The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Possibility of Grant
Alice Knapp was present as a guest at the May 8th monthly board meeting for the Raritan Village to discuss the possibility of getting a grant from Western Illinois Regional Council for the purpose to upgrade houses in the Raritan village.
She said that Western Illinois Regional Council would make application for the grant on behalf of the village. It was decided that President Knapp may contact the Regional Council about this.
After trustee Jim Blender opened the meeting in the Raritan Fire House, with prayer, roll call was taken with trustee Knapp, Waller, Blender, Powless and Anders answering roll call.
President Blender reported that Jarrod Strode had been contacted about working on his house.
The village will give him until June 8th to side the house, new roof, mow and clean up the back yard.
The Huss property should be deeded to the village by July 1 from purchase at a tax sale.
In other business the board: