The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1919 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Registrar for Daniel McMillan Chapter, N.S.D.A.R.1919

Stronghurst Graphic, Oct. 23, 1919

 1919 BANKRUPT:  With a feeling of regret, the town learned that the Lincoln Chautauqua Bureau, which has for many seasons furnished this community with a week's entertainment-educational, inspirational and diversions - has gone into the hands of a receiver and will no doubt, pass out of existence.

LYRIC PLAY BILL: Morton's Comedians will appear in repertoire at the Lyric Theater with the great comedy-drama, "Common People." This is a very talented aggregation and all plays are acted and staged in a high class manner.  Special vaudeville between acts, attractive musical numbers give patrons continuous entertainment.

GETS HARVARD SCHOLARSHIP: W.D.Pendarvis of Media and a graduate of the University of Illinois has been awarded the Faculty Scholarship at the Law School of Harvard University.  Mr. Pendarvis is now a student in the third year class of the Harvard Law School.

DODGE CARS:  Having been appointed associate dealer by W.J.Kenna, the new distributor of Dodge cars at Monmouth, I am now ready to book orders. 

While there has been some delay in deliveries this fall on account of a new dealer getting moved and started at Monmouth, we assure the public that we will be ready to deliver cars soon.-T.C.Knutstrom

PURCHASES PRIZE WINNING CATTLE: Mr. Dale R. Davis was at the Stocker and Feeder Cattle Show held at St. Joseph, Mo. and in the auction purchased a carload of the prize winning Herefords.  Concerning Mr. Davis' purchase:  "One carload which crowded the sweepstakes for high money was a bunch of first prize purebred Hereford heifers under two years old exhibited by L.G.Butler of Gillette, Wyo.  They were sold to Dale Davis of Stronghurst Ill. for $13.75 per hundred."

GLADSTONE GLEANINGS:  Elmer Jacob and son George went to Rochester, Minn. where George expects to take treatments.  Blanche Duvall of Iowa City visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Duvall.  Miss Duvall expects to go to Chicago for the winter where she will take a special course in the Red Cross school there. 

Allan Swank died of diphtheria last week; Mr. Swank took his twin daughters on a visit to Oklahoma and this one took diphtheria and passed away in a few days of coming home.  Miss Stella Cook is clerking in the Sam Duncan store.  Troy Colley went to the Burlington Hospital to have an operation performed on his eyes to have them straightened.  "The Sweet Girl in Dixie" will be played Thursday evening at Bryan's Hall.

CARMAN CONCERNS: Miss Bernice Terrill and her pupils will give an entertainment and a candy sale at the Ellison Valley school house.  Mr. E. A. Cowdrey and family have moved to the Anderson property which was recently vacated by Mr. William Coffman and wife, and Mr. William Finch and daughters have moved to town and are occupying their new home. Willie Dannenburg and wife of St.Louis, Mo. have been visiting his brothers, Louie and Fritz and families and his sister, Mrs. Charlie Kirby.  Messrs. Warren Dowell and Clem Jarvis have returned from Wisconsin where they went to look over the country.  Sam Howell at Urbana, Ill. is said to be improving by his family who recently returned home from there.

***OBITUARY***JAMES P. PENDARVIS: James P. Pendarvis was born on Oct. 28, 1835 in Schuyler County, Illinois, a son of Solomon T. and Rebecca H. Pendarvis and died at this home in Ellison, Illinois, Oct. 13, 1919, aged 83 years, 11 months and 15 days.  He was one of a family of eight children, two only of whom survive him: Isaac S. Pendarvis of Burbank, Oklahoma and George F. Pendarvis of Parson, Kansas.

In 1850 he moved with his parents to the locality known as South Prairie in Henderson County where the years of his early manhood were spent.  In 1858 on Dec.23 he was married to Louisa Sands, a daughter of Benjamin W. and Margery Sands, with whom he lived in loving companionship until her death on Nov.1, 1889.  To this union three children were born: Solomon K. of Biggsville, Robert E. of Chicago, and Anna R. until lately of this community but now living in Galesburg, all of whom survive their father.  In addition to his own children for many years he stood in relationship of father to a nephew, Benjamin F. Pendarvis, (son of his deceased brother Howard) whom he took into his home at the age of nine years where he lived as a member of the family until grown to manhood and between whom the affection of father and son always existed.

Besides the members of his own family, he leaves five grandchildren, Charles E. of Media and Everett of Biggsville, sons of S. E. Pendarvis; Lieut. Harry R. in the naval service of the U.S.S.Porter now stationed at the Navy yard Philadelphia, son of R.E.Pendarvis; Wilma Brent, teacher in the high school at Merservey, Iowa and Mary Brent, a student at Knox College Conservatory, Gales-burg, daughters of Anna R.; also one great grandchild, Elmer R., son of Charles E. Pendarvis of Media, Ill.. . (This is quite a long article so if interested, read the microfilm at the Henderson County Public Library).

LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: John O'Gren visited the farm he recently bought north of Biggsville.  J. G. Saunders of the Dixson Hardware Store is visiting his son H.T.Saunders in Bonaparte, Iowa.  Mrs. John Christian of Collison, Ill. visited her father, T.J.Hunter, whose condition does not show much improvement.  Miss Ruth Staley who resigned her school at Oquawka, commenced the fall term at the Fitz School house southwest of Decorra. W.E.Hurd was here superintending the shipping of household goods to Galesburg where he and Mrs. Hurd have decided to make their home.  While in attendance at the Railway Surgeons meeting in Chicago, Dr. I.F.Harter was honored by being elected 1st vice-president of the association composed of leading surgeons of the United States.  R.A.McKeown bought the store building on the south side of Main St., east of Broadway, owned by Mrs. Mary Dixson.  The building will be used by the Cooperative Store Co. in connection with the opera house building.(This would be part of the lot occupied by Fisher Foods today.)Ê M.G.Lovitt lost his fine purebred 5-year old Belgian stallion by indigestion.  It was considered one of best in this section of the country and his death is a great loss to Mr. Lovitt although he was insured.  Mr. and Mrs. J.C.Brooks of the southeast neighborhood are the parents of a fine young daughter born Oct. 15th. 

Next Sunday, Oct. 26, is the date set by Congress for a return to what has come to be termed "old time" and the city and village dweller will once more set his clock to conform to that of his farmer neighbor.  Let us hope that this will be the end of the "daylight" saving nonsense for all future time. (Farmers did not adopt daylight saving time leading to confusion of what "time" it really was.  Isn't the editor optimistic to think it would end in 1919!) The many friends of Miss Lois McKeown, who has been in the hospital at Burlington undergoing treatment for the past several weeks, will be pleased to hear that she has so far improved as to be able to return home by auto last Saturday.  She stood the trip fine and is gradually improving in health and strength.  Paul Wallin made a business trip to Chicago returning with some new cars.  E.T.Carlson, photographer of Aledo, Ill., was in the city taking special views of livestock.  The horse buyer, Mr. Perry of Galesburg, was in the city purchasing horses and mules.  M. F. T. Schierbaum, is engaged in electrical work at Wapello, Iowa.  John Tracy moved to Roy Parks farm where he has engaged work; his brother Wm. Tracy has also engaged to gather corn for Mr. Park.  Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Tutwiler and daughter in company with Mark Richardson of Red Oak, Iowa are visiting John Baker and looking over the land situation in this vicinity.  Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Beckett of Carrolton, Mo. are visiting relatives and attended the wedding of Miss Dorothy Bainter and Mr. John Marshall. 

Robert Blackledge and family who have been residents of Stronghurst for the past year or more, moved back to their old home at Blandinsville.  Charles Stine, the young son of J.W.Stine, is suffering from a fractured arm resulting from a "kick" while he was attempting to crank a car belonging to H. N. Vaughn.  At the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Curry, Miss Esther Curry entertained in honor of Mrs. Max Sanderson.  A delicious lunch was served. Bert Putney, butcher for the Cooperative store Co., while cutting meat cut one of his fingers pretty severely by the knife slipping.

AEROPLANE VISITS VILLAGE: Quite an exciting crowd of citizens gathered on the streets to observe an aeroplane which came from Galesburg and visited our village Wednesday evening.  After encircling the town twice, it made its descent in the O.J.Sanderson pasture south of town from which place it made three different flights taking one passenger each time at $15 per trip of 10 minutes.  The first passenger was Glenn McKeown, the second Oscar Hamburg and the third James Sanderson, the city being encircled each trip.  Quite a number of the town people visited the aviation field.

***OBITUARY***CONRAD ROCKEL: Conrad Rockel, a resident of Henderson County from 1867 until a few years ago when he moved from his farm east of Dallas City into that place, died at his home there Oct. 19th at the age of 89 years, 4 months and 8 days.  Rockel was a native of Germany and came to this country with his parents when he was 22 years of age.  The family first settled at Cincinnati where the deceased was married in 1854 to Mary Ann Hubert, who preceded him in death in the year 1909.

Mr. Rockel was a man of integrity and worth and during his lifetime was honored with many local offices and positions of trust. He is survived by seven children, namely, William H.Rockel of Lomax; Edgar R. Lewis and Caroline Rockel and Mrs. Sophia Bender of Dallas City; Charles Rockel of Cincinnati, Ohio and Mrs. Catherine Thompson of Eskdale, Colo.  He was a member of the Congregational Church.

(Grandey's Store began a News column in this paper; they list their location as "Thirty steps and a jump from the Town Pump." The town pump was located in front of a building now owned by Ernie and Betty Waterman.)

WEDDING BELLS: Mr. Wilbur Fordyce and Miss Vera Morgan were married at one o'clock on Oct.9th at Galesburg by Rev. L.F.Dimmitt at the M.E. parsonage.  They were attended by the groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Fordyce of Smithshire.  The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G.R.Morgan of Lomax and has been a successful teacher in the Henderson County schools.  After a short motor trip, the couple returned to the Morgan farm near Lomax where they will be at home hereafter.

MEDIA MEANDERINGS: Mrs. Pearl Leinbach, Mrs. Will Musher and Mrs. Arthur Pogue went to Galesburg to have some dental work done. The Community Club met at the home of Mrs. Gilliland with a good attendance. The afternoon was spent on bazaar work. A delightful feature was a song by the three Gilliland boys and Mr. Clifford Campbell. Dainty refreshments of whipped cream, steamed pudding and coffee were served by the hostess. Considerable interest is being taken in the revival meeting held at the M.E.Church.

Mr. H.Howard Bigger of the U.S.Department of Agriculture, Cereal Disease Investigation Division, has been here assisting Charles E. Pendarvis, agronomist of the E.G.Lewis Seed Co., to harvest a corn plot where important work is being done to learn more about corn diseases and how to combat them. It has been shown that the corn root rot is cutting the corn yield and it is possible to prevent this to a greater or lesser extent. The men traveled to Yarmouth, Iowa where they went over to a corn breeding demonstration and explained a few things about the corn disease works.

CARMAN CONCERNS: Sam Howell, who has been quite sick with pneumonia at Urbana, Ill., came home to recuperate. He expects to return to his studies the next semester. Mr. Charlie Kirby and wife entertained Mrs. Will Scott of Dallas City and Mr. and Mrs. Nolan and a gentleman friend from Oklahoma; the group with a few relatives and friends motored from there to Keokuk to spend the day.

Miss Gladys Gittings of Dallas City spent Friday night with her friend, Miss LaVeta LaVine, at the Alexander home (teachers were housed by families in their school districts) and attended the box supper and social which was given by Miss LaVine and pupils at the Crystal Lake School Friday night. G.W. Howell received a telephone message conveying the sad news of the death of Miss Jane Edwards of Monmouth, Ill.

GLADSTONE GLEANINGS: Railroad detective Mower was in town looking after some railroad interests. Dr. Ditto went to Green Bay, Ia. where he has farming interests. Dr. and Mrs. Albert Keener of Altoona, Ill. and Mrs. Milroy and daughter of Oneida visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Galbraith. Mrs. Max Rodman visited the E. Rodman home before returning to her home in South Dakota.

The stork made a call at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Whitmeyer and left them a fine baby boy to brighten their home. Will Galbraith went to Wisconsin to look after farming interests. Herbert Cisna is very ill with appendicitis. "The Sweetest Girl in Dixie" was given Thursday evening in Bryan's Hall to a full house.

LOMAX LINGERINGS: W.H.Wyatt returned home from Savannah, Mo where he had been for treatment; he was pronounced cured. Well, the wedding bells did ring-LeRoy Pence and Miss Dora Buxmeir of Ft. Madison were marred there on Saturday. It is useless to speak of these worthy young people that good wishes and congratulations are extended by their many friends. Gus Nixon's new house is well under way with F.A.Magers doing the carpenter work. James Hedges and wife have gone to house keeping in the Geo. Hoover dwelling. A large shipment of brooms of over a carload was made from the broom factory. Coal seems to be fairly plentiful as there were four carloads on track last week and more due this week.

LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Mrs. Joe Wilcox is suffering with a painful finger of the right hand which is detaining Mr. Wilcox at home a few days from his shop work. While out riding Joe Peasley's car skidded and struck the end of an iron bridge near the Wm. Nolan corner and tore off a rear wheel; fortunately, no one was hurt. The building on Main St., east of Broadway, recently purchased by Art McKeown from Mrs. Mary Dixson, is being remodeled and refinished for the use of the Co-operative Store Co.

The merchandise of all description that is being shipped into this place and the immense shipments of grain, stock, poultry and all kinds of products that are being shipped out would be a credit to a much larger town. James White of Hartman, Colo., an old time resident of this vicinity and a nephew of Mrs. Mary Thompson is visiting relatives and friends. H.N. Vaughn, Geo. Widney, Dr. Dickerson, Dale Davis, W.C.Zugg and Tom Dodds visited the hunting camp on Burlington Island where they succeeded in killing 45 ducks. Ed Brewer moved the frame building which formerly stood on the site of the new Knutstrom garage and recently purchased by J.F.McMillan to the McMillan home on Nichols St. where he will remodel it for a garage and wood house. Reed Salter, Homer Weddington and M.E.Beardsley had a very successful day of duck hunting at their camp on Burlington Island, each one killing the limit of ducks allowed by law.

Members of the M.E.Church were honored by their pastor, Rev. Victor Crumbaker and wife with a reception given them at the M.E. parsonage. The large audience at the regular services of the U.P. Church showed their appreciation of their many blessings by contributing $173.71 to the Thank Offering Fund. Mrs. C.M.Bell held the regular sewing circle of her U.P. Sunday school class at the home of Miss Loraine Anderson.

C.E. Peasley went to Canada to look after his farming interests there. He visited at the John Annegers and A.R. Blanden homes near Lang. Sask. Mr. Peasley says the price of land has advanced there the same as in the states and good farms in the Saskatchewan country now sell at $100 per acre.

The Thompson and Reynolds garage added a new store room to their office. Dr. R.K.Dickinson, state veterinarian, is here testing cattle for tuberculosis. The Johnson and Gregory garage received a car load of new Ford cars. Grover Rehling, who recently purchased the T.J.Hunter residence on Mary St., is remodeling it.

Three car loads of coal arrived and were delivered out by the next morning. The city was shrouded in darkness for an hour caused by a bad circuit on the high tension electric line. On opening his work drawer Tom Morgan, local barker, found a surprise in the shape of a small hedge knife which some friend had left. Tom says that he is now ready to shave that or those kind friends with his new razor free of charge if they will call on him. (Men just knew how to have fun in 1919!)