The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1919 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Registrar for Daniel McMillan Chapter, N.S.D.A.R.1919

Stronghurst Graphic: Nov.6, 1919 

RECOVERS STOLEN AUTO: Fern Houtchens, who works for Ed Links south of town, drove the latter's Ford car to Blandinsville last Sunday evening and sometime during the night the auto was stolen. On Tuesday morning A.E.Jones was called up by telephone by the chief of police of Keokuk, Iowa, who told him that a Ford car believed to be a stolen one, was being held there and that a sales ticket with Mr. Jones' name on it showing the sale of some groceries to Mr. Ed Links, had been found in the car. Mr. Jones had not heard of the theft of the Links car, but he immediately called Links up, telling him of the word received from Keokuk and Ed told him that his car had been stolen. He had no doubt that the one found there was his property.

On Wednesday Mr. Links and his son Hollis went to Keokuk and identified the car as theirs. It seems that the parties who stole the car had crossed the river at Keokuk and then turned south. About a mile out, however, they had come to grief by running into the ditch and overturning the car. One of them, a young man of about 25 years, had gone to a Keokuk garage and had the car hauled in for repairs. The garage men became suspicious that the car was a stolen one and notified the police, who used the clue furnished by the mdse. slip of Mr. Jones in verifying the suspicion and locating the owner. The fellow who had the car hauled to the garage seems to have become aware of the fact that he was under suspicion and made his get away before the police could nab him. Mr. Links says that there was considerable damage done to the car when it overturned and he was obliged to leave it there until the necessary repairs could be made.

MEDICAL ASSOCIATION MEETS: The semi-annual meeting of the Henderson County Medical Association gathered in the Lyric theater with the following named physicians present: Dr. B.L. Ditto, Gladstone-v.president; Dr. J.P. Riggs, Media-sec.; Dr. Emerson, Lomax; Dr. Marshall, Stronghurst; Dr. Lauver, Stronghurst; and Dr. Harter, Stronghurst-all members of the society. The visiting physicians were Dr. T.W.Gillespie of Peoria, who read an interesting paper on rheumatism and Dr. Davis of Galesburg who read a paper on tuberculosis of the hip joint and exhibited a number of X-ray pictures. Dr. H.M.Camp of Monmouth was also present and read a paper of the fracture of the elbow joint. These papers were all discussed. Dr. B.D.Baird of Galesburg was also a visitor.

AFTERNOON ENTERTAINMENT: Mrs. Meredith Lovitt very pleasantly entertained a number of her lady friends Tuesday afternoon in honor of her sister, Mrs. Chas. Zollner. Five hundred was the favored game and the prize was captured by Mrs. Paul Wallin. The hostess served a very dainty two-course lunch assisted by Mrs. H.D.Lovitt.

AMERICAN LEGION BEING ORGANIZED HERE: Through the efforts of Lieut. M.L.Evans, a post of the American Legion will no doubt shortly be organized in Stronghurst. Quite a number of membership application cards have already been signed up by ex-soldier boys of this vicinity and the prospects are that the organization will start off with a good membership roll. Any honorably discharged soldier or sailor is eligible for membership.

HIGH SCHOOL ITEMS: When the football game started last Saturday the captain of Hamilton team thought that we were shrimps, but before the game was finished we were satisfied that he must change his mind.  When the whistle blew for the finish of the game, old S.H.S. had won with a score of 24 to 6.  Stronghurst High has played Hamilton each season for the last three years but was unable to defeat them until last Saturday.  Ford and Sanderson playing half backs made some good runs and many gains.  Kirby, the full back, who goes through the line like a ton of brick, made some fine gains through guard and tackle although he did get his nose somewhat soiled when attempting to root up the ground.  Mudd, who played quarterback, played a good game as he always does.  Putney, left end, Forbes, left tackle, and Vaughn, left guard did some wonderful work holding the line on their side. . .(This article is quite lengthy giving all the details.)

HALLOWEEN PARTY AT SCHOOL:  The girls of S.H.S. gave the boys a Halloween party last Friday night.  Each person was masked and a prize given to the person best disguised.  Miss Gail Brook and Miss Sarah White tied for this prize.  Rudyard Kershaw succeeded in winning the booby prize.  After everyone unmasked, each were given six beans.  Each person was to ask questions and if the person answered yes or no, they had to give a bean up to the person asking the question.  Frank Ford had the most beans at the end of 5 minutes and was given first prize of a box of stationery.  After a few games being play, partners were chosen for supper.  After refreshments were served, a few more games were played and the party broke up with everyone declaring it a success.

TRAVELING IN COMFORT: Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Covey and son Roy of Ottumwa, Ia., after resting up a few days here, departed on their way to Palm Beach, Fla., where they will spend the winter.  The Calafloridian car or home truck in which they were traveling was a car of convenience put in the latest style by their son and included kitchen, dining room, sitting room and bedroom.  Half of one side could be let down for floor space and half could be raised for roof extension; this being done at camping points.  The arrangement afforded a convenient traveling dwelling house on wheels.  The name Calafloridian was given the vehicle from their having already made a trip to California in it. (Early camper!)

1894 GRAPHIC: The member of the K.P. lodge of Stronghurst gave a reception for A.E.Jones previous to his departure on a visit to his old home in Wales.  H.M.Howard, a wagon peddler who was well known in this and adjoining counties, was arrested here on the charge of bootlegging.  He was convicted and fined $65 and costs.  Atty. R.F.Robinson of Stronghurst and Miss Maie Mather of Decorra were married at the home of the bride's parents on Nov.3rd.  The stork tarried in this vicinity on the night of Nov.6th long enough to leave baby girls at the homes of C.G.Richey and D. Steffey and a young son at the P. Matson home.  The first issue of the Media Record made its appearance with editor and publisher being Mr. Wm. Herbertz.  A fine new public school building was dedicated in Gladstone on the evening of Nov.2nd.  Czar Alexander III of Russia died on Nov.1st and concerning his successor, Nicholas, the comment was made: "The Czarowitz is under German influence and his succession to the throne is assumed to forebode ill to France, which had an enlightened friend in Alexander III."

GLADSTONE GLEANINGS: Mrs. John Redebaugh and daughter, Phyllis from Chicago visited with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hedges.  Miss Blanche Duvall went to Chicago where she will take up advance studies in nursing in a school during the next four months.  Miss Duvall, who has graduated from the Iowa City University and has spent eight months in France when she was most needed, believes in progressing in her life work.  Mr. Elmer Jacob and son George returned from Rochester, Minn.  George is much improved since being operated on by Mayo Brothers.  Miss Ruth Forward entertained a number of her friends at her home with a Halloween party.  All made merry until time to take the 11:25 train back to their homes in Monmouth. 

MEDIA MEANDER-INGS: The revival meeting which have been attracting a good deal of interest the past two weeks will close Sunday.  The ladies of the U.P. church served dinner Friday and gave an oyster supper in the evening from which they cleared a nice sum of money.  Mr. W.P.Terry received a letter from her son John saying he had arrived in the U.S. and was at Camp Sheridan and was quarantined there on account of the flu.  Pupils of the public school will gave an entertainment and box supper a week from Friday.  The academy has recently received quite a number of new large framed pictures which would be a credit to any school room.

LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: The farmers report some pretty severe cases of hog cholera in parts of the country.  Mrs. Lelia Johnson moved into the city property she recently bought from Frank Murphy.  Tom Morgan was a Galesburg visitor; Nat and Joe bet that he visits every barber shop in the city before he returns. (Locals were always kidding Mr. Morgan, the barber.) Halloween night with fits spooks and goblins passed off remarkable quiet here.  Besides the windows of our streets being decorated with the usual chalk and soap writing and a few other depredations in the night, it passed off remarkably quiet.  George Dixson drove to Galesburg to bring home his wife from the hospital where she underwent an operation for a tumorous growth in her back just above the kidney.  Her many friends will be pleased to learn that she greatly improved since the operation.  W.B.Gregory moved into the residence recently vacated by Frank Bowen.  Frank moved into the house vacated by Mrs. Lelia Johnson.  Foster Lazear attended the Rexall Drug convention in Chicago.  Thompson & Reynolds garage received two new Chevrolet cars and a new Nash truck from Flint, Mich.  Mrs. A.D.Harvey of Kansas City, Mo. is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Hugh Allison.  Mr. and Mrs. James Brown are moving to Kewanee where he has a carpenter's position and they will make their home.  The A.J.Davis' mule sale held in the Stock yards was well attended.  Forty head of mules sold ranging in age from 3-7 years, mostly unbroken and prices ranging from $300-$445 per team.

LOCAL AND AREA NEWS:  P.W. Wallin of the Sutliff & Wallin garage reports a very successful business thus far.  He returned from Chicago where he had been to close a contract for 100 autos of the Hudson and Essex make, also two new International trucks.  Silas Apt of the Terre Haute neighborhood is now driving a new Ford car.  Born to Mr. and Mrs. Chris Apt on Oct.29 at the Burlington Hospital a baby boy weighing 9 lbs.  From a late planting of corn this season Tom Dodds picked some ears that measured thirteen inches in length and a good size and weight.  One ear is on display at the Beaver barber shop.  Eight carloads of stock were shipped from this place to the Chicago market:Ê John Simonson, 1 car of hogs and 1 car of cattle; John Voorhees, 2 cars of hogs; B.G.Lanphere, 1 can of hogs; C.E.Fort, 1 car of hogs and 1 car of cattle and T.R.Johnson, 1 car of cattle. 

Any casual visitor could hardly failed to be impressed with the fact that Stronghurst was a busy place last Saturday by observing the different attractions and amusements that were staged in the city on that day including the football game, the horse race, the mule sale, the sumptuous dinner and supper served at the Community Club room and the night entertainment at the Lyric theatre.  Automobiles, buggies and wagons lined the streets which were also crowded with people from early morning to late in the night.  Merchants enjoyed a fine patronage from visitors and the day passed off without any disturbing incidents.

Mrs. John Haffner of Oquawka, after a pleasant two weeks visit in the city with her sister, Mrs. Nat Curry, returned to her home in company with her husband Mr. John Haffner.  Mesdames W.F.Shain, Frank Pennock, Lucy Bliss, Sudie Knappen-berger and C.L.Shain and Miss Ruth Manard, all of Dallas City, were guests of Mrs. G.Q.Fort at a luncheon at her home in this village.  Dr. Pollock of the State Board of health of Springfield, Ill. was here investigating the sanitary conditions of the city and secured a sample of the public well water of which he will make a chemical analysis.  The horse race at the Nat Bruen farm last Saturday between the Ed Freeland horse and the Earl Brokaw mare was a quarter mile heat with a running start.  The Freeland horse won the race by almost 100 feet.  A big crowd was in attendance.

At the present time when the game wardens are unusually alert it would be well for those who contemplate engaging in the trapping of fur bearing animals to bear in mind that they are required to take out a trappers license before beginning operations; also that the requirement applies to the taking of fur bearing animals by any method whatsoever. (A warning to the local boys?) M.L.Myers and son of Biggsville after invoicing the Ben L. Mudd and Son grocery stock here have purchased the stock and will also run a butcher shop in connection.  The business will be opened to public under the new name in the same building in a few days.