The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1919 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Registrar for Daniel McMillan Chapter, N.S.D.A.R.1919

Stronghurst Graphic, Oct.9, 1919

COMMUNITY CLUB MEETS: The Stronghurst Community Club met at the public school building. The devotional exercises were in charge of Mrs. H.M.Allison. President Mrs. B.G.Widney conducted the business session. The literary program was given by Mrs. Howard Miner who took the subject "City and Country Beautiful." Mrs. W.C.Ivins spoke on "The Possibilities of our own Door Yards." Mrs. I.F.Harter discussed "Making Stronghurst an Ideal Town." Mrs. Elmer Davis in the treatment of her topic, "The Country Beautiful" mentioned cheerful surroundings as the one great requisite in making country life attractive. Mrs. Allen Anneger's topic was "Community Life," comparing the past with today and all the advancement made and needs doing. At the conclusion of speeches the audience was favored with a vocal solo by Miss Alice Wax accompanied on the piano by Miss Erma Kaiser. A fried chicken supper will be held at the Club's dining room on Oct. 14th. It is the desire of the ladies to make this an occasion for welcoming the new teachers and other persons who have lately taken up their abode here.

HIGH SCHOOL IT-EMS: On Oct. 15th an entertainment will given at the U.P.Church under the auspices of the Senior Class. The program will consist of various musical selections and reading by Miss Bailey and Miss Larson. Money collected will be given to the "Gymnasium Fund." It seems to be a custom of each class graduating from S.H.S. to leave some money toward securing a gymnasium in the future.

The teachers decided to have each class take charge of the morning exercises about once every two weeks. Last Tuesday the Seniors were in charge and featured musical selections by Miss Thompson, Mr. Larson and Mr. D.E.Mudd accompanied by Mary Dixson and Joseph Dixson. No. 16 in the high school song book grew so popular with the pupils that it became unpopular with the facility.

Physic experiments have been greatly delayed by the need of proper equipment. If you should hear such expressions as "Bon jour," "Comment vous portes vous" or "Oui, Oui Cherie" uttered by S.H.S. pupils, don't think of the Bolsheviks, but remember that a large class is being exposed to French. Report cards were given out this week and many new resolutions made by the receivers. It is rumored that S.H.S. girls have planned some sort of social activity in the near future.

The undertaker must continue to wear his grin at least for a few days more. Last week's game of football was played without any serious effect except the score which was 19 to 0 in Blandinsville's favor. Stronghurst girls still retain their "pep." This was proven at Blandinsville when our girls completely drowned the girls from that town.

SMALL FIRE AT BEARDSLEY HOME: The clanging of the fire bell at the noon hour caused the populace to turn out quickly and go scurrying towards the M.E.Beardsley residence in the northwest part of the village where a spark from a chimney had started a brisk blaze on the shingle roof of the main part of the house The prompt action of Ralph Knutstrom, son of Mr. and Mrs. T.C. Knutstrom, neighbors of the Beardsleys, no doubt, prevented a serious fire loss. There is a sub fire station on the block in which the two residence are situated and within a few minutes after the fire started young Knutstrom had run out the hose cart, unreeled a lead of hose and attached it to a nearby hydrant and turned a stream of water on the fire.

Little was left to be done when the regular fire apparatus arrived from town. This is the first time that an opportunity has been afforded for proving the wisdom of providing these sub stations and their value to the village was made very evident.

HIS CHILD DIED: Walter Keener arrived here from Simpson, Ill. for a short visit with old friends and while here received word that his infant daughter was dangerously sick. He left at once but before he reached home, his child had died. Mr. Keener, who left here last spring, has a fruit farm near Simpson and sold this season's pear crop for $3,500.

HOG SALE: A good attendance was noted at the Stronghurst Breeders' sale of Big Type Poland-China hogs held at the Hereford Sale Pavilion. While there was a disposition toward conservatism manifested in the bidding due perhaps to the present downward trend of the livestock market and while considering the quality and breeding, the prices realized for some of the animals were slightly disappointing to the consignors, the sale was, on the whole, a very successful one.

The splendid facilities afforded by the big pavilion made it possible for the sale to be handled in a satisfactory manner and the 46 head of boars and gilts included in the offering were disposed of in about two and a half hours by auctioneer Col. W.B.Duncan of Omaha, Nebr. ably assisted by Col's. Gray of Stronghurst, Hutchins of Blandinsville and Eckhardt of Dallas City. The large part of the offering was taken by local farmers and breeders although a number of prominent Poland-China breeders from other communities were here and secured some of the choice individuals of the sale

1894 GRAPHIC: The Illinois Synod of the U.P. Church was in session at the Walnut Grove Church near Media. Dr. W.G.Moorehead of Xenia, Ohio, Evangelist H.W.Bell and W.W.White, D.D. of Chicago were amongst those who delivered addresses. George Duncan of Blandinsville was struck by a train at LaHarpe and died a few hours later. Abe Sperling returned to Stronghurst with a string of running horses; he captured first money in five races and several second and third places. Little Beulah Jamison, the 11 year old daughter of the widow Jamison of Ellison, was dragged and kicked to death by the family horse, which she had gone to be barn lot to catch the horse for her sister to drive to school. She had caught it and in some way, fastened the lead strap to her wrist after which the animal had become frightened and started to run.

1919 (List of subscribers to the 5th Liberty Loan by township is included in this issue.)

GLADSTONE GLEANINGS: Miss Myrtle Ellis of Gladstone and Mr. Samuel Yates of Kenosha, Wis. were united in marriage at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. John Lox in Burlington, Ia. The bride is one of Gladstone's fairest and best young ladies. The groom was a soldier and was overseas in France. He is an electrician. The couple left for Kenosha where the groom has been preparing a house for their coming. Will and Robert Galbraith went to Wisconsin to look after farm lands and a new location. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dutton went to Galesburg Monday evening to hear the great singer, Galli-Curel at the opera house there. Arthur Griffitts moved into the house which Charles Hedges has just finished fixing up. Wm. Hay moved to New Boston. George Jacob was taken back to the Burlington Hospital for treatment. Lee Galbraith is on a hunting trip at Rice Lake, Mo.

CARMAN CONCERNS: Miss Cheryl Babcook went to Dallas City to have dental work done. Mr. and Mrs. C. Hewitt, Mrs. Chas. Ihrens and Mrs. Boger of Burlington and Dr. Harter and wife, Mrs. John Huppert and daughter Julia of Stronghurst and Mrs. Lee Jarvis of Dallas City were in town to attend the funeral of Mrs. Mayme (Brown) Jenkins of Chicago, whose remains were shipped here accompanied by her husband and little daughter and Mrs. Jenkins' sister, Mrs. Janie Nelson. Mrs. Jenkins was the youngest daughter of Mrs. L. Brown and was 38 years of age. She married Mr. Jenkins seven years ago and besides her husband and little step daughter, she leaves to mourn her mother and four sisters, namely, Mrs. Percy Dunham of Florida; Mrs. Janie Nelson of Chicago; Mrs. Lydia Harsch and Mrs. Alice Gludey of Burlington, Ia. besides a number of other relatives and a large circle of friends. The funeral was held at the home of her mother, Mrs. L. Brown. Mail carrier Fred Clover is taking his two week vacation and G.W.Howell is carrying the mail. Clair Dixon went to Oquawka where he will serve on the petit jury.

LOCAL AND AREA HAPPENINGS: John Fordyce spent two or three days in Michigan investigating land prices and farming possibilities. On his return he took in a game in the world's baseball series between the "Sox" and the "Reds." Nat Curry is serving at a petit juror in Oquawka. The Johnson and Gregory Garage filled their new 550 gal. gasoline tank. While down at the depot Max Sanderson's team of mules became frightened at the cars and started to run away up Broadway, but before any damage was done, Max got them under control. C.E.Lant came over from his farm north of Olena and took his uncle Alex Lant from Parsons, Kans. out with him for a visit of a few days with old friends in the Olena country. Uncle Alex, a Civil War veteran, raises purebred Duroc Berkshire hogs. Miss Emma Marshall has returned home from the Galesburg hospital.

William Wolford, son of Mr. Chas. Wolford of the Decorra neighborhood, was severely cut and bruised when the auto in which he was riding on his way to the Nat Bruen farm was overturned in the road. He was brought to Stronghurst and his injuries attended by a physician. Raymond Wolford, a cousin, who was riding with him in the car, escaped with slight bruises. Joe Huff moved out of the rooms above the Hollingsworth Hat Shop to the Nordstrom house in the west part of town. Mr. and Mrs. George Barnett are moving to Lebrick Street in Burlington. Lou Lauver while driving his horse and buggy into Raritan was run into by a car driven by Buell Corzatt breaking Mrs. Lauver's arm and damaging both car and buggy. Dean Cortelyou took three car loads of hogs to Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. W.C.Zugg have taken rooms over the Community Club hall and will do light house keeping.

The funeral of Charles E. Richey was held at the home of his brother, C.G.Richey in Media Township with burial in the North Olena Cemetery.