The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
In Appreciation, For Remembering
To the Editor.
It will be 4 years this October when Sadie Shaner (of Stronghurst) was taken from us. She would have been one of the 8th graders (at West Central Middle School) being promoted on May 15th.
It has been a hard time to lose someone so young and full of life. But, as I was told, several of her friends during promotion, wore a purple ribbon in her memory.
What an honor that is to me and her sisters knowing that she is still thought of today.
So, my hat goes off to these young girls, and to their parents for teaching their children about love, respect and friendship. God bless each and every one of you.
Jody, Samantha, and Molly Shaner - Stronghurst
Do You Hear The Message From The Dead?
By Elaine Slater Reese
America, have you not heard the message from the dead? Do you not know what they are saying? Again, it is Memorial Day. The definition of memorial? Anything intended to preserve the memory of a person or event. Memorial Day was established to preserve the memory of those who have given their lives for the freedoms we have today.
America, do you not take seriously that we are a country at war today? Perhaps it is not our neighbor, our friend, or our son or daughter who is uniform. Perhaps we do not actually know one who has come home in a casket. That makes the cost no less. We complain about what the war is costing per day. Can we put a price tag on a loved one's life?
I walk through the cemetery and hear the silent voices - their messages. HE IS GONE - BUT NOT FORGOTTEN. That message on a tombstone signifies, but cannot measure, the grief of a mother and father whose only child never came home. The thought for us today - treasure the relationships we have.. Someday they may be only memories..
The letters on another stone - HE DIED FOR YOU AND M E. And I heard the dead's message -Treasure what you have. This moment is yours. There is absolutely no guarantee for any other time.
Then I see the words: HE CHOSE TO SERVE. This one speaks of his appreciation for his country and his freedoms. His message : give, don't just take. The freedom so many have given their lives for gives us the right to make choices. How lightly do we make them?
HE SERVED WITH PRIDE is on the next stone. What do we each really do to make this country better? We need to honor those in uniform who proudly carry our flag. We need to sincerely thank them. Let's each take some time on this Memorial Day and walk through a cemetery. Look for the flags flying in the breeze. Stand at some stones and give your message of thanks to those who have served this country. LISTEN FOR THE MESSAGE OF THE DEAD.