The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1919 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Registrar for Daniel McMillan Chapter, N.S.D.A.R.1919

Stronghurst Graphic, Sept.25, 1919 

Lem Benson and William Lovitt of Monmouth, the former the engineer and the latter a brakeman on a freight train passing near London Mills, met instant death when a trestle over which their train was passing near that place gave way plunging the engine and several cars into a creek bed some 40 feet below the track level. Sixteen boys between the age of 10 and 18 were rounded up by the city authorities of LaHarpe and after pleading guilty to the charge of creating a disturbance at the Seminary where 7th and 8th grade pupils were holding a party on the previous evening, were fined in amounts ranging from $1.00 to $25 each.

WORKING HIS WAY UPWARD: Peter Groome stopped off in town for a few hours while on his way from his home in Denver, Chicago where he expects to attend a meeting of representatives from the safety departments of a number of Western railroads to be held at the Blackstone Hotel. He states that the work in which he is now engaged called for considerable travel and that expects to attend a national conference of railway safety officials to be held at Cleveland, Ohio in October.

Pete is now the safety agent for the Union Pacific Railroad and also for a number of other railroads in Kansas and Nebraska with headquarters in Omaha. His position carries prestige and influence of one who naturally attach themselves to the official management of large railway systems.

HIGH SCHOOL NOTES: The high school is well organized and things are going smoothly. All the classes have selected sponsors from members of the facility. A glee club to be composed of about 24 girls is being organized by Miss Larson. In the way of sports, the season has opened well-baseball in the fore during the first few weeks of school after which it is the intention of the athletic team to begin football, for which practice has already begun. Two games of baseball have been played; one here against Oquawka in which the local team was defeated and the other a victory for Stronghurst in Biggsville.

1894 GRAPHIC: The Oak Grove Fruit Farm was advertising an unusually large and fine apple crop with prices for the best grades not to exceed 75 cents per bushel. W.S.Baird and Co. had begun operating the local Santa Fe grain elevator. Bert Sillsbee and Miss Clara Walker-knuckle of this place hied themselves to Bristol, Wis. where they were united in the bonds of wedlock on Sept. 26. Francis Ditto, proprietor of the Gladstone-Stronghurst mail route and Mrs. Martin of Kansas were married at Oquawka on Sept.26th following a "sight unseen" courtship by mail. Rev. Kendall tendered his resignation as pastor of the Christian Church at Raritan. Norman Grossman of Media and Miss Belle Stevenson of Biggsville were married on Sept. 19th. The county supervisors reduced the county officials' salaries: Sheriff from $3,100 to $2,900; county clerk from $2,800 to 2,600; Treas. From $1,500 to1,300; Judge, from $1,500 to 1,300.

GLADSTONE GLEANINGS: Mr. and Mrs. Seth Richmond of Knoxville, Ill. were visiting with their daughter, Mrs. Leslie A. Runyon. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Robbins and daughter attended the fair in Aledo. Taylor Galbraith received a car load of sheep to place on his farm.

CARMAN CONCERNS: Mrs. Will Babcook and daughter, Miss Cheryl, returned home from Excelsior Springs. The younger set enjoyed a birthday party in honor of Viola, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Graham. The evening was spent with music and games and 10 year old Miss Graham was the recipient of many nice presents. Lewis Bagles has decided to quit running the livery barn and had the carpenters from Dallas City remodel his barn which he has made into a garage and to which he will devote his time in the near future. Four young men, namely, Messrs. Sam Howell, Golden Babcook, Troy Vaughan and Dorin Tharp left for Champaign, Ill. where they will enter school this fall. They are graduates of the Dallas City High School and it is hoped they make a success in whatever they undertake. They expect to take up electrical engineering. Mr. Brooks and family, who moved here about a month ago from Lomax and was proprietor of the restaurant and pool room, have moved to Monmouth.

LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Material for the new parsonage of the Lutheran Church on South Division is being placed on the ground and work commenced on the foundation. The new window displace in the John Baker shoe shops adds considerably to the attractiveness of the establishment. Dr. R.P.Frans, veterinarian and former Stronghurst resident, is now located in Monmouth. Joe Dixson and Will Ross each received a car load of sheep from Kansas City and will put them on their farms. Mr. and Mrs.Del Dixson and Dr. and Mrs. Findley drove to Peoria in the Dixson car to attend the fair. Miss Ruth Brokaw, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A.V.Brokaw, has accepted a position as stenographer for the Western Boiler Pipe Work Co. at Monmouth. Mrs. Margaret Peyton assumed the management of the community Club dining room. J.F.Murphy disposed of his residence in the south part of town to Mrs. J.M.Johnson, consideration $2,800. Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Bruce and daughter of Linneaus, Mo.are visiting their son A.W.Bruce and family of the Bruce restaurant? Wm.Stine made a business trip to Davenport returning the same day with a new Cadillac car for Dr. Marshall. The new residence of Mrs. A.E.Kessler on the south side of the village is fast nearing completion. Alvah Shook went to Laura, Ill. to take the foremanship of the new Fred Jones Garage there. Miss Edith Hartquist commenced service in Henderson County Farm Bureau as office clerk replacing Miss Dorothy Moore who departed for Adrdale, Mo. M. F. T. Schierbaum resigned his position as local manager for the Western Illinois Utilities Co. and has taken a position with an electric company at Wapello, Ia.

Sutliff and Wallin commenced laying the wall of their new garage. The residence owned by W.B.Towler in the south part of town was bought by Mr. Wax. W. B. Gregory and Vern Woods went to Chicago to bring back two new cars. Geo.J.Hurd and wife and Claude Hurt of Wells, Texas visited the area; they had been gone from here for 27 years. A fine baby boy who arrived on Sept.23 was born to Mr. and Mrs. Cloyd Cox. James Brown accepted a position in Kewanee at one of the shops.