The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Registrar for Daniel McMillan Chapter, N.S.D.A.R.1920
Stronghurst Graphic, January 1, 1920
CENSUS ENUMERATORS APPOINTED: The following persons have been designated to enumerate Henderson County in the 14th Decennial Census: Clarence A. Delabar, Oquawka; Mrs. Florence Ervin, Biggsville; Mrs. Grace S. Crane, Carman; Harold Galbraith, Gladstone; Mrs. Rosa E. Stults, Oquawka and Mrs. Thelma Springsteen, Stronghurst. These person qualified for the position by passing an examination and they will commence their work on Jan.2nd and are expected to complete each district in 30 working days....
***OBITUARY*** G.H.VANCE-FORMER HENDERSON COUNTY MAN: From Hunter, N. Dak. comes an account of the death of a former county resident. G.H.Vance died Dec.2, 1919 from a paralytic stroke which he had about noon on Thanksgiving Day. George Henry Vance, son of Samuel and Martha Vance, was born on June 25, 1851 and died Dec.2, 1919 at his home at Vance, two miles north of Amenia. Of a family of nine children, five sisters and four brothers, three sisters survive him. He was married to Miss Margaret Miller of Henderson County, Ill. on Nov.11, 1880. They came to North Dakota in the spring of 1884, making a residence 5 miles east of Amenia for 19 years, near the present station of Newman in Rush River Township.
Sixteen years ago the present home was purchased where he has lived until his death. Five children were born to this union, one daughter and four sons. All were at home with their father until the end.
Mr. Vance, while not strong had been in his usual health and was out doing chores the morning he was stricken. He came in, dropped in a chair and never spoke again. His sudden death is a great shock to the family and friends. Funeral services were conducted at the church in Amenia with interment in the Amenia Cemetery.
***GEORGE WAX***Mr. George Wax, who had been in the Galesburg hospital for several weeks, died there on Dec.26th. He was in his 78th year, having been born April 8, 1842 at Lockport, Penn. His mother died in 1847 and in 1868 he came with his father to Biggsville., Ill. In 1861 he enlisted in the Union Army serving as a soldier throughout the Civil War. In 1866 Mr. Wax married Julia Kimery of Oquawka to which union were born three children. Two of these died in infancy. The surviving son, Chas. D.Wax, is a resident and business man of Stronghurst.
The wife and mother died in 1872 and in 1884 Mr. Wax married Mary Failor? Of Monmouth, Ill. Two children blessed this union, namely, Iva H. and George S. Wax. In 1888 Mr. Wax moved to Tarkio, Mo. where he resided until 1917 when following the death of his second wife, he came to Stronghurst with his son George.
Shortly after moving to Tarkio, Mr. Wax became a member of the M.E.Church at that place. His remains were taken from Galesburg to Monmouth where funeral services were conducted at the Turnbull and Loftus undertaking parlors on Dec.27th with interment in the Monmouth Cemetery.
***MRS.IRENE CARR*** Mrs. Carr who resided with her son Vern at Raritan passed away at her home Dec.25th. Funeral services over her remains were held at the Raritan Baptist church. Orville Carr, a son of the deceased who lives at Moline, Ill. came down with his wife and little two year old daughter Thelma Darline to attend the funeral. Shortly after their arrival, the little girl was taken ill and grew rapidly worse and passed away on Saturday evening, a few hours after the remains of her grandmother had been laid to rest. Short funeral services for the granddaughter were held at the Carr home on Dec.29th and interment of the remains made in the Raritan Cemetery.
SEVERELY BURNED: Mrs. C.R.Kaiser was the victim of an accident in which she received severe and painful burns about the face and hands. She had thrown some refuse in the furnace in the basement of her home and included in it was a small can of grease. The moment the grease came in contact with the fire, an explosion occurred and the flames shot out of the open furnace door before Mrs. Kaiser could get out of their reach.
Fortunately, her clothing was not ignited and the fact that she wore glasses also probably saved her from being permanently blinded by the flames. As it was, her face and hands were severely scorched and blistered. Her injuries were given immediate medical attention and she is resting as easily as could be hoped considering the nature of her case.
**WEDDINGS**Whiteman-McConnell: At two o'clock Dec.20th Miss Merle McConnell and Mr. Roy M. Whiteman were united in marriage, the Rev. Mr. Davis of the United Presbyterian Church, Ainsworth, Ia, reading the ceremony. The bridegroom is a Burlington man, the son of Mr. and Mrs. H.O.Whiteman of this city and the happy bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.L.McConnell of Ainsworth. The wedding party included immediate relatives and friends. The bride and groom will make their home new New London, Ia.-Biggsville Clipper
***Carothers-Peterson: At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Kemp of near Gladstone occurred the marriage of their sister, Mrs. Flora M. Peterson to Mr. Walter Carothers at noon on Dec.25th. The ceremony was read by Rev. E.C.Russell of Biggsville. Following the ceremony Mrs. Kemp served a delicious dinner after which Mr. and Mrs. Carothers left on the afternoon train for Chicago for a short honeymoon. Guests present from a distance were Mr. and Mrs. L.H. Hoffman and daughters of Burlington, Ia. and Mr. and Mrs. W.A.Lee of Roseville.
GLADSTONE GLEANINGS: Laverne Ahlberg spent the past week with his parents before returning to Chicago, where he is employed. Dr. B.L.Ditto went to Seaton to visit his mother at her home. Lyle Graham from Mediapolis, Ia. was a Christmas visitor with home folks. Prof. Harry C.Blackstone of North Henderson was a visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Galbraith. Mr. Fred Pence came home from the Burlington Hospital. Clifford Pendry of Stronghurst and Miss Lena Jacob of Gladstone were married in Burlington Monday.
The Misses Adeline Saben, Virginia Stanley, Ruth Forward and Florence Lewis, who are attending high school in Monmouth, are enjoying a vacation visit with home folks. Mr. Albert Mears of Gladstone and Miss Gladys Kilgore of Biggsville were married in Burlington last Saturday. Mr. Cecil Galbraith and Miss Lillie Olson of Gladstone were married in Burlington Wednesday. Mrs. Farrelll Graham and two sons from Elley, Ia. visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. W.N.Grahm this week.
OLENA OBSERVATIONS: The Christmas season passed off very quietly in this community with several serving family dinners welcoming relatives from a distance. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar White attended a family dinner near Lomax. Will Hicks and family ate their Christmas dinner at the home of Mrs. Hicks' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Green Fryrear, who were entertaining their children and grandchildren. Mr. and Mrs. John Lant gave a Christmas spread for their children and their families. The senior Bible class gave a social in their church parlors a recent evening; a net sum was realized and will be used to buy an oil stove and other needed articles.
Last Sabbath Rev. Cocks, financial secretary of Hedding College accompanied Rev. Russell on his appointments and preached a very interesting sermon after which an altar service saw many pledging anew their loyalty to their Heavenly Father while several others expressed a willingness to begin a life of service. On Dec.30th the M.E.Church held a congregational dinner attended by about 100. After the feast of good things to eat, the yearly business meeting was held and the following officers elected: S.S. Supt-Mrs. Lou Lant; Assistant Supt.-Mrs. Anna Johnson; Sec./Treas.-Miss Goldie Booten; Asst.-Miss Esther Johnson; Organists-Misses Hazel Hicks and Thelma Peterson; Asst's-Miss Hazel Johnson and Harvey Lant; Librarians-the Misses Eva Burrell and Iona Hulet; collectors and ushers-Messrs. Frank Deitrick, Glen Carlson and John Long. An effort is being made to have special meeting a few night next week, beginning Monday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. H.S.Lant gave a reception for Mr. and Mrs. John Marshall; covers were laid for 14 and a most enjoyable evening reported. Mrs. Margaret Peyton is nursing in the Charles Johnson home north of Olena. The stork has been having quite a strenuous time finishing up the old year, having left a son at the John McCartney home, a son in the home of Harry Fox and wife, a daughter in the Frank Hicks home and a young babe in the Charles Johnson home. Wilbur Davis is quite sick with tonsillitis. Mrs. Charles Lyons is numbered with the sick. The young people enjoyed a party at the Roscoe Deitrick home.
CARMAN CONCERNS: The Club will give a dance at the M.W.A. Hall New Year's EVE. The I.O.O.F. initiated their officers. Ben Marsh of Iowa visited his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Graham. Mrs. Geo. Marsden and son Paul and daughter Mrs. Rhoda Hull and husband of Dallas City and Mr. Claude Vaughn and family of Lomax spent Christmas at the Chester Gibb home near Biggsville where a family dinner was given. Ê Dr. Ditto of Gladstone made a professional call in the village. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Vaughn left for Arkansas where they will spend the winter. Mr. and Mrs. George Messick of Dallas City accompanied them. The Royal Neighbors held initiation of officers and after the work was over oysters were served to the members and their husbands.
LOMAX LINGER-INGS: Arthur Smith filled the Porter ice house last week with a good quality of ice. Geo. Nichols has bought a store in Pontoosuc, Ill., moving his stock to the new location. Willie Scott moved into the Freeland property on the north side. James McFarland of Dallas City has opened up a garage where Frank Armond was located. He has a good man on cars and deserves the patronage of the people.
LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Mrs. W.C.Regan and sons, Jack and Clifton, have been spending the holiday season with relatives and old friends at Elmwood and Streator, Ill. J.E.Amerman of Monarch, Wyo. says that he expects to arrive in Illinois and begin his duties as cashier of the Bank at Alpha about Jan.2nd. Raus Rickey, who has been ranching in North Dakota and Minnesota for several years, recently disposed of his interests there and has returned to Illinois. It is understood that he will assist in the operation of his father, C.G.Richey's farm near here.
While Cashier G.L.Hagen of the St.Augustine, Ill. bank was working at his desk on Tuesday evening, he was confronted by a masked bandit who demanded that the money in sight be handed over to him $250 in currency was forked over to the visitor, who made his get away, dropping several of the bills in his haste. Russell and Chester Brooks, Robt. McKeown and Rudyard Kershaw attended a Presbyterial U.P.C.U.Rally at Monmouth. A party of about 20 of the young friends of Miss Francis Worley was pleasantly entertained New Year's Eve at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G.W.Worley in the village.
The pay allowed census enumerators by the government will be 4 cents for each person enumerated, 30 cents for each farm, 30 cents for each productive industry, 50 cents for each irrigation or drainage project, 10 cents for barns not on farm or ranch. The A.R. &A.M. and O.E.S. lodges of the village held a joint installation of officers Tuesday evening. Quite a number of visitors were present and following the ceremonies an oyster supper and general social time was enjoyed by everyone.