauled to that place and building material and other necessities hauled back.  Mr. Simonson will tell you of a team of horses which he had purchased in Canton getting loose and going home and of his walking the distance of 60 miles to bring them back.  He also said some of the country between here and Canton, which is now the most fertile land in the state, was at times a lake of water and considered forever useless for farming purposes.  He saw the founding of the village of Raritan and the erection of the Reformed church which took place in 1858.

Of all those first settler, Mr. Simonson alone remains, one other Mrs. Elizabeth Cortleyou passed away on Dec.29th in her 90th year. Mr. Simonson was always active in business and social affairs of his community and has served in different capacities at times as a public official.  In Oct. 1904 in company with his wife, he retired to a home in Stronghurst where Mrs. Simonson passed away in April 1906.Mr. Simonson still maintains his residence here.  He is in good health and enjoys nothing more than a visit from his old friends.

***OBITUARY***ANNA VOORHEES GROOME: Anna Sorter Voorhees, daughter of Peter and Cornelia Voorhees, was born at Hopewell, J.J. on June 3, 1829 and died at Excelsior Springs, Mo. on Jan.31, 1920 at the ripe old age of 90 years,7 months and 7 days.

Her early life was spent in New Jersey and on the death of her parents she came to Raritan, Ill. in 1866.  In December 1867 she marred Nathaniel C.Groome, formerly of New Jersey.  A home was established on the farm four and a half miles southeast of Stronghurst on which Percy Veech now resides.  Two children were born to them, both dying in infancy.

In 1870 the couple moved to Newton, Kans. where they lived until 1900 when the infirmity of age made it necessary for them to retire and they moved to Excelsior Springs, Mo.  In April 1902 Mr. Groome passed away and his aged companion was cared for by a nephew, Peter Voorhees of Hopewell, N.J during the remaining years of her life.  In 1910 she fell and broke her hip and that with complete loss of hearing made the last days somewhat hard to bear.  Funeral services were held in the home with the remains brought to Stronghurst and taken to the home of Mrs. Ella Groome Voorhees, a niece for short services.  Interment was beside her husband and children in the Raritan Cemetery.

Relatives present were Peter Voorhees of Excelsior Springs, Mo., Mrs. Anna Snider and Edith Dally of London Mills, Ill., Roy Simonson of Halstead, Kans., Mrs James Milliken and family, Mrs. Ella Voorhees and family and Nathaniel C. Groome .

***OBITUARY***MRS. HARRIET CURRY: Mrs. Harry Curry, who went a year ago to make her home with her daughter, Mrs. Lois Cortleyou at Wellington, Kans., died there last Saturday.  The remains are expected to arrive in Stronghurst and will be taken to the former home of the deceased for the funeral services.

NEW DENTIST IN TOWN: Dr. J.H. Highfield announces the opening of a finely equipped office for the practice of Dentistry on the second floor of the Grandey building in Stronghurst.

GLADSTONE GLEANINGS: Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Galbraith moved to a farm near Weaver, Ia, which they bought last fall.  Don Brent moved to a farm near the same town in the Green Bay Bottoms where he will farm this year.  The Peterson and Graham families in the east part of town are quite ill with the flu.  Mark Kemp and Miss Julia Ransdel were married in Oquawka and went to Burlington in the evening.  The groom is the son of Charles Kemp and the bride a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ransdel.  Miss Stella Cook was operated upon for appendicitis at the Burlington Hospital.  J.A.Steritt returned to Belgrade, Neb. after visiting in the home of Ernest Rodman.  Acil Galbraith moved out to the farm where he has just finished building a fine new house.  Rev. Russell of Biggsville closed two weeks of meeting here at the M.E.Church Nine additions were made to the membership.

OLENA OBSERVATIOS: Elbridge Fort is home from the Burlington Hospital and is able to be out.  A trained nurse has been at the Frank Veech home caring for Mrs. Veech and daughter.  Mrs. Margaret Peyton is nursing at the Combite home south of Stronghurst.  Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Ross have moved to the C.H.Curry ranch adjoining the village.  Mr. Claybaugh's are still occupying part of the house until they can get possession of their new home recently purchased northeast of Stronghurst.  The Rudy Zang family moved to Olena occupying Mrs. Hult's house recently vacated by Earl Dye.  Mr. Zang and Carl Booten have been employed to work for Mr. Lyman Ross.  Mrs. Commodore Evans has moved from the village to her home west of Olena.  Miss Burrell has again resumed her duties as teacher in the South Prairie School.  A few of the young people enjoyed a social at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cooper east of Olena.  Mr. Cooper and family soon will be moving to one of Ceil Brook's tenant houses where Mr. Cooper has been employed. 

A letter received from Miss Mary Gibson of Chicago informed us that she had been quite badly all winter with rheumatism.  Another letter from Mrs. Minnie Rodwell of Oakland, Ia. informs us that she and her husband were spending the winter in Long Beach, Calif.  She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Miller Black, formerly of this neighborhood.  The Peterson brothers recently shelled out the corn crop of Mr. Albert Hult which he sold to Mr. Curry and Mr. Ross.  Mr. Virgil Davis has purchased a new player piano which the family and neighbors are greatly enjoying. (Pianos were a luxury)

CARMAN CONCERNS: Mrs. Cora (Lord) Mooney died at her home in Rock Island.  The remains were taken to Burlington for a funeral service and then brought to the Carman Cemetery for interment.  She was 41 years old and the wife of N.A.Mooney of Rock Island.  She is survived by her daughter and husband.  She leaves two brothers, Ernest Lord of Burlington and James Lord of Carman and one sister, Mrs. Mary Crossley of Burlington.  The Irvin Parks family has the flu and all public gatherings have been discontinued.  Mrs. Will Stewart returned home from Hutchinson, Kans. where she had visited her daughter, Mrs. Thressa Johnson.  No school this week as the teacher, Mrs. Will Lightner and several of her pupils are victims of the mumps.  Mrs. Eliza Parry is visiting her brother, Jeff McCannon and family in Burlington.

LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Otto Steffey sold his residence to B.L.Tucker.  The juniors of the high school pleasingly entertained the seniors and high school teachers at a party.  The games were in juvenile style. Roy Rankin of Saskatchewan, Can. is at Mayo Bros hospital, Rochester, Minn. being treated for hernia.  D.T. Bigg returned from there where he went to consult about eye trouble.  Great sickness is prevalent in the village.  Rev. K.R. Anderson, who went to Iowa to take his mother from the Clarinda hospital to Lorimer, was taken sick with the flu and is now being cared for there.  Mrs. Anderson and the two children here are also ill with the prevailing epidemic C.M. Bell, foreman of the mechanical department of the Graphic, has been confined to his home by the flu.  J.F.Mains, postmaster and former publisher of the paper has been assisting with the work.  Dr. Nelson of Chicago, State Veterinarian, has been testing the dairy herds of S.A.D. and Otto Steffey for tuberculosis.  Rev. V.A.Crumbaker has received his Overseas kit in which was many relics from the battlefields of France.  The boiler at the school building burst this morning flooding the basement and making it impossible to heat the building.  School has been dismissed for an indefinite period.  A large number of soldier boys from this vicinity attended the ball given by the American Legion Post at Burlington.  R.W. Upton and Wm Voorhees were looking at farm lands near Quincy.  A young son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Grover Burke of the south country on Jan.26th.  Miss Alice Chant and Mrs. A.F.Kaiser have been filling vacancies on the teaching force in the village school caused by sickness.  Miss Emma Wright, teacher at Maple Grove school is having a vacation because not enough pupils are well enough to attend.