The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

La Harpe Community School District #347

Board Meeting

School board members in the school district library Tuesday, Oct. 21st, heard a presentation by Melissa Johnson on RTL (Response to Intervention), a state-mandated plan for carrying out classroom instruction in reading and language.

The purpose of the program is to bridge the gap in instruction between regular and special education students using interventions, involve more staff in the process and eventually utilizing computer programs designed to streamline implementation.

School board members met in the school district library with the following members in attendance: Dan Horton, Cindy Wear, Pam Campbell, Rex Huston, Mark Irish and Deanna Stambaugh.

Also present were Superintendent Jo Campbell, Principal Lila McKeown, Jeanne Clayton, and visitors Jeri Bennett, Laurena Hunter, Melissa Johnson, Todd and Molly Porter.The board heard a facilities committee report by Irish about an initial meeting with the architects who will be providing scenarios for building updates, remodeling, additions, energy-saving items, and much more information for the board to consider in the future.

Horton mentioned the board's desire to house all students under one roof and the importance of gathering information now and for combined school/community involvement as we look toward planning future improvements.

Irish also shared information from the technology committee meeting about the school server, website hosting, staff professional development and tech support for the school computer system.

Ms. Hunter presented information from IWHS Athletic Director Troy Noble, about creating a Hancock County Boy's Basketball Hall of Fame with the participation of each of the boards of education in the county.

Mrs. McKeown shared with the board recent activities of La Harpe School with both girls' and boys' basketball, an 8th grade trip to a Career Expo, and a 6th grade trip to the Teen Health Fair.

The Junior High Student Council sponsored a Pumpkin Decorating Contest with pumpkins donated by Kathi Rogers.

The PTO Fall Festival was a great success.

The student council also planned many activities for Red Ribbon Week including classroom door-decorating, dressing up each day, and "Red Rally Day" on Friday to promote drug-free living on the day of the Lincoln Speech reenactment. Other activities include Pumpkin Farm trips, the Book Fair, and Bus Safety Day.

Mrs. Porter opened a discussion concerning the recently completed baseball season. The board heard Mr. Porter and those attending share their concerns and an open exchange regarding the sports coop followed.

Mr. Campbell shared the foundational purposes for all of our cooperative agreements with the other districts and Horton requested further research into solutions that would work within the guidelines of the sports coop to be presented for board consideration.

Approved board of education meeting minutes are available on the school website at

The next regularly scheduled board meeting will be held on November 18, 2008.