The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Registrar for Daniel McMillan Chapter, N.S.D.A.R.1919
Stronghurst Graphic, Dec. 18, 1919
MISSED THEIR TRAIN: Last Tuesday night Dr. and Mrs. Harter went to the local station expecting to take No.5, the midnight train for California. They had secured Pullman reservations and when the train pulled in, they went to the entrance to one of the sleepers seeking admission. As the outer vestibule door was closed, they pounded upon it to arouse the porter whom it seems was not expecting any passengers for his car at this point. The train conductor, who had not observed the doctor and his wife trying to board the train, and thinking his passengers were all aboard, swung his lantern for the train to start. In the mean time the Pullman porter had discovered that there were passengers seeking entrance to his car and as the train was already moving, he pulled the bell cord and stopped the train. He, however, found difficulty in opening the door on account of the frost and ice, and while he was working at it the conductor again swung his lantern. The porter again pulled the bell cord, but this time the engineer gave no heed and the doctor and his wife were left standing on the platform watching the rear colored lights on the observation car of No.5 fade away in the distance. They succeeded, however, in having No. 10, the east bound train which goes through here about an hour later stop for them and take them to Galesburg where it is presumed they succeeded in getting aboard another California train.
***OBITUARY***MRS. ANNA CRAMER: Mrs. Anna Cramer, who moved here from Monmouth something over a year ago and purchased the Kate Johnson property on Elizabeth St., died at her home last Sunday night about 11 o'clock after an illness of only about one day. Mrs. Cramer was the other of Mrs. C.N.Salter of this place and has one son, C.B.Ray of Lamar, Colo. Funeral services were conducted at the Stronghurst M.E.Church with interment in the Stronghurst Cemetery.
COMMITTED TO WATERTOWN: For several weeks past, the friends of C.N.Salter have noticed that he acted strangely at times and by his conversation gave evidence of being mentally unbalanced. On Tuesday of this week he was persuaded to go to Oquawka where a hearing was held as to his sanity. At the hearing he was adjudged of unsound mind and was committed to the Watertown Hospital for treatment. Mr. Salter's many friends hope that his trouble will be on a temporary nature and that he may soon be permitted to return home.
CARMAN CONCERNS: Messers Doren Tharp, Golden Babcook and Troy Vaughn came home from Urbana, Ill where they have been attending school. The school closed down on account of the fuel shortage. Miss Fern Dowell of Lomax spent a few days with her aunt, Mrs. Harry Wisbey and family. The marriage of Miss Hazel Stewart of this place and Mr. Elmo Hook of Washington, D.C. will take place Jan. 1st at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Stewart.
OLENA OBSERVATIONS: The entertainment and box supper at the Olena school house Dec.12th by Miss LaVelle and her pupils was quite well attended. The program which had been so carefully planned was carried out in a most able and pleasing manner and reflected much credit to both teacher and pupils. Miss Campbell of Media gave some pleasing vocal numbers and the Misses Elsie and Eva Baxter of Burlington gave two very fine selections on their violins. The boxes sold well and were auctioned off by Mr. Lefler. $35( $478+ in worth today) was realized from this sale. After the boxes were sold, a box of candy was put up to be auctioned off by a penny a vote to the most popular young lady present; Miss Vera Deitrick was an easy winner. Mr. and Mrs. Robert McCartney spent Sabbath with their son John and family and made the acquaintance of a new grandson which arrived at this home that morning weighing 8 lbs. Miss Grace Krone, who has been so badly crippled with rheumatism is somewhat improved and was able to visit with friends in Hopper. Her brother Arthur is spending a few weeks at the Chas. Lyons home.
LOMAX LINGER-INGS: Ivo Smiddy moved to the Maynard farm. A car load of coal was received by the Lumber Co. last week and sold out in half ton lots. W.T.Frye of Canton, Mo. plans to locate here in the future and start a printing office. J.W.Vaughn and Forney Blakely shipped stock to the Chicago market. Chas. Baldwin of Dallas City is doing carpenter work for Jasper Logan. Frank Magers returned home after a few days with a sick brother living at Indianapolis, Ind.
GLAD-STONE GLEANINGS: Fred Dutton shipped two car loads of hogs to the Chicago market. Mrs. Jennie Cooper was at Biggsville to attend the golden wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. H.O.Garrity which was held at the U.P.Church on Tuesday. The affair was surprise to the worthy couple. Their many friends presented Mr. Garrity with a gold headed cane and Mrs. Garrity with a gold brooch set with pearls. Lyle Runyon moved into the Hedges house from the Jacobs house. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Staley and little daughter from Oquawka attended the ball at Bryan's hall Friday evening and also visited relatives. Elmer Jacob, who conducted a restaurant in town, has sold out to Glenn Rhoads and William Ditto, who will conduct the business in the future.
OBITUARY***THOMAS J. HUNTER*** Thomas James Hunter was born in Catasaqua, Penn., July 19, 1846 and passed away at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Thomas Morgan, Stronghurst, Ill., Dec.10, 1919. He was the son of Hugh and Jane Hunter, being the eldest of eight children of which Mrs. C.H.White and Miss Lizzie Hunter of Mendon, Ill., Joe and George Hunter of Mendon, Ill. and Hugh Hunter of Camp Point, Ill. survive. He united in marriage to Ella Patterson Oct. 15, 1874, who preceded him in death Dec. 24, 1915.
Four children were born to the couple, namely, Wm. Edmunds, who departed this life Aug.22, 1876, Mae Hunter Morgan, Stronghurst, Ill., Mrs. John Christian, Collison, Ill. and Geo. Hunter of Algonquin, Ill.
At the age of eight Mr. Hunter came with his parents to Quincy, Ill. where he remained until he was fourteen years of age when he returned to Pennsylvania. Upon his return to Illinois a few years later he engaged in the wagon and carriage builder's trade at Fowler, Ill. At the age of 22 he moved to Marceline, Ill. where he engaged in the undertaking business until the spring of 1888 at which time he came to Stronghurst where he engaged in the undertaking and furniture business. In 1906 the firm was organized under the name of Hunter & Regan, which management still exists.
The deceased united with the Stronghurst in 1906 and was always a faithful member and contributed generously to the needs of the church. He was a man of sterling character ever ready to help others and always anxious to aid in the uplift of the community. As a citizen and business man he was above reproach.
Three years ago Mr. Hunter's health failed causing him to give up business activities. For almost two years he has been bedfast and during that time was a patient sufferer, always keeping in touch with the daily surroundings. He was a loving father and will be sadly missed by the family.
He was a charter member of Stronghurst lodge No. 847 A.F. &A.M. being a member of this order for over 51 years. Funeral services were conducted from the Stronghurst M.E.Church with interment in the Stronghurst Cemetery. (This is a much longer obituary even discussing the funeral sermon, the special numbers, pall bearers and friends from a distance.)
LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Miss Fronie Apt is reported on the sick list. Mrs. Jacques Mendoza and little son of Chicago are visiting at the Foster Lazear home. Ben Matzka arrived here from his Canadian ranch to spend the winter with home folks. While washing windows at her home one day, Mrs. Pendry fell from a chair she was standing on and broke two or three of her ribs. The clanging of the fire bell at about 7 o'clock sent many scurrying towards the yards of the Stronghurst Lumber Co. where a fire was reported to be in progress.
Luckily, however, their services were not needed as the small blaze which had in some mysterious way started in the covered passage way on the south side of the lumber company's office had been extinguished by the application of a few buckets of water shortly after its discovery by Otto Steffey, who chanced to be passing by. Mrs. Lelia Johnson attended a Ford Dealers Convention in Chicago at the Sherman Hotel. Miss Ruth Staley, who had closed her school in the Fitz district on account of a broken grate in the school house stove, resumed teaching this week.
As a result of the steady cold weather which has prevailed here for the past week or two, an abundant crop of ice of unusual quality is assured.
A force of workmen have been employed on Lake Fort for several days in filling the big ice house on its banks with fine clear ice from 8 to 12 inches in thickness. It is a rare occurrence for ice of this thickness to form here as early in winter as this.
Joe Negley is moving from his country home to LaHarpe. Miss Sarah White was taken to the Burlington Hospital to be operated on for appendicitis. Willis Keener of Crawfordsville, Iowa is moving to the old J.W.Hicks property in this city. The oil heater which was installed in the M.E.Church a few days ago was taken out and they will again use their coal furnace. Clarence Springsteen while cranking a Ford car at Thompson & Reynolds garage had his upper lip severely cut by the crank slipping off and striking him in the face.
IRONS-BURTON NUPTIALS: Miss Beulah Irene Burton and Mr. James Otis Irons were united in marriage at the Christian parsonage in Creston, Ia., Dec.10 at 3:30 p.m. The ceremony was performed by Rev. S.Isaac Elder in the presence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. L.L.Burton and Mr. and Mrs. S.A.Hilbert, the latter being a sister of the groom.
The bride was beautifully gowned in Copenhagen blue Messaline and Georgette crepe. One feature of the bride's attire was the white kid slippers which her mother wore on her wedding day 22 years before.
The groom wore the conventional black. They will leave for Earlimart, Calif. where they will make their future home. The groom is the son of the late John Irons of Stronghurst and spent his boyhood days in this vicinity.