The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
June 4, 2008 Regular Meeting
The Board met in regular session with President Dale Allenbaugh presiding and the following present: Trustees-Brian Cochran, Marilyn Evans, Jennifer Hopkins, Gloria Minard, Bob Onion, and Brian Sterett. Treasurer-Gloria Jones. Clerk-Frank Jones. Visitors-Nicky Morgan of Rural Development, Shannon Duncan of WIRC, Randy Anderson, and Richard Liby.
President Dale Allenbaugh opened the meeting at 8:24 p.m. by leading the Pledge of Allegiance of the Flag.
After the Minutes and the Treasurer's reports were read and approved bills were read by Clerk Frank Jones. All apprvoed Gloria Minard's motion that the bills be paid as presented totaling $8,161.50 which included the utilities and environmentatl testing of $1,781.02, Illinois EPA $500, Cessford Construction Co. $513.49, and the Biggsville Water and Sewer Fund of $590, and Rural Water Equipment of $220, along with other expenditures and payroll.
Parks and Recreation-President Dale Allenbaugh thanked all that were involved with "Take Me Out to The Ball Game'. He was pleased with the turn-out for the first time event.
Dale Allenbaugh reported the Village has received the tax exemption for the property purchased from Cook and Olson. The 2007 taxes will be prorated.
Lights-Dale Allenbaugh reported that Ameren IP is considering getting out of the meter light ownership.
Public Relations- Dale Allenbaugh reported that Trash Bash will start at 7:00 a.m. on Saturday morning, June 7,2008. Dale will post flyers for this event.
Streets-Dale Allenbaugh said the alley behind the post office has been graveled. Allenbaugh reported the Bank is going to resurface their parking lot and drive way.
Water- Dale Allenbaugh reported he had received an annual water permit bill from the Illinois EPA. Allenbaugh said this billing will continue until the water project is complete. Clerk Frank Jones said the Illinois EPA bill included in the bills is for the annual sewer permit. Allenbaugh asked Clerk Jones to hold up paying for this bill until he checked it out.
Sewer-The estimate to hook up the generator for the sewer system could be approximately $5,000.
Old Business
Dale Allenbaugh reported the goat is no longer within the Village.
New Business
Dale Allenbaugh reported on Ordinance 300-A-5 concerning Dilapidated Trailers. The Village has two such trailers with people living in and two others that are empty. Dale asked the Board if the Village Attorney should send a letter to the owners to have trailers removed or repaired. No action was taken on this issue and tabled until the next meeting.
Clerk Frank Jones presented Tax Appropriation Ordinance #446 for FY2008/09 and Tax Levy Ordinance #447 for FY2008/09. Gloria Minard moved that Tax Appropriation Ordinance #446 totaling $1,703,785 for all funds, General, Water, Motor Fuel Tax, and Sewer (including $1,000,000 for the Water Project and $480,000 for the Housing Rehab) and Tax Levy Ordinance #447 for period May 1, 2008 through April 30, 2009 totaling $5,441 be approved, seconded by Brian Sterett. Roll was called and all present voted Yes.
Clerk Frank Jones presented Prevailing Wage Ordinance #448 for CY2008. Jennifer Hopkins moved that Prevailing Wage Ordinance #448 be approved, seconded by Gloria Minard. Roll was called and all present voted Yes.
Gloria Minard moved the meeting adjourn at 9:53 p.m. seconded by Jennifer Hopkins. Roll was called and all present voted Yes.
The next regular meeting will be on Wednesday, July 2, 2008 at 7:00 p.m. at the Biggsville Community Building.
/s/ Frank H. Jones, Clerk