The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1919 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Registrar for Daniel McMillan Chapter, N.S.D.A.R.1919

Stronghurst Graphic, Dec.11, 1919 

SALE BREAKS ALL RECORDS: At the Henderson County Hereford Cattle Breeders Association sale held here in Feb., 1917, a ten moth old Polled Hereford calf which was brought into the ring caught the attention of a number of breeders who were present, and a spirited contest for his ownership soon developed.  The bids reached figures which caused the spectators to gasp in astonishment and when $5,400 ($73,764 today) was reached, Mr. Oliver Chandler of this vicinity became the owner of the world's highest priced calf of the Hereford breed.  The calf was sired by Polled Richard, his dam was Polled Marvel and the calf was christened Marvel's Pride.

Last Saturday this same animal was two years and ten months added to his age was again brought into the auction ring at the Chandler dispersion sale conducted by Messrs. Painter and Vaughan and another hotly contest battle for his possession was on.  He was no longer a "prospect," but a matured and magnificent specimen of the Polled Hereford breed with a reputation for transmitting to his progeny the distinctive characteristics peculiar to this wonderful breed of beef cattle.

When this second battle for the possession of Marvel's Pride was over and Col. Reppert's hammer had fallen on their bid of $14,500 ($198,070 today), another world's record had been broken and Messrs. Ed Stine and Sons of the South Grove Stock Farm, 4 miles south of Stronghurst were the proud owners of the highest priced Hereford bull ever sold in an auction ring.

The addition of this magnificent herd bull to the already widely known Stine and Sons heard of Polled Herefords will give a most enviable prestige to South Grove Stock farm and will establish more firmly than ever the fact that Henderson County is the leading Polled Hereford center of this country and the home of the finest individual specimens of the breed.  Hereafter, the descriptive matter sent out by Messrs. Stone and Sons regarding their great herd headers in the following language: "Marvel's Pride," the marvel and pride of all Polled Hereford sires."

Three of the sons and eleven of the daughters of Marvel's Pride, ranging in age from 15-23 months sold in the auction for a total of $17,475 or an average of $1,248 ($17,047 today).  (This is a long article listing buyers and prices paid; if interested, read the microfilm at the Henderson County Library.)

Although the weather was somewhat disagreeable, the big sale pavilion was packed to the roof with spectators, the percentage of ladies in attendance being particularly noticeable.  Col Reppert was at his best and kept the audience in fine good humor of his sallies of wit while gathering in the bids which were passed along to him by his efficient corps of assistants and field men in the ring. . .

COMMUNITY CLUB MEETS: The Community Club met at the club room with the program given by Mrs. Elizabeth Whiteman of Monmouth who gave a very interesting talk on the formation of Women's Clubs.  Mesdames Wallin, Widney, Johnson and Miss Mary Dixson sang "We're Tenting To-night" and the club sang the national anthem in closing.  The proceeds from the dinner served for the cattlemen amounted to about $100 ($1,399 today).

LONG TIME RESIDENT DIES: The paper is called to chronicle the death of one who has been identified with the life and growth of this village from the beginning of its history, and who had at the time of his death, been engaged in business here for a longer consecutive period than any other person.  Beginning in a small way in the undertaking and furniture business, he gradually developed the same until it assumed proportions which made it possible to command the patronage of a widely extended territory and to reap the financial benefit built up by close attention to business and careful methods.

Mr. T.J.Hunter passed away at this home on Dec.10th at about 2:30 a.m.  For the past two or three years he had been in failing health and was obliged to give up active participation in the affairs of his business, turning over the same to his partner, Mr. W.C.Regan.  He sought relief from his ailment at various sanitariums, but the relief afforded was only temporary and he and his friends had realized for some time that the malady from which he suffered was one which must sooner or later terminate fatally.

While this was the case, it was still with something of a shock that the people of the community learned on Wednesday that he had passed away at an early hour that morning.  While various members of his family from a distance have been here from time to time during his illness, there were none of them present at his bedside when the final summons came excepting his daughter, Mrs. May Hunter Morgan, who has made her home with him for the past two or three years.  Funeral services for Mr. Hunter will be conducted at the Stronghurst M.E.Church.

1894 GRAPHIC: Mrs. J.H.Baker took suddenly ill while attending the evening services at the M.E. Church on Dec.9th and was taken home in a fainting condition, expiring a few minutes after her arrival there.  The 100th birthday of Mrs. Elisha Watson of Reed Church neighborhood was celebrated by a gathering of her friends at her home Dec.6th. 

A new fire company had just been organized in Stronghurst composed of the following: Frank Knox, Marshal; firemen: E.B.Campbell, John Weir, Walt Simonson, P.A.Edwards, D.G.Ragan, Ed West, H.F.Turner, N. Harden, Z.T.Baxter, Jas. Clark, Joe Chant, Dan Shook, G. A. Curry, Ed Harden, F. M. Cooksie and W. C. Grigsby. Ê Rev. H. M. Bell, an evangelist of note, had just closed a series of revival meetings at Biggsville resulting in 30 conversions.  Davidson and Doty let the contract for their new 25 by 50 brick business building on the east side of Broadway. 

James Shaw of this place and Miss Mary Baxter of Lomax were married at Burlington, Ia. On Dec.12th.  Miss Alice Lyons and Edward Schroeder of the Hopper neighborhood were married on Dec.5th.  The 12th anniversary of the wedding of Elder Branic, the popular pastor of the Old Bedford Church and wife was celebrated at their home by their many friends on Dec.12th.

Back to 1919-THE REVEL OF THE YEAR: The Methodist women will hold the "Revel of the Year" at the Community rest rooms on Saturday Dec.13th beginning at 2:30.  Young ladies representing the different months of the year will preside in booths where you may purchase fancy articles, toys, April fool packages, candy, ice cream, popcorn and other good "eats." Come prepared to take the evening meal with them.

GLADSTONE GLEANINGS.  M. J. Barnes of Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, is the new second trick man at the depot here.  A dance was held in Bryan's hall in honor of Mark Kemp's 21st birthday.  Miss Lena Thompson who was visiting her sister, Mrs. Fred Dutton, returned home to Brighton, Iowa.  H. R. Babcook, who has been suffering with ear trouble, is now taking a lay off from the depot work.  Howard McCabe went to visit home folks in Kingston, Iowa. A dispatch notified the community that Roy Freed had died at Casper, Wyo. Monday night.  Mr. Freed was a former Gladstone boy and his sister, Mrs. J.L.Ellison and also his mother, Mrs. Chas. Freed live here.  Mr. Freed had lived at Kewanee, Ill. for a number of years but poor health sent to Wyoming last March.  The remains will be brought here for interment. 

A chicken supper and Bazaar will be held at the on Dec.12th. 

CARMAN CONCERNS: Carman has two questions to solve, the fuel and the train.  The passenger trains No.s 106 and 109 Burlington and Quincy have been annulled and the T.P. & W. will run Monday, Wednesday and Friday.  It will not make its daily trips Tuesday, Thursday or Saturday.  The mail train will run as usual.  This will be a great inconvenience.  Clem Jarvis loaded a car for Wisconsin where he has bought a farm.  Jim Lord has bought the farm vacated by Mr. Jarvis and Will Carmer and wife have moved to Colorado.

MEDIA MEANDER-INGS: Little Evelyn Westlake, who has made her home here with her grandmother for some time left for Burlington where she will now make her home.  John LaVelle received word of the arrival of an 8 lb. girl at the home of his son Mike LaVelle.  Will Musser shipped a car load of sheep.  Mrs. Martin Rhodin left for Galesburg where she will take a course at Brown's business college.  Mr. and Mrs. W.P.Terry have been loading their household goods in a car and Mrs. Terry and children expect to leave for their new home in Colorado.  The Bazaar and home talent plays given by the Women's Community Club was a grand success both socially and financially.  All articles at different booths were sold-a nice lot of different sorts of articles were generously donated by the merchants in town and in Stronghurst.  Some of the business places here donated money with which flowers to decorate was purchased and after the bazaar the flowers were given to the old ladies in town who are shut in.  The nice sum of $180 ($2,458 today)was taken in from the play and bazaar.

LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: The Bazaar held at Worley's drug store last Saturday by the young girls class of the U.P. church netted about $15.00 ($204 today).  Floyd Clark, who is employed in an automobile factory in Flint, Mich. was home on account of the closing of the shops caused by the coal shortage.  Clyde Galbraith of Clifton Hill, Mo. has been visiting his sisters, Miss Jennie Galbraith and Mrs. Laura White.  Carl Schierbaum is home on vacation for his studies at the University of Illinois.  Miss Marguerite Wheeling has been making regular trips to Dallas City where she is having dental work done. 

Miss Esther Marshall, who is a student at Tarkio College, Mo., is home on account of the closing of the school by the coal famine.  Dr. Marshall's garage was somewhat damaged by a fire which broke out in the interior and originated from the stove used to heat the building.  Timely action in putting out the blaze and prevented what might have become a serious fire. 

Mr. Bert Hayes in the government service made his regular examination of the First National Bank with most satisfactory results.  The growth has been such that he will recommend to the Comptroller of the Currency another increase of their capital to take care of their fast increasing business.  He reports that not one single dollar in notes was lost to the stock holders in the past four years and no paper on hand at this time is doubtful enough to be called bad.  Mr. and Mrs. C.R.A.Marshall have been visiting relatives in Newton, Kansas.  George Wax, who has been ill for some time, was taken to the Galesburg Hospital for treatment.  Dr. and Mrs. I.F.Harter were Burlington visitors where the doctor was called to assist in an operation on Mrs. Frank Cherry of Decorra for gall stones at the Burlington Hospital. 

50th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY: Dec.9th marked the 50th anniversary of the marriage of Elizabeth Buchanan to Henry O. Garrity at Boone, Ia.  Four year later they moved to Illinois settling on the farm two miles southeast of Biggsville now known as the Oaks farm.  By industry and frugality, they prospered, retiring in 1889 to a home in Biggsville.

On Dec.9th some 200 of their friends gathered at the U.P. church to join in celebrating the 50th anniversary of their married life.  Their adopted daughter, Mrs. Lillie Cramer and daughter Elizabeth of Cherryvale, Kans. were present to join in the memorial occasion.  After congratulations had been extended to the bride and groom by the assembled guests in the church parlors, the company were invited to the assembly room where led by Civil War comrades to martial music the company marched to the basement where 110 of the party were seated at a noonday feast.  The color scheme of decorations was yellow and white; yellow chrysanthemums being used in profusion along with smilax, fern and yellow and white festoons. 

Over the bridal table were two white wedding bells and before the honored couple was a huge cake with yellow candles.  At the conclusion of the meal the tables were cleared and the candles lighted while the pastor of the U.P. church led an informal program.. . Out of town guests were present from Monmouth, Kirkwood, Gladstone and Stronghurst. 

Invited guests from Stronghurst were H.M.Allison, a comrade of the Civil War, and wife; Mrs. Francis Gibb; Mr. and Mrs. Asa Worthington.

***OBITUARY*** SILAS M. DOWELL -The following is a combination of two obits appearing a week apart in the Graphic.  Facts that do not agree are in parentheses and are the ones from the Olena column in the Dec.18th paper. Silas M. Dowell, one of the oldest citizens of this vicinity and a resident of Henderson County for many years passed away at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Florence Wilcox in this village last Sunday, Dec.7th at the age 80 years, 8 months and 29 days.( 81 years and 29 days. )

Mr. Dowell was a native of Indiana in which state he was born on March 8, 1839.  (born in 1838 and was 81 years and 29 days old???  It says he came to Iowa with his parents and resided there until he grew to young manhood.)He came to Illinois early in his life (60 years ago) and was a resident of the Carman neighborhood for many years.  He was married August 13, 1862 to Miss Charlotte Cable (Cabler) of Carman Township To this union nine children (12 children) were born, six of whom survive, namely, John, Arthur and Clarence Dowell of this vicinity; Mrs. Jane McCannon of Burlington, Ia.; Mrs. Minnie Fox of the Olena neighborhood and Mrs. Florence Wilcox of this place. (31 grandchildren and 3 great grandchildren)  Mrs. Dowell passed away Feb. 5, 1890

Mr. Dowell moved from Carman Township to Gladstone about 15 years ago where he became the owner of a farm east of the village.  About a year ago on account of the infirmities of age, he relinquished farming, selling his farm and coming to Stronghurst where he has since made his home with his daughter, Mrs. Wilcox.  Funeral services were held at the Olena Church with interment in the Olena Cemetery. (Hopper Cemetery-he is buried in Hopper.)