The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1920 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Registrar for Daniel McMillan Chapter, N.S.D.A.R.1920

Stronghurst Graphic, Feb. 26, 1920

ARM CRUSHED IN CORN SHREDDER: Mark Vaughn, whose home is at 205 South 8th St., Burlington, Ia. lost his right hand and part of the arm when it was crushed in a corn shredder which he was feeding on the Fraizer farm in this county, four miles east of Burlington.  Mr. Vaughn was rushed to the Burlington Hospital following the accident where it was found necessary to amputate the hand and part of the arm.  Mr. Vaughn is a brother of James U. Vaughn of Lomax and M. R. Vaughn of Burlington.  He is 48 years of age and has a wife and three children.

CORRECTION: Mr. H.N. Vaughn has not accepted an offer of settlement from the Santa Fe Railroad for compensation for the loss of his barn.

***OBITUARIES***MRS. ETHEL CAROTHERS MC CLEERY/ MC CLEARY: Laura Ethel, third child of John and Mary C. Carothers, was born Nov. 23, 1877 on the farm not far from the present family residence and died on Feb. 23 at the home of her mother, two miles west of Stronghurst.  The first 25 years of her life were spent in the immediate vicinity, she being a graduate of Strong-hurst High School, a teacher for a short time, and a student at Monmouth College for 2 years.

She was married April 1902 to Howard McCleery of Waterman, Ill. where they lived for five years.  In 1907 the family, including one child, removed to a ranch near Vegreville, Alberta, Canada, where they established a home.  Evelyn Ruth and Marjorie came to bless the home(daughter born later)... Left to mourn are her husband, children, brother and mother.  Funeral services were held at the Carothers home with interment in the Stronghurst Cemetery. (Actually, the stone is in Olena Cemetery.)

PETER A. VANAL-STINE: Peter A. VanAlstine, son of Charles and Mary VanAlstine was born on a farm near Stronghurst on Feb. 26, 1866 and departed this life Feb. 19th, 1920 at St. Mary's Hospital in Galesburg following an operation for peritonitis.

He was married to Martha Katherine Charter June 29, 1885 near Gee, Iowa.  To this union were born four daughters: Mrs. Dimple Jarvis, deceased; Mrs. Grace Kimble at home; Mrs. Jessie Hall of Roseville, Ill. and Mrs. Bessie Griffith of Sciota, Ill.  He also leaves nine grandchildren; two brothers-Thomas Van-Alstine of Nodaway, Ia. And Lewis VanAlstine of Mitchell, S. Dak-and three sisters: Mrs. Emma Wilson of Wapin-ita, Ore. and Mrs. Hettie Whitecotton of the same place.  A third sister is deceased.

Funeral services were held at the M. E. Church in Media, Ill. with the remains taken to Colchester, Ill. for interment besides the deceased daughter, Mrs. Dimple Jarvis.

***OBITUARY*** MRS. SARAH (RICHARD) MORGAN: Mrs. Sarah Morgan, widow of the late George J. Morgan, passed away at her home here Feb.22 at 2:30 p.m. following a brief illness.  Sarah Jane Richard was born in Mercer County, Pa. May 4, 1844, died Feb.22, 1920 at the age of 75 years, 9 months and 13 days.

She lived in Mercer County, Pa. until 11 years of age when she moved with her parents to a farm near Terre Haute, Ill.  After being at this place one year they moved near Hopper, Ill. where she was united in marriage to George Morgan in 1863 (print is blurred and hard to read . . .-Mary, Margaret and Pearle.  The husband and two children, Annie and Pearle preceded her in death.  Besides the surviving children she leaves two brothers, A.K.Richard of Allerton, Iowa and W.S.Richard of Cambria, Iowa and one sister, Mattie? Downs of Centerville, Iowa and ten grandchildren.  The deceased was converted at the age of 17 at a meeting held at Olena and united with the M.E.Church at Warren. (known as Hopper today) Funeral services were held at the Stronghurst M.E.Church with interment in the local cemetery.

***OBITUARY***MRS. W.T.MARSHALL: Mrs. W.T. Marshall died Feb.19 at her home in Red Oak, Iowa, after an illness extending over many months.  She was a former Henderson County resident, her maiden name being Sarah A. Curry, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Curry.  She was born about 62 years ago on the farm south of Stronghurst now owned by William Bainter.

In 1880 she united in marriage with Mr. W.T.Marshall of this vicinity and a few months later they went to the vicinity of Red Oak, Iowa, where they settled on a farm which was their home up until about ??years ago when they purchased a residence in Red Oak, leaving the farm with their son Walter in charge.

Four children, one son and three daughters were born to Mr. and Mrs. Marshall, two of the daughters having preceded their mother to the better world.  The members of the immediate family who remain to mourn are the husband, the son Walter and a daughter, Mary, at home.

Funeral services were conducted at the home with interment in the Red Oak Cemetery.  Mr. and Mrs. Alex Marshall and Mr. and Mrs. C.E.Fort of this place were in attendance.

***OBITUARY***DALE CLARENCE STAMP: Dale Clarence, the infant son of Perry and Nellie Stamp, was born Jan. 18th and died Feb.23, 1920.  The child had been sick for three weeks, pneumonia finally developing and resulting in death.  The body was laid away at the local cemetery.  Three older children, one boy, Lyle Perry and two little sisters, Madelyn Colene and Roselie Eileen, have been left to comfort the bereaved parents.

VIEW OF CALIFORNIA (letter from Dr. and Mrs. Harter) "Although we are enjoying a warm climate and bright sunshine, we often talk of the sunshine of smiles and warmth of friendships of our people at home.  We have often heard a good old friend say that we do not need a multitude of things here.  If we have a few true friends, plenty to eat and wear and a pair of old easy shoes, we should be satisfied.

We wish you might attend the Community sings here.  They sing all old time songs for one hour and then have special artists to furnish the remainder of the programs with vocal, whistling, piano, pipe organ and violin selections.  The churches here also have many interesting services and entertainments which I know you would enjoy.

Speaking of bathing, we are only a half block from the ocean, but I have been down to the beach but once-too gay for me.  We are Methodists here at Ocean Park and attend a small church amongst the palms, pepper and eucalypti trees.  Sunday the services were in charge of a young Bible student from Los Angeles.  We thought and spoke of how you would have enjoyed being here and listening to the sermon on "Gravitation" A "birdman" flying overhead made it so real-The mountains are getting green and the flowers are so pretty but the gardens cannot best yours. . .

California has many good people, but there are so many wicked places here, it does grieve one to see them.  We walked downtown last Sunday evening after lunch and every kind of gambling device seemed to be running wide open.-We wonder why these things are allowed.-In Hollywood, people are more interested in church work and the churches are usually crowded.  The ministers have to be very alert these days, ready to combat the many evils which present themselves in such alluring forms and to provide counter attractions for the young people which are calculated to lead their thoughts to the higher things.  Hope the time will come when the Sunday "movies" will be closed.  A bunch of Prof. Willie Lovitt's(old chums and singing pupils including myself) met at Long Beach on "Illinois Day" and sang the "Ode to Illinois" to the tune "To the Work To the Work." Our Henderson County bunch surely did make a noise with all four parts represented...Hope you people are over the flu by this time; it is very bad here.  Think they have it in the apartment house.  There are many Christian Scientists in the building, but they are shy of us.  There are 11 Christian Science churches and two Christian Science societies in Los Angeles.  They seem to be taking this state and unless you live among them, you will never know what we have to fear from them."  Regards to all, C.M.Harter

40th ANNIVERSARY: On Feb. 25, 1880 Hezekiah Butler and Georgia Anna Durling were united in marriage at Old Bedford Church.  They established a home on the Durling farm 2 miles southwest of Raritan where they lived until 1918 when they took up a residence in Stronghurst that they might enjoy the sunset of their lives free from the cares and anxieties of the farm.

Mr. Butler was born near Columbus, Adams County of this state in 1848.  At the age of 14 he came to Henderson County and made his home with his brother, James and family until the Civil War. 

Of a family of eight bothers, all were in active service of their country in the war with the exception of Dr. W. B. Butler of La Harpe, whose professional services were deemed so necessary as to allow this exemption from military service.  All of the seven brothers came back, one however, having received wounds from which he died later.  There were five sisters in the family and of these only one remains.

Mrs. Butler's entire life has been spent in this community and with Mr. Butler, she has always been active in community affairs taking a very active part in the work of the Christian Church at Bedford and other churches where they have worshipped.  There are three sons, Frank of Oakland, Calif; Ralph of Stronghurst and John who lives on the home farm.  Seven grandchildren complete the family circle.

A family dinner was enjoyed at the home on Feb. 25th.  Part of the feast which was served was sent from Anthony, Kans. by Miss Mamie Durling, a sister of Mrs. Butler.

1895 GRAPHIC: An attempt was made to wreck the north bound evening train on the Quincy branch near Carman on Feb. 22 with a pile of ties placed across the rails near the Honey Creek Bridge.  The train was brought to a standstill barely in time to prevent a serious disaster.  James A. Graham held a sale of trotting bred horses with 32 head of colts and horses being disposed of for $3,532.50($42,001+ in today's money).  The Gilbert blacksmith shop in the village was purchased by Ludwig Roseburg of Raritan.  The implement and buggy firm of Campbell & Tinkham was dissolved; E. W. Tinkham retired from business. 

TOM THUMB WEDDING: The "Tom Thumb Wedding" given by the little tots of Stronghurst last Friday evening at the Lyric Theater under the auspices of the Misses Ross and Thompson was one of the most successful and enjoyable entertainments of the season.  The costuming of the little folks and the grace and ease which marked their impersonation of grown up principals and guests at a fashionable wedding spoke in high praise of the training which they had received. 

A very substantial sum was also netted from the affair, which will go to the benefit of the school gymnasium fund. 

***OBITUARY***WESLEY EUGENE MATHERS: Wesley Eugene Mathers, son of the late Robert and Alzora Mathers, died at his home of the Mathers homestead in Media Township Feb. 25.  His whole life was passed in the vicinity of the place where he passed away.  He was born Sept. 6, 1860 and from infancy suffered from an affliction which prevented him from engaging in the active affairs of life and which necessitated the careful watching and attendance of the other members of the household. 

Through the kind ministrations of these relatives, he was permitted to enjoy a life of 60 years of comparative physical comfort and also keep in touch with passing events.  A few months ago, the aged mother who had so faithfully looked after him for so many years was called to her reward and since that time he has been the object of solicitude and care of his sister, Mrs. E. G. Lewis and other members of the Lewis household.  He is survived by two brothers, James J. and Samuel, and one sister, Mrs. Ethel Lewis, all of Media Township. 

Funeral services were conducted at the home with the remains buried in Walnut Grove Cemetery.

LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Everett Keener returned to Quincy where he is attending the Gem City Business College.  Mrs. Garetta Stryker, who has been spending the winter with her sister, Mrs. W. J. McElhinney, left for Los Angeles, Calif. 

She will stop in Pawnee, Neb. with relatives and will be accompanied home by her niece, Miss Potts, who will make an indefinite stay in California.  Mrs. Frank Lauber has given up her position at the Lazear drug store and after a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Daughtery of Gladstone, will join her husband at Lafayette, Ill. 

The show room of the new Sutliff & Wallin garage on north Broadway is now enclosed on the west and south with large plate glass windows.  H. M. Allison is among the late victims of the prevailing epidemic. 

Chauncey Mayfield recently sold his 160 acre farm north of Biggsville to J. W. Stine.  Dr. Douglass of Biggsville is in Pittsburgh attending a conference of leaders in the New World Movement of the U. P. Church.  Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Rockel left for their home in Montana after spending the winter with relatives here and at Dallas City.  A prenuptial shower in honor of Miss Carrie Cook, who is soon to become the bride of Elmer VanTine will be held at the Samuel Holmes home in Biggsville.  Mr. Clyde Anderson of Decorra married Miss Maggie Dixon of Carman on Feb. 18th. 

The Biggsville Country Club is holding its annual Washington Birthday dinner at the home of John Stevenson, Jr.  There will be a musical program and an address by Hon. J. W. Gordon of Oquawka.  John D. Peters of Monmouth, monument salesman for a Peoria marble yard, died at this home following a stroke of apoplexy. 

Ralph Douglass, son of Dr. and Mrs. A. C. Douglass of Biggsville will go to Egypt in July to have charge of the athletic and social department of the new American University at Cairo.  Mr. Douglass graduated from Monmouth College last June.  J. W. Stine and family moved into the property formerly owned and occupied by Mrs. Hollingsworth, the latter having moved into the former Tucker property.  J. T. Shaw and family are moving from the country into the property of Cooper St. vacated by the Stine family.

MEDIA MEANDERINGS: Mr. and Mrs. Jack Tracey, who reside at the Roy Park farm, are rejoicing over the arrival of a seven pound son born Feb. 20th.  Little Earnest Berry has been in a serious condition but is reported improving.  Miss Anna LaVelle has been in critical condition the past week at the home of Mr. Albert Hult in Olena; her sister, Mrs. Mary Trimmer, has been caring for her.  Ed Kane who recently purchased the barber shop and pool room from Frank Hamilton is now operating it. 

GLADSTONE GLEANINGS: John Markman has been very ill at his home.  Dr. Eads and Dr. Ditto consulted over his case; he is somewhat better.  Mr. and Mrs. John Tweed and family from Keithsburg, motored down to visit their daughter, Mrs. Earl Kessinger, who soon will move to near Weaver, Iowa.  Miss Margaret Porter came home from the Burlington Hospital where she was operated on for appendicitis; she is much improved. 

Mrs. Christina Petterson died at her home Feb. 17, 1920, aged 81 years, 4 months and 11 days.  She was born in Sweden Oct. 6, 1838 and married P.A. Petterson in May 1872.  To this union two children were born, one son and a daughter, who with her aged husband are left in the home to mourn.  She has been living in Gladstone since Sept. 1884.  Funeral services were conducted at the home with the remains laid to rest at South Henderson.

CARMAN CONCERNS: A very pretty wedding took place Feb. 18th at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dixon when their second daughter, Miss Maggie and Mr. Clyde Anderson of Decorra were united in marriage at high noon.  Only immediate relatives were present. 

The bride was born and raised here and is a very popular young lady.  The groom is an upright young man and the son of Mr. and Mrs. Alvah Anderson.  They will live on a farm north of the Evans farm.  A house warming was given for Mr. Clyde Meade and family at their new home in town.  Jim Lord and family moved to their new home east of town and John Dixon and family are moving from Denmark, Ia. to the farm recently bought from F. F. Rehling.  Miss Cora Persian who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Will Pendry, returned to her home in Oquawka accompanied by her father, Mr. Sam Persian.