The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

La Harpe Community School District #347 Meeting

The La Harpe School Board held a regular meeting Tuesday night, March 18th, in the school district library.

School board members in attendance were Dan Horton, Ricky Johnson, Rex Huston, Pam Campbell, Cindy Wear, and Mark Irish. Also present were Jo Campbell, Lila McKeown, Pat Deitrich, Brenda Sparrow, Carrie Finch, and Kelly Carpenter.

The board adopted the preliminary school calendar for school year 2009, adopted the Title I District Plan for school year 2009, adopted with regret the reduction in force resolution as presented by the personnel committee for Kayla Carnes, Kristin Boyer, and Erin Fink;

Principal Lila McKeown reported that 5-8 track teams have started practice. There are 18 boys and 9 girls out for the teams.

The honors group recently assisted Mrs. Bartlett and Mrs. Sholl in mailing boxes of books to an elementary school in Watseka which had been flooded and lost their library books.

ISAT tests were taken the week of March 3-7. The junior high students were given "ISAT tickets" as an incentive for trying hard on the tests.

They will have a "reward recess" with a possibility of "buying" a soda, candy bar, and/or sucker with their tickets. This seems to help the students focus and not rush through the test as they are given a ticket at the beginning of the test, in the middle, and at the end of time.

Students participated in a severe weather drill on March 7.

Ms. Hunter passed out the Jump Rope for Heart prizes during an assembly on March 12.

The student council is sponsoring " Spring Fling" this week.

They have selected dress-up days of March Madness Day, Farmer Day, and Senior Citizen Day. They are also sponsoring the 2nd annual Easter Egg Hunt to be held on March 19.

Third quarter reports cards were sent home with students on March 18.

Third, fourth, and fifth grade students also took ISAT tests the week of March 3-7. Each grade level planned a reward party.

The elementary students also practiced for severe weather with a shelter-in-place drill on March 7.

Pre-K sponsored Susan Salidor, a well-known preschool music teacher and songwriter in La Harpe on March 17 at 7:00 p.m.

The kindergarten students and parents were also invited.