The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
by Dessa Rodeffer, Quill Publisher/Owner
November 19, 2008
This year's Christmas book will be entitled: "Christmas After the Flood of 2008!" and will be dedicated "to the Flood Victims of 2008 from your businesses and friends."
We realize that many who were displaced by the raging waters of the Mississippi River may be spending their Christmas in a different place this year or in a different way due to the record breaking flood waters.
If you have a flood story you can share about your experiences due to the flood, please share it with us for publication in our 2008 Christmas book.
We are in hopes you will share your stories/and pictures.
It may be a story of how someone helped you out, or about why Christmas will be different this year, or it may be a story about your church or club, and how they helped during the flood, or it might be about someone who took you in and what it meant to you, or about you taking someone in and how that affected your family.
Stories could come from the Health Department, the Salvation Army, County Officials and emergency personnel.
We hope anyone who had anything to do with the flood will take time to document their story in dedication to the flood victims in our midst of 2008, even if you sandbagged for a day or handed out food or sandwiches to others.
If you have a new home, please share your story, or if you moved to a different town, tell us your feelings or how the change has affected you or your family?
Please feel free to call the Quill at 309-924-1871 if you need help. We must receive the articles no later than Monday, December 8th for the book to be printed and ready for insertion in our Wednesday, December 24th's edition of The Quill. If you know someone with a flood story, please encourage them to take part.