The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Registrar for Daniel McMillan Chapter, N.S.D.A.R.1919
Stronghurst Graphic, Dec. 25, 1919
*OBITUARY***MRS. A.S.McELHINNEY: The Angel of Death visited this community again last Sabbath afternoon and summoned to her celestial home a loving and faithful wife and mother who has for many weeks been calmly and patiently awaiting the Messenger's coming.
Mrs. A. S. McElhinney passed away at 2:15 p.m. on the day mentioned at her home in Stronghurst after an illness extending over many months. Her case was one of a nature which physicians recognize as incurable and although she obtained temporary relief at times, she had long since resigned herself to the inevitable and looked forward, with no manifestation of dread, but rather in a spirit of joyful expectancy, to the time when her spirit should take its flight to the realms above. Her perfect resignation and cheerfulness up to the last served to lighten as perhaps nothing else could the sorrow of the husband and children, who are left behind.
Sarah Blanche Rankin was the daughter of the late Joshua Rankin and Mrs. Margaret E. Rankin, who now resides in Burlington, Iowa. She was born on the Rankin farm, 2 miles east of Stronghurst about 46 years ago and grew to womanhood here.
Twenty years ago she became the wife of Albert S. McElhinney and for 15 years they made their home in Burlington, returning to Stronghurst about five years ago. At the age of 12 years, the deceased united with the Walnut Gove U.P.Church and has since that time lived a faithful and consistent Christian life.
Mrs. McElhinney is survived by her husband; two daughters, Jean-18 and Margaret-14 years; her aged mother, Mrs. Margaret E. Rankin; four sisters, Mrs. W.W.Milligan and Miss Cliff Rankin of Burlington, Iowa; Mrs. Lorena Hamilton of Valparaiso, Ind.; and Mrs. Jean Price of Long Beach, Calif., and by two brothers, H.H.Rankin of Long Beach, Calif., and W.F.Rankin of Tarkio, Mo.
Mrs. McElhinney's remains were taken to Burlington where funeral services were conducted at the home of her mother on 805 Garfield Ave. Following the services the remains were interred in Aspen Grove Cemetery in Burlington.
YULETIDE WEDDING: On Tuesday evening, Dec.23 at four o'clock at the finely appointed country home of Mr. and Mrs. C.G.Richey 3 miles northeast of Stronghurst, Miss Marion Evelyn Richey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richey, was given in marriage to Mr. Waldo M. Spruit, Supt. Of Media Township High School.
The ceremony was performed by Rev. A. C. Douglass, D. D. of Biggsville in the presence on only the immediate relatives and a few close friends of the bride and groom. The Richey Home was prettily decorated with holly and ferns for the occasion and at the appointed hour the bridal party, led by Mrs. Raus Richey of Bagley, Minn., singing the wedding chorus from Lohengren, entered the parlor where the ceremony was performed. Following Mrs. Richey came Lawrence Pogue and Jessie Clarke, little nephew and niece of the bride acting as flower bearers. They were followed by the officiating clergyman and the groom and by little Roberta Richey, another niece of the bride, bearing the wedding ring. Following these came the bride, leaning upon the arm of her father. Miss Richey was attired in a beautiful costume of brown silk trimmed with gold lace.
The simple but impressive ring ceremony was used in the tying of the nuptial knot after which the happy couple received the congratulations of the assembled guests. A delicious two course wedding supper was served and later in the evening the bride and groom left for Chicago where a brief honeymoon will be spent.
The bride is one of this community's most popular and accomplished young ladies. She was a recent student at Monmouth College and has many friends in that city as well as here and elsewhere. The groom is one of Henderson County's most efficient educators. He is a graduate of Illinois Wesleyan University and his former home was in Jacksonville, Ill. He is at present Superintendent of the new Township Community High School at Media and he and his bride will make that place their home following their return from their wedding trip.
CHRISTMAS FESTIVITIES: Although the Christmas spirit seems to be very much in evidence in this locality this year and the season will be made much of in the way of private social gatherings, there will be but few public events to mark the holiday week. There will be an entertainment and Christmas tree at the M.E.Church on Wednesday evening 0(Christmas Eve) and a congregational social with a treat for the children at the U.P. Church the same evening. There will be a special picture program at the Lyric on Christmas afternoon and evening and also on Saturday afternoon and evening, Dec. 27.
The latter will be in the nature of a benefit for the Women's Community Club. The Lutheran Church people will also hold a public oyster supper at their church on New Year's Eve, Dec.31st. Under the ruling of the post office department, the rural mail carriers will make their regular trips on Christmas day and the post office will be open part of the day. The other businesses in the village will probably be closed during the greater part of the day.
1894 GRAPHIC: J. Fred Curts died at Jacksonville, Ill. on Dec.24 and his remains were brought to Carman and after funeral services at the old home were interred in the cemetery on the high bluff near the residence. (Known as Curts Cemetery today) Miss Susie Dice and C.D.Morrow were married at the home of the bride's parents in Stronghurst on the evening of Dec.20th. An idea of the kind of weather prevailing here may be gathered from the statement made that the ferry boat John Taylor made a trip from Burlington to Oquawka on Dec.22th. Miss Hattie McDermott of Olena and Amos Ogden of Stronghurst were married at Olena on Dec.27th. James Coats had the sight on one of his eyes destroyed when a piece of a nail which he was trying to cut with a hatchet flew up and struck him in the face. Peter Groome, Jr. of Stronghurst had just been chosen chairman of the grievance committee of the Order of Railway Telegraphers.
LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Mr. and Mrs. James Brown came down from Kewanee to spend the holidays with Stronghurst friends. The small pox situation in Monmouth has become rather alarming of late and a state health officer has been sent there to see that quarantine regulations are more rigidly enforced than had been the case. The Stronghurst schools closed for a two weeks vacation. The grade pupils enjoyed a Christmas tree and treat of ice cream and cakes in the afternoon. J.W.Layton, the janitor, was made the recipient of $20 in gold from the pupils and teachers of the school were also remembered with gifts from their pupils. Misses Agnes and Florence May Findley visited with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. R.M.Hutchinson of Biggsville. Millie Ahlers, who teaches near Oquawka, and her sister, Ella, who teaches near Avon, after spending several days with friends in Avon and Galesburg, came home for the Christmas vacation. The public school one mile east and mile south of Raritan was closed on account of diphtheria in the district. Ruby, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Livermore, developed a case of the disease while at school and was seriously ill for a few days. Parents of the exposed children are watching them for symptoms and living in dread. Mrs. Foster Lazear very delightfully entertained a number of her lady friends in honor of Mrs. Jack Mendoza of Chicago. Progressive five hundred was played, Mrs. Mendoza being the recipient of the prize. A dainty lunch was served by the hostess after which Victorla music was enjoyed. ÊÊRumor says that Mr. and Mrs. J.E.Amerman, who went to Sheridan, Wyo. two years ago, have decided to return to Illinois and that Jim has accepted a position as cashier of the bank at Alpha in Mercer County. Mr. W. H. White, mission treasurer of the Stronghurst U.P.Church, wishes to make it known that he will wait until after next Sabbath before making remittance of the money received last Sabbath for the Armenian and Syrian Relief Fund; this will give those who were not present last Sabbath and desire to contribute to the cause the opportunity to make their contribution. (At this time period, parents admonished their children to eat everything on their plates at meals; otherwise don't be wasteful because the Armenians were starving.)
CARMAN CONCERNS: Earl Marsden and family have moved into the Rehling property. Miss Ethel Curts of Carthage spent Monday at the Tom Ford home. Al Burnett has been quite sick. Miss Hope Dugger of Dallas City spent Friday and Saturday at the Gibson home with her sister, Miss Joy Dugger, who teaches the Kirby School. A car load of coal arrived but it did not take long to empty the car.