The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1919 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Registrar for Daniel McMillan Chapter, N.S.D.A.R.1919

Stronghurst Graphic, Oct. 30, 1919 

WED IN CALIFORNIA: Miss Mildred Rankin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Rankin of Biggsville was married to Thomas Richey, son of Mr. and Mrs. C.G.Richey of near Stronghurst at Los Angeles, Calif.  The bride with her mother went to California some weeks ago to spend the winter with an uncle and Mr. Richey followed them out and married the young lady at the bride's uncle's home, Mr. R.M.Moore. The bride wore a brown suit and a canary colored georgette waist embroidered in lavender.  She also wore a corsage of Cecil Bruner roses.  The couple left for San Diego on their wedding trip after the ceremony.

Ê Both Mr. and Mrs. Richey are well known in this area.  Both attended Monmouth High School and were prominent members of all their classes.  Mrs. Richey is an accomplished young lady with a large circle of friends.  Mr. Richey also enjoys a large acquaintance in Monmouth.

WEDDING BELLS: The Wm. Bainter home south of Stronghurst was the scene of a happy social event Wednesday evening, Oct. 22nd when Miss Dorothy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bainter, became the bride of John Marshall, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Marshall of this vicinity.

The marriage ceremony was performed at 7:30 p.m. by Rev. K.R.Anderson and was witnessed by about 65 relatives and friends.  The ring ceremony was used, a little niece of the bride acting as ring bearer and two other little nieces stretching the ribbon which formed the aisle through which the couple advanced to the place where the fateful words were spoken which united their destinies.  Following the ceremony a delicious three course supper was served following which the bride and groom took their departure for a short wedding trip. 

FINE ENTERTAINMENT AT THE LYRIC: The people who braved the inclement weather Wednesday night and went to the Lyric Theater to hear Noah Beilharz in the opening number of the season's lecture course were amply repaid for any discomfort they may have experienced in getting to and from the theater.  No more versatile and pleasing entertainer has ever appeared before a Stronghurst audience.  He presented a varied program of readings and character sketches mostly humorous in their nature and kept the audience in a state of rare good humor from start to finish.  His lightning changes, not only in make up but also in manner, attitude, expression and intonation of voice are little short of marvelous and in each case, the character being portrayed stands out in life like reality which leaves nothing to be desired.

1894 GRAPHIC: The Gilmore hotel was robbed of a sack containing $40 in silver on the night of Oct. 26th. The money was taken from a bureau drawer in Mr. Gilmore's bedroom.  James Atkinson had taken a contract to erect a residence for J.F. Mains.  Corn shucking had been under way for some time and a number of farmers had already finished the job.  James Pollock returned from Kansas to visit his children.  Bruce Bailey of this vicinity purchased the farm owned by his father 4 miles east of Blandinsville, the price being $75 per acre.  Albert Black, a former Olena resident returned from North Dakota with his family to take up residence again in Illinois.  He had been extensively engaged in wheat growing in North Dakota, but when the price dropped to 41 cents per bushel with a yield of only about 15 bushels per acre and threshing expense of 10 cents per bushel to be deducted, he concluded that Illinois presented better farming possibilities.  George Cooper traded his farm south of town to Joseph Atwater for the latter's residence and implement store in Stronghurst.  At the Graham sale of trotting bred horses held near Biggsville on Oct. 26th the 10 year old stallion, Spectator, was purchased by Butler and Salter of this place for $810; and the stallion, Earl McGregor, was purchased by H.B.Harter for $265.

COMMUNITY SING: A community house is a home for the whole town and surrounding country. Stronghurst supports one and on last Thursday evening the ladies of the Community Club gave a singing entertainment which was attended by an appreciative audience and a pleasant evening was enjoyed by all. The welcome address was delivered by Mrs. I.F.Harter. She closed her remarks by selecting the opening song, one verse of "AMERICA" which was sung by the whole audience led by Mr. W.C.Ivins. The instructors and those taking leading parts in the affair were Mr. and Mrs. Ivins-instructors and leaders in the singing; Rev.Crumbaker of the M.E. church who gave a talk on the purposes of community work and Mr. Bert Chatton, district agent for the Farmers' National Life Ins. Co. of Quincy, Ill, who rendered two fine solos. The Misses Mary Dixson and Mary Staley were the organists for the occasion, which closed with a song by a male quartette composed of Messrs. Ivins, Widney, Chatton and Larson. The ladies of the Community club extend a hearty invitation to all who will to join in the movement for meetings of this character to be held in the club rooms every Thursday evening.

BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION: Oct.18th was the 76th birthday of Mrs. C.E.Peterson and the Dorcas Society of the Lutheran Church gathered at her home to help commemorate the event. A pleasant afternoon including delicious refreshments ended with the guests present giving Mrs. Peterson a purse containing a generous sum on money in token of their esteem.

MET WITH PAINFUL ACCIDENT: After Miss Edith Hartquist of the Farm Bureau office had taken a glass window sign down to clean and had replaced it, for some cause, it became loosened and fell while she was standing under it. The sign broke into several pieces, some of which struck Miss Edith in the face, cutting through the right side of her nose and also through the upper lip besides cutting her chin severely. She was assisted to a physician's office where it was found necessary to take several stitches to close the wounds.

LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: The Knutstrom garage received a car of steel framing for their new garage. The front of the Lyric theater is being provided with a new ticket window. Mrs. Annie Smith has improved her dwelling house with a pipe less furnace and a general remodeling. Charles Lind is having his country dwelling fitted up with electric lighting fixture throughout by the Live Wire Supply Co. of this place. Mrs. B.G.Widney attended the state W.C.T.U. convention held at East St.Louis, Ill. George Taylor and wife of Chicago returned to that city after a pleasant visit with Mr. Taylor's sister, Mrs. Hugh Allison.